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Paddy's Past - The Quest to Excalibur


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Paddys Past  - The Quest to Excalibur 

His Custom machine glided thru the London traffic with ease , The knowledge of the streets was only matched by those of a Hackney cab nature .

Under the dark helmet and sunglasses the smile shined as his pale blue steed raced to it destination..
With his plans of Destiny , Destruction and Debauchery already afoot. 

His machine glided to a soft stop, outside Knightsbridges most famous resident. 
His custom machine gently humming between his thighs.
His smile stopped due to the cunt on his right hand side , The cunt jeered and sneered at pirate from his sleek Italian machine , the one with the thoroughbread upon is hood.

The Red light 
The thoroughbred shakes and roars for its realese.
Pirate lights a cigarette upon his machine. 

The Amber Light
The thoroughbred wants to escape as cunt coeds pirate on about machine,  cunts machine rattles for freedom.
Pirates  fingers ease slowly from back brack,
As the tobacco leaves his lungs.

The Green light
Pirates grip from breaks loosens , and the throttle is twisted to the ground. 
His Italian machine screamed to the next set of amber lights, as he saw Cunts jaw drop as he watched pirates machine beat his to the next set of lights. 
His throrabread limped to pirate,  and the cunt was quite with shame.
Pirate exhaled his cigarette and flicked at cunt.
The ember hit the cunts thoroughbred,  and the cunt new this was a simple punishment for his actions,  as his manhood was publicly shamed.

Pirate races through London , and the smile shines, The mix of old and new  speeds thru the ancient city and escapes to the darkness of those country lanes and roads
Heading to Pirates throne room.
The hours speed by, and the smile shines.

As full darkness settles he arrives at his destination, 
A place full of rage , sex ,***, *** and debauchery. 
He was home for the weekend, 
And that home was called
 Excalibur Nightclubs 

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