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Writing From the Opposite Perspective


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From time to time, I have considered writing a fictional erotic story.  Yet, as I mull-over my ideas, they suddenly seem bland, trite, and exploitive---mere self-gratification.  Have any other aspiring writers come across this quandary?

That got me wondering about writing from the opposite perspective.  How many writers had tried this?  It could be a Dom or Domina writing from the perspective of a sub (or vice-versa).  Maybe, a man writing from the perspective of a woman (or vice-versa).  Does this cause one to use their imagination more---and thus, make the story more interesting?  Or, does it have the opposite effect?  I have wondered if one of my stories might seem more interesting and erotic, if presented as a "femdom" tale.

Perhaps, writing from the opposite perspective, might make an interesting challenge, for the next Short Story Competition.


I think its a matter of style. I know I can do perspective shifts easily, but I write in second person writing "You" into the situation. I believe there are plenty of ways to cross this bridge you are speaking about. Part 3 of "The Pool Hustler..." is going to be written from her perspective. I think really it all comes down to your skill as a writer presenting the action, our protagonist in my mentioned series. He offers something to Sub and Doms alike in terms of content and his struggle. The attic I write from the perspective of a female sub a story someone inspired, yet I am not female nor do I have a Dom. 

I think its just a matter of knowledge and imagination :) You should practice and give a go anyway, and take feedback and criticisms to better inform and evolve your own style. Good luck, Ill be watching out for you. 


I worry that my stories will seem to tame or boring to ppl, because I'm at the beginning of my journey still. But I enjoy writing them, they help out my feelings, and ppl have been very kind with feedback and seem to enjoy them. I don't feel confident enough to step far out of my comfort zone just yet - i wouldn't feel authentic. But maybe as i learn...

2 minutes ago, Charligirl said:

I worry that my stories will seem to tame or boring to ppl, because I'm at the beginning of my journey still. But I enjoy writing them, they help out my feelings, and ppl have been very kind with feedback and seem to enjoy them. I don't feel confident enough to step far out of my comfort zone just yet - i wouldn't feel authentic. But maybe as i learn...

More boring then mine, lololol  Dare I say they are even wholesome! I think all that matters is a story feels real and is entertaining, is this relatable you know. Could I see myself in this situation? You have good content, I would suggest trying a second person form telling the story of your character through the experience of the reader. That is where all the authenticity and experience is. You should be proud of your work! You have a lot of fans.....


The most important thing I ever learned in writing is to write what you want to read. Forget about everyone else. If you do not like it, why will anyone else?

I think I have written from both perspectives, sometimes narrating the thoughts of the Submissive while describing from a third person view.
I was advised, however, that most literotica is written by female Submissives (I do not know how true this is), so apparently me being a male Dominant erotic author is rare and I was told to focus on my perspective.

Write your ideas, no matter what they are (so long as you like them), and I am sure somebody will enjoy reading them. More than likely you will be surprised at how many people do. There is only one way to find out.


I write purely for myself, nothing is published anywhere, nobody ever reads it, mostly because i feel its very amateur attempts, but i have tried writing from the other perspective once before. I found it quite refreshing, and it gave me the opportunity to to write a scenario and have my Dom do all the things i wanted for a change.  I wrote the same scenario from both sides, and the 2 friends i asked to proof read, both said they enjoyed the intensity of the second piece. I think i just felt more freedom about having control over both sides, so it showed in my willingness to be more daring and almost aggressive in content. 


I think its a great idea for self development to write both sides of the story. If nothing else, it enhances our own awareness of the other side of the dynamic and the roles and emotions that come in to play. I do like the idea of switching sides for a short story competition ^^


They say the best writers are those who have written a heap of rubbish stories. You only get good by practice, learning and developing, and that's never going to happen unless you write something even if the first ones are rubbish.

4 hours ago, bittenkiss said:

They say the best writers are those who have written a heap of rubbish stories. You only get good by practice, learning and developing, and that's never going to happen unless you write something even if the first ones are rubbish.

fuck yeah.. practice-experience-mastery

how much in life do we never get truly good at or enjoy due to our own insecurities?


Thanks everyone, for your great replies.  I have not yet decided, if I wish to write fiction.  It really depends on whether I can find the time.  It has taken me two days to get back here, just to check this thread.  Too many projects going...  It does tough, give me some good options for story ideas.  Maybe, one will inspire me.

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