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Hi I’ve just joined this site and have been into bdsm for a long while, I have tried many things but something that I found lately is choking myself by belt or rope , I first tried it yesterday and can’t seem to stop it feels so erotic and turns me in so much. I am wondering if this is too weird or are there many other people into this. Every time I get a spare minute at the moment I want to put something around my neck. Can anyone recommend a collar or something to remind me all the time how close I am to choking thanks.


Have a check on this forum item, which appeared about a month ago. https://www.fetish.com/topic/16654-advice-on-breath-play-wanted/
Have a collar, by all means, but restricting *** flow and breath around the neck, isn't recommended as you'll see from the comments. Please be careful.


Thanks for your comments but I just can’t help the way it makes me feel !!!


Your safety is the important thing, I know it makes you feel good but you must be really careful sweetie


It's called auto-erotic asphyxiation and it's how Michael Hutchens (the lead singer of INXS) accidentally killed himself, so....yeah, be careful.

6 hours ago, Snuffy69 said:

Thanks for your comments but I just can’t help the way it makes me feel !!!

I feel you. I really do, it can be super dangerous but the arousal and orgasm I receive makes it hard to deny. I love being ***d, I love everything about it from the shortness in my breath, to the feel of hands around my throat. In my experience it is best to find a knowledgeable partner to practice with.


Yes it is such a turn on, I didn’t think I would ever do anything like this but i can’t help the way it makes me feel you are right though I need to find someone to can do it safely, so far I have only ***d myself.

3 hours ago, Snuffy69 said:

Yes it is such a turn on, I didn’t think I would ever do anything like this but i can’t help the way it makes me feel you are right though I need to find someone to can do it safely, so far I have only ***d myself.

Please please Be careful. Self choking really can be insanely dangerous.


I know and thank you but I can’t help it I need to do it two or three times a day or more !!!


is it something you found or someone showed you lightly ?


Best to practice safely but does heighten up the lust for sex acts during foreplay.. also doggy style and other positions 


I’ve only managed to practice on myself but feels amazing !! 


Just don't do what many movie stars have done in the past about to loose consciousness and either snapped their own necks falling needed an ambulance or done some damage to themselves its a tricky art to perfect it more so for you to place your trust in another to do. Knowing your safe in another's hands 


I wish I could find someone who would do it for me, but so far not. 

31 minutes ago, Snuffy69 said:

I wish I could find someone who would do it for me, but so far not. 

If you do find someone, make sure they have a brilliant lawyer because if things go wrong (and there is a very high risk of that) they'll need it.

I understand the thrill, I've experienced it but some things just aren't worth risking your  (and some one elses) life for.

29 minutes ago, Bounty said:

If you do find someone, make sure they have a brilliant lawyer because if things go wrong (and there is a very high risk of that) they'll need it.

I understand the thrill, I've experienced it but some things just aren't worth risking your  (and some one elses) life for.

extremely true soft play to start with pushing extreme limits is another x

15 minutes ago, gaggedredraw said:

extremely true soft play to start with pushing extreme limits is another x

RACK ... Risk aware consensual kink.


I love impact play. I'm aware of the risks, of serious *** (pretty low with someone who knows what they're doing) so I consent.

Choking is way too risky for me to consent to no matter how good it is.


I understand what you are saying. It just feels so amazing !!!


To be frank, you’re risking damaging your larynx, brain damage, cardiac arrest or in the extreme - death. Your response to whatever has been said is “oh but it feels amazing”. Amazing enough to risk all of those things the 2-3 times a day you are getting close to passing out?

5 minutes ago, Curvykate said:

To be frank, you’re risking damaging your larynx, brain damage, cardiac arrest or in the extreme - death. Your response to whatever has been said is “oh but it feels amazing”. Amazing enough to risk all of those things the 2-3 times a day you are getting close to passing out?

I agree, reason often needs to override need no matter how "boring" reason seems. Nothing sexy or feel good about brain damage or death  and definitely nothing good for the person that finds you.


Sorry to the OP if this seems harsh but sometimes the truth is just that

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