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Fun Factory Treasure Hunt Clue Links:

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I thought I had got clue 17, but as it's not showing up,  obviously I'm not looking in the right place 🤔

21 minutes ago, Morganna said:

I thought I had got clue 17, but as it's not showing up,  obviously I'm not looking in the right place 🤔

Have sent you a message

2 minutes ago, SirPaul said:

I think clue 17 requires more than free membership, so I’m out.

The treasure hunt is for all members to play and it doesn't matter what level of membership you have.  I tried to message you but your criteria settings are preventing me from doing so.  If you would like help you are welcome to message me. 

26 minutes ago, Morganna said:

I thought I had got clue 17, but as it's not showing up,  obviously I'm not looking in the right place 🤔

Sent you a message Hun 💕


Ill give it a go as nobody seems to wanna chat to me here. Thanks for making it a bit more fun


I thought I knew where it was, but nothing is showing up. Has anyone more pointers?

21 minutes ago, Johnxxx said:

How do you know which number you are missing only just started

I tried to message you but your criteria settings are preventing me from doing so.  You are welcome to message me if you would like some help. 

32 minutes ago, Starian said:

I thought I knew where it was, but nothing is showing up. Has anyone more pointers?

Have sent you a message

16 minutes ago, angry_g said:

I need the clue for #15 if anyone has it.

Have sent you a message


Clue#17 postion#10 if you've a point of view see what others think.


Can we find out which numbers we are missing ?  I had a few days off but came on and saw some random ones and collected them 🤦🏻‍♀️


Anyone help with 17 looked at the obvious clue hints where i thought it was and it wasn't   


Clue #17 hint
What goes through a needle and it’s around you

1 hour ago, Johnxxx said:

I'm looking for the face any clues


1 hour ago, Jen-5394 said:

Anyone help with 17 looked at the obvious clue hints where i thought it was and it wasn't   

Sent you both a message ☺️

13 minutes ago, Dai81 said:

I'm stumped on 17

Sent you a message

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