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Hello to a fan


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His coffee did the trick and awoke his senses.
As mins turn to hours.
He does his thing , and enjoys his conversation and connections.

A little green circle appears on his device,
let's Fet it out " as the tag line would say"

You have a fan or stalker

She has spent the morning devouring your stories, you see the list grow every few minutes.
She has completed your library, in quick enough time.

You , being the curious person that you are.
You try to speak to the fan or stalker , to lay a foundation for us to build upon

But like star trek
" her shields are up & messages are blocked "

So like many over humans out there , we think out of the box , to get our message across

And now that's why you should always dbl check your settings.

She knows who she, as I wont name her for *** of embarrassment

And this was penned for
the stalker or fan of paddy

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