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Men like you

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Kate a great post.

Girl there is only one thing I feel that you would owe me, and that depends on me, approaching you with respect and manners, as a fellow like minded person in this community, and that would be a reply to a message (if I sent you one), whether that be good or bad.  If you didn't want to chat with a view to a friendship (of a fellow Aussie) then I am big enough and ugly enough to handle your reply.  I am not going to think any the less of you IF you felt that there was no possible connection. I would wish you well.  YOU are submissive and I am dominant, but I don't own you, I share your desires to enjoy this kinky life, and hope that you find the 'scratch' to your particular itch.

I hate it when people are so selfish, arrogant and demanding of others in this life when they fail to comply with unreasonable expectations.

I enjoy reading your posts and responses/comments.  As a dominant I apologise to you and all other submissives that get the shit end of the stick from those that I believe are not true dominants and who demand unreasonable things. 


@Curvykate this is a fantastic post and I think most if not all women on this site have some dickhead message them and be a douchcanoe!! 🙄 I've had messages before like your with someone why are you on here?! I'm like seriously 🤔 is that question a first world problem 😹 I mean come on!!!!!! Maybe I'm here for the community, maybe I'm here to make friends like maybe if you just ask nicely in the first place, or read my profile properly instead of wanking over my pics, you maybe wouldn't get a sarcastic comment back from me 😂😂 @Liam52 my Sir knows I can look after myself but he'll always step in if needs be!! 


Hahaha absolutely brilliant love it x


Just block those who are disrespectful,who insult you or are rude in any way.There are some fakes,trolls,people with problems,nobady can help them because they are unaware of their problems.Many think that you owe them something or that they deserve something.Hell no,you have to earn it.Want to be respected,respect.Need a help,just ask and so on.


Manners don't cost anything. Call me old fashoned but I would never make these assumptions and yes I'm a man. Hail the block button. Idiots is the last thing anybody needs in life


When i send a message to somebody and they do not respond,i dont message them again.They have their reasons not to,i dont have to know them but have to respect their decision.If you continue to message them again and again that is bothering,annoying ,being idiot.Yes block button is wonderful!


Fantastic post 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Yesterday at 09:05 AM, LilMissBrat said:

Great write up! 

This post is so relatable... Not just on this site but in general every day life. Which is awful. There isnt one women i know who hasn't experience something along these lines.. Whether in the kink or vanilla life.

It is very sad as it affects how so many women experience kinky community.

Yesterday at 09:17 AM, NaughtyBabygirlx said:

Love this! Well said x

Thank you 🙏🏻

22 hours ago, MossyBoy said:

Kate a great post.

Girl there is only one thing I feel that you would owe me, and that depends on me, approaching you with respect and manners, as a fellow like minded person in this community, and that would be a reply to a message (if I sent you one), whether that be good or bad.  If you didn't want to chat with a view to a friendship (of a fellow Aussie) then I am big enough and ugly enough to handle your reply.  I am not going to think any the less of you IF you felt that there was no possible connection. I would wish you well.  YOU are submissive and I am dominant, but I don't own you, I share your desires to enjoy this kinky life, and hope that you find the 'scratch' to your particular itch.

I hate it when people are so selfish, arrogant and demanding of others in this life when they fail to comply with unreasonable expectations.

I enjoy reading your posts and responses/comments.  As a dominant I apologise to you and all other submissives that get the shit end of the stick from those that I believe are not true dominants and who demand unreasonable things. 

It is nice to see support from dominants, thank you.

20 hours ago, Tazzography17 said:

Hahaha absolutely brilliant love it x

Thanks very much!

20 hours ago, Queenie63 said:

Superb piece of writing

Too kind! 🤗

19 hours ago, hollyass said:

Just block those who are disrespectful,who insult you or are rude in any way.There are some fakes,trolls,people with problems,nobady can help them because they are unaware of their problems.Many think that you owe them something or that they deserve something.Hell no,you have to earn it.Want to be respected,respect.Need a help,just ask and so on.

I do make use of the block button. But really why should I have to? Why should I have to read that some guy would like me to chop his dick off? A message that I’ve reported and had no response about btw. It’s like being bullied in your own inbox. You can’t unsee things or sometimes easily forget nasty words.

18 hours ago, sitonmyface2020 said:

Manners don't cost anything. Call me old fashoned but I would never make these assumptions and yes I'm a man. Hail the block button. Idiots is the last thing anybody needs in life

I wanted to be quite particular with this post and that’s why I went with Men like you. Because it’s only addressed to those who recognise themselves and their behaviour, not those who aren’t entitled or expectant. Thank you.

10 hours ago, Kittenlovescream said:

Fantastic post 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

🙏🏻 Thank you Kitten 🤗

On 9/1/2020 at 9:11 PM, H8hmwrekrs said:

In the same regard, female dominants/scammers etc seem to think we are less than dirt, piggy banks etc. It truly amazes me how disrespectful most are. We are all human first and should be treated as such until we've both agreed to enter that dynamic together!

I think this is something that comes up a few times and, well, this is the difference between Kate's post and the people you are on about.

So - the people Kate refers to are men who are usually behaving entitled.

The people you are on about are usually also men - sitting with a catfished photo reading from a script.  

This isn't a "men have it the same" type of argument.  

58 minutes ago, Curvykate said:

I do make use of the block button. But really why should I have to? 

I agree.  I feel it becomes somewhat of an easy answer "just block and move on" but it doesn't really do anything.

So, there's been men on the forum who've moaned they've "been blocked without an explanation" - and it might be they've done something blatantly wrong, or the conversation was deteriorating and the lady they were talking with felt that blocking would be a better solution than saying "sorry, this isn't working - I don't want to talk to you any more" only to be faced of "but why", "can you let me know what I did wrong", "plzzzzz goddess xxxxxx", etc.

(or, of course, trying again 2-3 months later)

Threads like this ~are~ things that go towards the explanation.

And I feel.

If Ladies just quietly blocked people for whatever reason and moved on - this prevents the sharing and communication of experiences.  Be it, other people saying "hey, that happened to me too" and feeling they're not alone - and also there's an explanation to men about what sort of behaviour isn't cool and what may lead to a block *they feel* might have been unfair.

"hur hur - this is a fetish site, are we not supposed to talk about our fetishes? maybe everyone else is wrong except for me?" (which is a conversation I've just had on another site regarding the poor quality of male subs.  Should men up their game or women lower their standards? I think the former.) 


And I also feel, that just blocking and 'moving on' the person in question being blocked then moves onto the next person, then the next - so yeah, it's important for people to know what sort of shit is being dealt with


I stand and applaud you 👏👏👏 ❤️❤️ Great post and unfortunately won’t stop it from happening 98% of my messages I get are exactly that  there are very far and few that I get a respectful message I called it out last time as it truly upset me the horrid horrid words he called me it was reported and thankfully he has left the site  

I think in future  that these messages  will not get any response as fed up of trying to point out to them a polite message will get them further with engagement and a reply but again goes on deaf ears and continue to get *** what are we to do ? 

Thank you for writing this and sorry your experiencing these messages ❤️❤️❤️

2 hours ago, Curvykate said:

I do make use of the block button. But really why should I have to? Why should I have to read that some guy would like me to chop his dick off? A message that I’ve reported and had no response about btw. It’s like being bullied in your own inbox. You can’t unsee things or sometimes easily forget nasty words.

I've had to report a "dom" for a truly vile message to me. I assume reports get looked into (would be nice if we got told of any action but maybe it's not practical) but how do you unsee it?

1 hour ago, eyemblacksheep said:

I agree.  I feel it becomes somewhat of an easy answer "just block and move on" but it doesn't really do anything.

So, there's been men on the forum who've moaned they've "been blocked without an explanation" - and it might be they've done something blatantly wrong, or the conversation was deteriorating and the lady they were talking with felt that blocking would be a better solution than saying "sorry, this isn't working - I don't want to talk to you any more" only to be faced of "but why", "can you let me know what I did wrong", "plzzzzz goddess xxxxxx", etc.

(or, of course, trying again 2-3 months later)

Threads like this ~are~ things that go towards the explanation.

And I feel.

If Ladies just quietly blocked people for whatever reason and moved on - this prevents the sharing and communication of experiences.  Be it, other people saying "hey, that happened to me too" and feeling they're not alone - and also there's an explanation to men about what sort of behaviour isn't cool and what may lead to a block *they feel* might have been unfair.

"hur hur - this is a fetish site, are we not supposed to talk about our fetishes? maybe everyone else is wrong except for me?" (which is a conversation I've just had on another site regarding the poor quality of male subs.  Should men up their game or women lower their standards? I think the former.) 


And I also feel, that just blocking and 'moving on' the person in question being blocked then moves onto the next person, then the next - so yeah, it's important for people to know what sort of shit is being dealt with

I was chatting to a Dom a few weeks ago, he asked me why he wasn't having any luck with me, or anyone.. he came across as way to keen to arrange to meet. I told him. There was no nastiness, or ill feeling. So sometimes block isn't always the answer. (Slightly different in that he wasn't rude or entitled, just eager I suppose though)

Posted (edited)

Perhaps some sort of system where if a profile receives x amounts of blocks, it gets looked into to find out why they were getting so many. The profile has the ability to log how many messages are sent and received so surly loging how many blocks should be just as simple, ie percentages of profiles contacted to number of blocks.

Ive had to say Thanks, but no thanks to many people and they often leave it at that or ask for a reason which i openly give. These people dont get blocked and they dont block me.

Edited by SirGreen
35 minutes ago, Bounty said:

I was chatting to a Dom a few weeks ago, he asked me why he wasn't having any luck with me, or anyone.. he came across as way to keen to arrange to meet. I told him. There was no nastiness, or ill feeling. So sometimes block isn't always the answer. (Slightly different in that he wasn't rude or entitled, just eager I suppose though)

I sometimes feel there's this weird edge between not raising meeting and it looking like not interested versus raising too soon.

I think being too pushy too quick, especially during covid, does often come across badly

Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

I sometimes feel there's this weird edge between not raising meeting and it looking like not interested versus raising too soon.

I think being too pushy too quick, especially during covid, does often come across badly

It can be tricky, yeah.

Idk, something like "open to the idea of meeting if we get on" rather than "let's meet"

Its the guys that ask (Or tell) let's meet within a few lines of their opening message.

There's nothing wrong with being direct, and if all you want is a NSA hook up, arranged within hours of contacting someone, cool. I'm not one of those people. I say so on my profile.


It's the men who think that they have a right to say what they like, demand we do x,y,z for them and expect us to be waiting to arrange to meet someone because we're submissives and/Or women.

Edited by Bounty
Added to

This community as in vanilla is full of entitled "men" I won't use the title "Dom" as these sorts don't deserve that respect. The main problem as I see it is it's ten times worse, as for some strange reason these men think that submissive means dirt/stupid/desperate and property. They in a general sense think it's a right to be able to say what they like to whom they like with no thought whatsoever for the emotional *** this can cause, they frankly don't care. It's a problem I have written about a couple of times with very similar threads to this fine one. 


It seems these fools are not going to change so it's the way they are dealt with that needs looking at. I have had it said a couple of times from submissives that it feels wrong to block/ignore when messaged even if the message is downright rude or spiteful. With respect ladies that is tosh, it's obvious what sort of man you are dealing with so don't hesitate. Screenshot the offending messages, report and block. They don't deserve any respect, they don't deserve the rights you would afford a decent man so really in your minds they should be viewed differnlently as they are no "D"


A Dom knows what respect is, a Dom knows how to approach others in the correct manner but most of all a Dom knows what no means and will accept that with good grace and wish you well on your journey. These fools are not Dominant although in that empty head of theirs sadly they think that they are and that is half the problem. 

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