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Bondage on BBC

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Hope this is ok, just thought I'd pass this on, for anyone interested. The BBC's website posted a video about bondage as therapy called "Can Bondage Help to Heal?" Should be easy to find without me getting in trouble for providing the url.


Thanks for posting this, I’m writing a blog about this and exploring this for myself so this is really useful for me x


Anything the BBC has got to offer I will avoid thanks

2 hours ago, Chiana said:

Anything the BBC has got to offer I will avoid thanks

Then you don't qualify as "anyone interested," do you? Just pass it by without the bitchy comment, thanks.


I just watched this short film and it’s absolutely outstanding. The whole concept that you can be helped to overcome the trauma of past bad experiences not by talking but by being physical. Just amazing. Well worth watching.


I don't know if anyone read the ad I placed on this topic but I am so glad u posted this. No I haven't heard of it but that is exactly why I made the effort to rejoin the scene after a decade long hiatus. ( Divorce). When I first entered the scene it was due to a dancer I met that was in an apprenticeship at a dungeon in Hi. and she was lucky to have an old- school finishing school type madam . I remembered the structure and what that subspace felt like. I have been to therapy... useless as they just ask me what I want to do about it. Like a college drop out is more qualified than those degrees on there wall. Does anyone think a d/s relationship or just sessions could help reset ones fight or flight response? The core of all panic and many anxiety disorders


Any input would be so very much valued. I hope everyone is well and please y'all, do be patient and kind to each other throughout these dark days and remember everyone is bound to be on a shorter fuse.... especially those were closest too!

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