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Checking the Boxes Part 2


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They drove to the local dungeon. When they got there, he asked her again if she wanted to do this. She could hear a bit of a change in his voice. The gentleman was starting to fade away. She was scared of what was coming out, but she so wanted to meet it. She said yes, and they went in. In the office area they walked into he did all the talking. He was a member of the group that had reserved the space tonight. He also paid for them both. They went thru a door and came into the common area. Their were a few people here already. Noises could be heard from the main area, where someone was already doing something. They said hello to those that were there, she had at least met them before. Then he led her to the back and showed her where the dressing room was. She went in with her bag to get ready.
She went into the dressing room. She sat down and looked at herself. She was a well dressed attractive young lady. Brought up in a good house, with good parents, and good morals. What was she doing here. She knew that tonight she was going to put herself completely on display, in ways that no good girl should even think about. Yet somehow the thought of that was thrilling. For a moment she just didn't know what to do. Then the matron of the dungeon came in. A really nice lady who she had seen could be extremely submissive to her man, she also could take charge when she needed to. She talked with her, asked questions, and helped her get ready. It was nice to have encouragement from another female. It also helped make her feel safe in this place. Check.
The time had finally arrived. She was prepared. No jewelry, as it might catch and harm her. No shoes, because although comfortable with them, tonight might be asking too much for her to concentrate enough to wear them. She had on a t-shirt, tight and not new. She had on decent panties, but once again not new. And she had on a pair of daisy duke like shorts. She and the matron had braided her hair, so she had a pair of tails. Her stomach was butterflies, but she was ready to get started. Check.
She walked out into the main room, and found him close by. He had also changed. He was now wearing a kilt. Surprisingly he wore it in a way that it looked natural on him. He took her hand and led her to an area near the center of the room. Chains were hanging down from above, and there were attachments on the floor. It was noticably cooler out here on the floor, and her nipples were having a reaction, poking out from underneath her shirt. She looked around as they went, about 20 or so people were in the room. Her heart sped up. Somehow it hadn't seemed real until now. He took her to a spot, had her spread her legs a little, and attached cuffs to her feet and attached them to the floor. Then he put cuffs on her wrists and attached them to the chains hanging down.
He came close to her, and asked again if she was ready. As he was getting her hooked up, many of the people had gone to various couches around the room and sat, like they were getting ready just to watch her. It was surreal, and her heart beat a little harder with excitement. The gentleman she knew was barely in his voice now. The beast was coming out of its cage, and that thrilled her for some reason. She said she was ready, and he moved the chains, tightening her arms, leaving her spread eagle.
After a moment he came and stood close to her. He put his hands on her and started to touch her body, leaving nothing untouched. Her ass, her pussy, legs, belly, back, neck, face, and her breasts, twerking both hard nipples. A moan of *** and delight escaped her. Her head tilted back slightly. He grabbed both tails, and pulled firmly, forcing her head back. He whispered in her ear, his breath warm on her. Now your mine he said. A thrill of *** shot through her veins, because she could hear and feel that the gentleman had left the building. Now she was alone with the beast. Check.

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