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Fun Factory Treasure Hunt Clue Links:

:one:  :two:  :three:  :four:  :five:  :six:  :seven:  :eight:  :nine:  :one::zero:  :one::one:  :one::two:  :one::three:  :one::four:  :one::five:  :one::six:  :one::seven: 

:one::eight:  :one::nine:  :two::zero:  :two::one:  :two::two:  :two::three:  :two::four:


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Hey, I have done lots of these, but can someone explain how and why sending them to others is a good idea? Also once sent do you need to refind the one you have sent..etc it would help new profiles to send more to others.



Once you give away a piece you need to go back and get it.

I believe that three members that give away pieces, join in and leave clues in the forum and just in general be helpful get chosen as winners and plus it's a nice thing to do, it helps encourage newbies to join in and it's a fun way of exploring the site.


Thanks Bounty, but how does one send one? I have selected a profile and clicked on the Fun Factory Treasure hunt on their profile and it brings me here, doesn't send it too them.


You can only give them away to members that haven't collected any, it will say "give away a piece" click on that then make sure you've gone back and collected it again.

41 minutes ago, wiltswitch said:

Thanks Bounty, but how does one send one? I have selected a profile and clicked on the Fun Factory Treasure hunt on their profile and it brings me here, doesn't send it too them.

To give away a piece, open a members profile and if they do not have one, there will be wording that says "Give a puzzle piece away now"  tap that and it will give a piece of yours away.  Once you give a piece away you need to go back and recollect it where you got it from. 

If you are going to be giving them away it is best to keep yourself a list of where you found them and which grid number they relate to, as the site gives away random ones.  At this stage there is only one to recollect but as time gets on with more being released, it becomes trickier to work out which day belongs to which grid.  

Hope this helps. 


This is the best news I've had all day!! Love a hunt 😘😘


Keep these close and your enemies closer


So excited 😆 love these treasure hunts !!


I've checked where I'm supposed to and didn't see any puzzle pieces.. Duuh


Position #5 don't go looking for enemies


I am new around here, love this hint idea. Got my first piece yesterday thanks to the clues here. Only 23 more to go


ha ha stumped at the fist clue! perhaps i need less enemies ;)

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