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5 minutes ago, Morganna said:

I agree, reason often needs to override need no matter how "boring" reason seems. Nothing sexy or feel good about brain damage or death  and definitely nothing good for the person that finds you.


Sorry to the OP if this seems harsh but sometimes the truth is just that

It is harsh to hear but necessary. I’ve tried it although never to the point the OP has. I really liked it. And that scared me. And then what I read just scared me off for good.

2 minutes ago, Curvykate said:

It is harsh to hear but necessary. I’ve tried it although never to the point the OP has. I really liked it. And that scared me. And then what I read just scared me off for good.


I LOVED being ***d. Too much!

That's too dangerous.


I absolutely love when a man ***s me during sex, it makes me cum supper hard! Now for me if his hands are in just the right spot I can breathe perfectly fine but the pressure and the feeling of him choking me sends an electric jolt straight to my clit

30 minutes ago, VoyeurBBWLady said:

I absolutely love when a man ***s me during sex, it makes me cum supper hard! Now for me if his hands are in just the right spot I can breathe perfectly fine but the pressure and the feeling of him choking me sends an electric jolt straight to my clit

You still risk serious ***. To your trachea, the *** vessels, everything.


If I've understood this right the OP is doing this to themselves, on their own.

That's dangerous. if you must do this then have somebody there who can intervene. 

From oxygen depravation to brain damage is about 3 mins tops. Less if you were already out of breath. The risk is massive. 

Asking a third party to assist risks a lot, the warnings that @Bounty and @Curvykate have given need to be taken seriously. 


An extreme topic, play to a point slight small touch pressure, trust level is immense, knowing what to do in an emergency, no rope, no collar hand pressure only, many take it that bit further, play safely or not at all, i've only trusted 1 person to do so to me, vice versa if that offends sorry but saying it as it is. 

I place my life in other people's hands every day, vice versa knowing when to react at all costs, who to trust and not to, we all have our own limits, kinks, fantasies, want to try interested in, curious about and so on, being heavy handed is to some people's tastes, being light to begin with and take it from there is others, random kinks is what makes fetishes addictive, that's why we are here never the less so is the advice on all levels. 

respect to all x


I love to be lightly ***d, but lack of ***/oxygen to the brain can be dangerous, at the very least you can pass out in seconds.


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