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Brand spanking new (pun intended) What's in a name?

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It was suggested that I'm a brat, not happy with that, i've spent the day reading about different types of submissives.
The one id say struck the most cords is "warrior princess submissive" (a Michael Makai book). But im don't consider myself either a warrior or a princess
So, whats in a name? Is it important to know what i am or ok/best just to go with the flow?


A suggestion I feel is a perception that someone can have of someone or thing without knowing all the details.
As for ‘type’ of submissive in my opinion it is down to what sort of level the person in question is comfortable or willing to go to, there is no set rule that defines how or what one should be and with experience perhaps you will find out which type you feel inclined to.
This is my opinion and is not a definition in any way Inquisitivesub.


Go with the flow and focus more on your dynamic with your partner/partners. Labels often just make people worry about what they are and not. Experiment and enjoy!


Hi, Inquisitivesub.

If you told me you were a warrior princess submissive, I'd look at you confusedly and think we were going to watch Xena reruns. 

Labels are good to help people understand what to expect, but they have their limits. I'd suggest focusing less on finding a label for yourself and more on articulating what you enjoy and don't enjoy with your partner.

FET is a great place to practice because you have a profile with lots of questions you can publicly answer to better describe your likes and dislikes. As you think through those ideas, you'll be able to communicate what you want in a relationship with anyone you meet and see if there's a good fit.

Happy Valentine's Day!

3 hours ago, BoulderDom said:

Hi, Inquisitivesub.

If you told me you were a warrior princess submissive, I'd look at you confusedly and think we were going to watch Xena reruns. 

Labels are good to help people understand what to expect, but they have their limits. I'd suggest focusing less on finding a label for yourself and more on articulating what you enjoy and don't enjoy with your partner.

FET is a great place to practice because you have a profile with lots of questions you can publicly answer to better describe your likes and dislikes. As you think through those ideas, you'll be able to communicate what you want in a relationship with anyone you meet and see if there's a good fit.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, she did feature quite heavily in the book 🤷‍♀️

3 minutes ago, Inquisitivesub said:

Well, she did feature quite heavily in the book 🤷‍♀️

Well that makes so much sense then. 

Since I have a stack of books to read, is there any chance I could entice you to summarize his concept of a submissive version of Xena? Gabrielle, sure. Xena? Head explodes :)


I’ve gotten myself tied in knots before (☺️) about what kind of sub I am. But I’m just me, with all sorts of elements mixed together and so are you. And that mix changes as you learn more about yourself. And it will change with the dynamic, because people bring out different sides of us. If something strikes a chord - wonderful. It doesn’t mean it’s your song forever.

9 hours ago, BoulderDom said:

Well that makes so much sense then. 

Since I have a stack of books to read, is there any chance I could entice you to summarize his concept of a submissive version of Xena? Gabrielle, sure. Xena? Head explodes :)

Im going to say i've not watched one episode of xena warrior princess
However MM describes a WPS with the following headlines;
Fiercely independent
Exceptionally competent
A crusader - not afraid of a good "fight" (debate)
A strong moral compass
Someone who conceal their weakness/self doubt/has imposter syndrome
Is thought by others to be a dominant
Someone who likes to have a romantic partner but does not need one


Just be yourself, when you find the "one" they will accept you for who you are, so don't worry about what label you should have, ultimately that's all it is, a label, not who you are


My thinking is no one is a specific kind of submissive , we can see many traits within ourselves , others many see different . Try not to squeeze yourself into boxes and labels

Explore and find out for yourself who you are

Don’t let others influenced after messaging for a while

It’s may be a little overwhelming at times and you’re doing the right thing by asking questions

Everyone journey is different
No one will be the same
You will find out what you enjoy and how you react to experiences, trust your gut and what your mind and body is telling

Read , talk to others
I would always recommend submissiveguide.com for anyone starting out


I got my nickname because I destroy fake mistresses and show them up for who they really are as in *** scammers so I got my name tiger and it’s never changed and never will


people care too much about labels. if you dont feel you need or fit one then thats ok too! be you and how you wanna be, not how others tell you that you should be labelled! 

have fun and explore thats the main thing.


Dom/Daddy/Sub/Mistress are great initial indicators but they don't necessarily provided the detail or substance.

It's only when you desire to connect with someone on a deeper level, that is when you start develop a better picture of someones identity.

The beauty of BDSM is the fact you are able self-identify.


Don’t worry about the label so much as the person underneath whether it be yourself or another. There’s nothing wrong with being a brat if others see you as being bratty because you are so much more than that one essence. I enjoy being a brat by being playful and respectful. There are as many brat types as there are stars. No two are exactly the same. I identify as a brat but I also identify as being strong and resilient, confident without being egotistical, kind without being a doormat. There are some great posts in the forum about every kind of submissive you can think of. You can search those and see if you find some of your answers. In the meantime don’t let others labels for you define who you are. Be comfortable in your own skin.

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