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Stomach Scars


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“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” — Khalil Gibran.

Yes, I do.


I love my scars like I love my wrinkles. They tell of a life lived, travels, misadventures and problems overcome. Every one has a story.


I had my gallbladder removed back in the 80's before keyhole was available, so have a nice big keloid scar across my stomach, then a matching scar up my spine from two back surgeries which looks like an awesome train track........ I choose to see my scars as courage for the journey they took me on and I wouldn't be me without them.  


I have a spleen removal scar and have been sooo self conscious of it 😔


I wouldn't say I find them attractive but neither do they put me off in any way, they are part of a person just as much as anything else. what does interest me however, are the internal scars that life inflicts upon all. How they shaped what one is, and the stories behind them.


They add character! Its a reminder of what has passed.


They are yours and they are like mile markers for your life its a sign that you have persevered through shit and laughed at life's bullshit and Kept rolling on
I wouldn't mind seeing it


Scars. I have plenty. Some faded in time and some didn’t. They are your battle scars. Be proud of them. Each scar tells a story of its own and how you overcame that ***.... x


With all the beautiful sentiments above,all perspectives on our human condition......respected. A resounding Yes! They are attractive,sexy,sensual, sublime 'scapes of the person.

Bold has a scar fetish,n proud of it! They excite his kinky sapio side,as to the experiences of scarified souls, a visual stimulant ,to be explored with all senses ,to understand & honour what has created the light within ......

The spirit of healing ,mortal flesh worn, that any intimate interactions of fickle trust brings. They are honoured,adored,caressed as part of 'kink'.......holistic acceptance,unconditional,of Anyone that crosses the threshold of realms wandered by his scar collection meatbag........🙏🐺🐾🐾



anyone that has a scar on their bodies are self conscious that feeling of doubt, self aware, but it is also you the ***s that you went through it to over come, to live, to breath, to have you're life and live it. I know i have a few on my body being silly as a young boy growing up from childhood playing with other kids, falls, scars, it shaped me into me, wouldn't change it for the world x

1 hour ago, LittleMiss said:

I have a spleen removal scar and have been sooo self conscious of it 😔

@LittleMiss,how beautiful that must be......and how honoured & trusted anyone must be to be able to delight in the priviledge of your sharing ....with consent......i salute you!🙏🐺🐾🐾


I have one visible scar which is on my knee, after having to have surgery on a dance ***!! But like many I have internal scars and boy do I have plenty of those, but they tell my story and my journey and for what I went through to end up with those scars I know they have made me a better person today, and yeah I'll probably pick up more along the way but that's what makes me who I am and who I'll become in the future!!!!


You have a scar....so!!!!! I understand your self consciousness, but to all damn hell with these idiotic men or women who think a scar is ugly. Its life and things happen. I have a scar, but its not extra visible. Its on the back of my knee (hough) and I use to be this way when wearing shorts. I got over it. I'm not saying you should just get over it, but this is YOUR journey QueenieBoBeenie and no one else's. Maybe you can bring it up in cinvo or something before you get to that point of your interaction. Grab a hold of yourself and be the powerful being of woman you are. From what I see, you're awesome lol.


I've been lucky to have known 2 or 3 people with visible scars, the thing is I never really noticed them till they trusted me to talk about health issues they'd had, even when I've known someone's had or has health problems I've always waited till they've been confident to tell me, not because I'm not interested, just the person as a whole is who I'm interested in


Certainly don't find them off-putting or unattractive. Pretty indifferent to any scarring to be honest.


I do not find scars unattractive. If my lover has a scar I would cherish it as a part of them, but I do not specifically have a scar fetish.


I have had open heart surgery i have a scar i died 4 times as a baby


I have a few scars and I love them all.

Hand, chin, forehead, hip and leg. Stretch marks.

Leg one is the "worst" from surgery on a broken leg. The scars are still healing. I'm proud of my scars. I have a tattoo covering one, I'm thinking of tattooing around the scars on my leg to celebrate them, accentuate them.


My favourite scars are my stretch marks, my tiger stripes. They are a reminder of how beautiful a gift it is to be a mother.


I have surgical scars of an old man. Its awful looking.


I have surgical scars on both knees, neck and back. All reminders of what life has thrown my way. Love them, especially the one on my neck recently received from artery surgery.

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