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Darkness enveloped her in such a way that she was unsure if her eyes were open or closed, blinking frantically for any glimmer of light. Dishevelled hair clung to her face, matted in tears, sweat, and spittle that she had long since abandoned trying to wipe away. Frenzy and panic had caused her to kick and pound fists against the walls of her confined space, leaving her feeling dazed and spent. She was small, but her prison smaller still, and she had her knees pinned to her chest, arms wrapped around her folded legs. She was pretty sure she was lying on her back, but in the cramped quarters, directional awareness was near impossible. Droplets of body fluid ran down her face, and she was sure then that she must be on her back.
Her body hurt from the fit, and now that the adrenaline was spent, cramps began to knot in her muscles. She tried to shift her hands to massage her thighs, but it hurt to move. The unbearable heat only made it worse, and she sobbed lightly trying to remember what brought her to this fate. The fog in her head made plucking thoughts frustrating, and she bit her bottom lip hard trying to clear her mind. Saliva spilled down her chin and fell to her sweat saturated shirt; at least, she thought it was spit. Rubbing her face against the fabric covering her shoulder, she hoped it was just spit - lest she smeared *** everywhere. In the dark though, everything is stained black.
She must have dozed off in the oppressive heat, waking suddenly with the urgency of a morning piss, her bladder feeling ***fully full. Yawning widely, she wondered how long she had been contained, guessing she had spent the night from her slumber. She squeezed her inner thighs together tightly hoping to relieve the pressure building in her loins. It didn't help her situation in the least, but instead sent pangs over her form as if needles had pierced all through her body. Gritting her teeth, she bit off a scream trapped in her throat. When the agony eased, she tried measured breathing to try to processes the *** she endured, trying to focus on anything else to distract herself.
Why was she here? Those words echoed through the box as if shouted. This must certainly be a punishment, she thought as she touched the boundary of her area trying vainly to learn any clues to the situation. Easily tracing the edges of space, she only learned what she already knew: she was trapped within a rectangular box shape. Maybe it was the heat that seemed to steal her breath or the unmistakable need in her abdomen, she could not figure out any reason for the question.
Abruptly, wetness burned between her legs and flooded her cotton panties, and a feeling of shameful relief overcame her. She wanted to weep in ***, but she wasn't sure she had much hydration left in her body as piss pooled beneath her. The smell caused her to gag wildly, and bile poured from her mouth as if someone turned on a faucet into it; she didn't dare try to swallow so much spit, ***ing it would cause her to lose her already weak stomach. Instead, she just let it drizzle to her breasts and saturate her shirt. THIS is ***, she knew without a shadow of a doubt.
Blinding light seared her eyes as the lid was flung open unexpectedly. She had the luxury of bewilderment for just a brief moment as icy water covered her from head-to-toe. She huffed and yelped, but it felt divine in comparison to the hell she had just been in. Her eyes refused to adjust, and all she could make out in the brightness was the tall, shadowy figure of a man. He propped a boot on the lip of the trunk and peered at the trembling girl, her eyes wide with terror.
"Why are you here?" The silhouette barked at her with all the compassion and obvious care of an irate drill sergeant.
"Because I pushed buttons, Cade!" she stammered through chattering teeth, surprised by the instantaneous response. She was vexed over how easy that answer had came at his demand, while she struggled to command her own mind.
He handed her a bottle of water. "Here," he spoke simply, trying to direct her attention.
"Thank you, Cade," her voice came out as a hoarse whisper, and she drank the cool liquid in greedy gulps. She had felt parched, and feeling the water fill her, her mind was returning. "How long have I been in here? You said I'd only be in here overnight; is my time up?"
He laughed deeply before he replied. "Silly girl," his tone left no mistake of his satisfaction, "you've barely been in the hotbox for about 15 minutes, at most! Just long enough to fill a bucket of water." She could hear him snicker, but shock had knocked the wind from her chest, and she sat with mouth agape and confusion in her eyes. Towering over the chest, he savored her distress for a long minute before slamming the lid closed.
Once again, she drowned in absolute darkness.


id like to know the before and after stories... 

2 hours ago, little_red_92 said:

id like to know the before and after stories... 

The abridged version pre-story:

She asked what would happened if she acted like a brat with me.

The abridged version post story:

She disappeared and was never to be heard from again.


1 hour ago, Cade said:

The abridged version pre-story:

She asked what would happened if she acted like a brat with me.

The abridged version post story:

She disappeared and was never to be heard from again.


Love this!

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