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Fun Factory Treasure Hunt Clue Links:

:one:  :two:  :three:  :four:  :five:  :six:  :seven:  :eight:  :nine:  :one::zero:  :one::one:  :one::two:  :one::three:  :one::four:  :one::five:  :one::six:  :one::seven: 

:one::eight:  :one::nine:  :two::zero:  :two::one:  :two::two:  :two::three:  :two::four:


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7 hours ago, lovebug94 said:

Is it sad that I dont get this at all

Not at all! Seems as if it could be fun but I signed up looking for some"one" now I gotta hunt treasure too? Lol. Oh well I'm always down for a challenge I suppose. Now if I just had an idea..🤔🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣

12 hours ago, SweetDevil712 said:

I’m trying to figure this out. Lol


12 hours ago, lovebug94 said:

Is it sad that I dont get this at all


9 hours ago, txcountrydoll said:

I don’t understand what I am supposed to be doing here

See below the rules on how to play and if you need help catching up you are all welcome to message me. 


On 1/12/2021 at 7:47 PM, JordiStar said:

Are you ready for the Fun Factory Treasure Hunt? 🎡🖤 Here's your new quest! I've hidden 24 puzzle pieces all over the FET universe. Can you find them all?

How does it work?

  • Every day from 15th January until 7th Feburary you can find a new puzzle piece somewhere in the community.
  • Find clues and share your own hints with fellow kinksters in the Treasure Hunt Forum. But, no spoilers please!
  • Once you've found a missing piece, click on it to earn 30 points and your piece will land in your puzzle "Treasure Chest"
  • Also, we're a sharing is caring kinda crowd – give away pieces and points to kinksters who haven't found any yet. And don't worry, once you've given away a piece you can collect it (and points) again.

Three winners will be gifted a VIP upgrade and a surprise from Fun Factory 🎠 Ready? Set. Go!

Use code FETISH2021 for 15% off at Fun Factory


10 hours ago, joedoe said:

Where can I find piece 4 ?

I have sent you a message

12 hours ago, Whiskeyjack007 said:

I have no idea whats going on with this it just said I have found a 2nd piece and I am completely unaware of it lol

I have sent you a message

35 minutes ago, bangkok451 said:

Where can I find piece 6

Have sent you a message 

2 minutes ago, Cinnamonhaze said:

Hi. How do you find the clues?

The clues are in this forum thread, if you are using the FET APP you need to scroll back through the actual thread to find each days clues which are numbered.  If you are using the Desktop or Mobile Desktop version of the site, there is a clue glossary list at the top of the forum thread which is numbered and you can click on each number which will take you directly to each days clues.  


Clue # 8  Time to fess up your secrets…..  😁


Clue #8 you shall confess your sins to me!!!!!! 🙏


Clue#8 I must confess this is probably a crappy clue!!


Clue#8: Tell me, what are you hiding in the deepest and darkest parts of your mind


😔 so close being first and post the clue.
#8 Give me an idea who you are


Clue #8 You don’t need a church to confess your secrets  


I've found 7 so far, any help would be appreciated


#8 visit your local priest me boyo


#8 get down on your knees and repent if you please

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