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I feel lost and alone in this world.
People to chat with come and go so quickly.
Everyone seems to want different things to me.
Are my expectations simply too high? Or just plain unrealistic?
Surely I can’t be the only one that feels this way.
Is it impossible to have happiness alongside needs and desires?
I’m beginning to wish I had never discovered this side of me.
‘Ignorance is bliss’ has never resonated so much.

Apologies for posting something a bit depressing. I simply had the urge to and went with it.


You're not alone.

Chat can be transient.


Is it possible to find real, deep connections? Yes.

Is it easy? No.


Worth it? Absofuckinglutely!


Nah there's plenty of people who are lost and alone like myself .but I guess alot choose to hide it and plod along


It takes time to find someone who is local and a good match, and you do have to talk to a lot of people along the way. Learn from every chat, about you, and those you chat to. Ds is a journey and you're at the start of yours x


You're definitely not the only one. I feel the same way as you do. Did question many times already if maybe my expectations are just too high.. but still hoping for some luck and finding close match to my hopes. So crossing fingers for you to find yours 😉


You need to decide what the most important thing is that you are looking for - outside of love, respect, fun, etc - and try to find someone also into that. You can introduce some of the other things over time. You will both at least be of the same kinky mind set. Hit me up if you want to discuss.

3 hours ago, Phoenix3005 said:

I feel lost and alone in this world.
People to chat with come and go so quickly.
Everyone seems to want different things to me.
Are my expectations simply too high? Or just plain unrealistic?
Surely I can’t be the only one that feels this way.
Is it impossible to have happiness alongside needs and desires?
I’m beginning to wish I had never discovered this side of me.
‘Ignorance is bliss’ has never resonated so much.

Apologies for posting something a bit depressing. I simply had the urge to and went with it.

There are no expectations too high or too unrealistic not to strive for them.

You're amongst friends... And I'd be surprised if none of us hadn't questioned ourselves in the same way.

Your needs and your desires are the cornerstone of your happiness.

They are relevant, justified and important.

They are the foundation from which to realise your own potential as you truly are. 

Not only that but somebody out there wants exactly the same things you do.

And if ignorance was bliss they'd be missing out wouldn't they? 

So embrace it.

Build new friendships and relationships.

There is literally nothing in life more important x



Hey you're not alone. Ask the universe and it will provide, eventually, its suffering from c19 right now. Embrace you and be you, life is too short to be anything else.


I think many of us feel the same or similar. I don't have great advise to get over it because I struggle with it myself.

6 hours ago, VoyagerX said:

There are no expectations too high or too unrealistic not to strive for them.

You're amongst friends... And I'd be surprised if none of us hadn't questioned ourselves in the same way.

Your needs and your desires are the cornerstone of your happiness.

They are relevant, justified and important.

They are the foundation from which to realise your own potential as you truly are. 

Not only that but somebody out there wants exactly the same things you do.

And if ignorance was bliss they'd be missing out wouldn't they? 

So embrace it.

Build new friendships and relationships.

There is literally nothing in life more important x


☝️☝️☝️☝️never drop your standards, dont get into something half arsed. Nothing wrong with expectations but patience is a must. Accept that being single is better than something that does not fit, and peace you will find. Happiness is what we all seek, just sometimes in different forms, it will find you but it's no quick fix and again, patience 😊


Hi as has been said above expectations and standards are good and you need to keep them if you’re going to build something more. It takes a lot of time and patience - there will be many false starts.
I may not be the best person talk about it - been single for a long time.
In the non-kink world it takes along time and a luck to find the one in the kink world the pond is a bit smaller so harder to meet the one. All I can suggest is that you keep on with the chat keeping in mind that it is superficial and transient and when rl munches and events are allowed go to them as well.
All the best luck - you will succeed !!


I see you’re a similar age to me - did you discover this side of yourself quite recently? It’s really tough dealing with it all. And downright impossible in a pandemic. There are a lot of people here who have the same needs as you, who understand. Stay and chat with us.


Stay true to yourself. If you change who you are to please others, your not being the best you can be. Your not alone, it just takes time for that special person to find you. Take time to chat and learn about others. They might not be like you or in any way but they can help you to understand what you don’t like and more importantly what you have yet to discover that you do like. Door often open when you least think they will. X


It's all been said. Know what you want, be part of the community, learn to be patient, keep looking and stick to your standards. There is no quick fix but you will find support here.

8 hours ago, Donnykinkster said:

☝️☝️☝️☝️never drop your standards, dont get into something half arsed. Nothing wrong with expectations but patience is a must. Accept that being single is better than something that does not fit, and peace you will find. Happiness is what we all seek, just sometimes in different forms, it will find you but it's no quick fix and again, patience 😊

Exactly that.

Build friendships and relationships first... rather than jumping in with both feet.

22 hours ago, Phoenix3005 said:

Surely I can’t be the only one that feels this way.

This. It's a theme I've brought up on another site's forums only today.


You are not the only one, and your expectations are not too high - don't compromise them.


It's a simple matter of numbers. It might take a (***fully) long time to find what you are looking for, but logic states that you can't be alone. However you feel about life, about love, about the universe, there ARE others who share your outlook.


Hang on in there - you will find what you seek. Good luck.


Welcome to reality, depending what you want, your fantasy will stay locked inside if your expectations are unrealistic. Beside you only signed up 3 months ago, and this site tend to attract the wrong type of peoples on both side. Bored housewife wanting to spice up their life and men who found out there are some women out there who like being spanked like in porn they have been watched since the lockdown...
before establish what you want make sure you know who you are....then maybe you can answer yourself about your expectations.


I found exactly what i wanted on a site similar to this. We had an amazing 4 years until family needs changed so we could no longer be together.

Dont give up, because when you find a partner who you can love as a man and as a Dominant and as a best friend there is simply nothing better. To match on all levels is the stuff of dreams. But dreams CAN become reality.


I feel the same way. Nobody seems real anymore. It's hard to trust anymore. I applaud your courage to speak out.


I feel the same every thing coming crashing down.on you

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