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Blue's Birthday Treat


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Hi all,

Although I have written for myself before this is the first time I’ve written a piece with the knowledge that I was always going to publish it on this site for someone very special to me. Feel free to criticize as it’s also my first attempt at an erotic piece. I hope you enjoy!

The afternoon was warm the sunlight falling dappled through the oak tree, a light breeze carried the scent of wild summer flowers across the secluded meadow the sound of the nearby stream as it rolled through the shallows and echoed off a nearby patch of reeds.

He laid on a red tartan picnic blanket slightly favouring one side elbow propping up his head reading aloud from Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy, I was laying on my back at ninety degrees to him, my head on his lap so I could see the dappled light fall gently across his face and shoulders out of the corner of my eye, I lay listening to him intently the corners of my full luscious lips turned up with a gleeful smile.

“Sir.” I whispered quietly “Yes, Blue.” he replied in a low growl for being interrupted mid sentence.

“Thank you for my picnic it was a wonderful Birthday treat.” my voice quiet and soft sensing his displeasure at being interrupted “May I have it Pleeaaassse Sir.” I mewed gently giving him my very best puppy eyes as I looked at him, I don’t think Sir had realised until this moment that I knew he had secreted my present in the bottom of the tan picnic rucksack.

“Well, I suppose you have been especially good today.” his voice calm and controlled but with a wry smile on his face.”Yippy.” I exclaimed my voice shrill with joy. Suddenly Sir’s hips moved away as his torso twisted so he could reach for the rucksack moving it closer to him, he starts to rummage inside it, pulling out a box wrapped beautifully in mirror finish silver paper with the word’s “Happy Birthday” in matt silver on the paper the box is about the size of my ornate jewellery box that sits upon my dresser, attached to the side was a little silver label with the words “To My Darling Blue”. My smile goes into full grin. I’m his oh how those four words made me warm inside.

“You may open it on one condition, I want to see you wear it now.” he said in a stern but playful voice. “Of course Sir I promise it would be Blue’s pleasure to make Sir Happy.” I said my voice singing with joy above the background chorus of songbirds in the distant tress. Eagerly I sit up drawing my legs in closer crossing them at the ankles so as to imitate a sitting Buddha thinking to myself what can it possibly be? My mind raced, it’s too big a box for jewellery and too small a box for designer shoes! I slowly and deftly tease up the edge of the tape securing the paper at the side, first one piece then another and another until a light pale box was revealed a small light blue ribbon adorned the top of the box, the writing on the box said “We-Vibe Moxie” it had a picture of what looked like a remote for an interactive whiteboard they use in schools.

My shoulders sank and the anticipation of what my Birthday present could have been was gone! In a split second my heart yearned for those designer shoes that moments before had popped momentarily into my thoughts as I handled the box confused as to what Sir thought I would ever need with a white board remote? Then as I turned the little blue box in my hand two words stuck out “Clitoral stimulator”.

“It’s a toy Sir!” my heart picked up and raced again like it had been entered into a Formula 1 race. “It’s the latest toy Blue state of the art! It can be controlled from the other side of the world by me, I know how you hate my business trips away, this way I thought you wouldn’t miss my touch as much when we talk on the phone” his voice beaming with the thought of his brilliance, oh his touch for a split second I remembered his last trip away 6 days of yearning and frustration at not feeling his deftly hands upon my skin, my eyes wide at the thought of him being able to uncoil my pent up emotions from Dubai, Singapore or Hong Kong!

“May I show you?” he said his voice cool & calm, quickly I hand him the box he opens it and in side was the vibe, a remote, a cable for charging the device, some lube, instructions, a discreet bag for carrying it in your purse when not in use and a little oval disc the same colour as the vibe “What’s that for?” I asked inquisitively pointing to the small oval object “it’s a spare magnet it’s used on the outside of your panties to hold the vibe in place!” his voice sure and confident, “Oh panties.” My voice shrilled at the realisation that it was such a nice day out that I’d decided not to put any underwear on with the white knee length summer dress I had chosen for our picnic it was my favourite it has different flowers on it not too different from those that surrounded us in the meadow.

Sir’s eyes instantly locked onto mine the look on his face was somewhere between knowing that I’d elected not wear any underwear and annoyed.

“Blue your panties where are they?”

“They… they are at home Sir.” Crap instantly I knew I was going to regret my decision this morning.

“What have I told you about going out in public not wearing you panties Blue?

“Sir I’m sorry Sir I thought……”

“That’s the trouble Blue you don’t think…I’ve told you what modern day cameras can do nowadays and the trouble that would cause me with my job if I was to be compromised by those photos” his voice stern and gruff and I knew I was in trouble.

“Sir I’m sorry Sir I only ever want to please you Sir!….What can I do for Sir to make amends Sir?” in the hope that my now contrite voice and me adding in as many Sir’s as I could into one sentence would appease the eyes now burning with dark intent upon me, without so much as a word he turned and reached back into the tan rucksack seconds later his clenched hand appeared palm up and sprung open in front of me laying in the palm of Sir’s hand was a neatly rolled up pair of my white cotton panties the ones with a lacy ribbon that stretched around the waistband.

“Put these on quickly.” he exclaimed it was at this moment I realised that Sir hand known all along that I had no panties on all during our picnic I thought I’d gotten away with it smiling away at myself for being clever, free and unrestricted, but now it dawned on me that for him to have a pair of my panties in the rucksack the whole time I wasn’t as clever as I thought I was, I got up taking the panties from Sir’s hand I started to put them on first kicking off my summer sandals as I slipped one foot into them then the other one in and through the other leg hole and drawing them up my shins and over my knees.

“You know I’m going to have to remind you not to go out without your panties Blue.” His voice still stern but less gruff, as a somewhat devilish smile whipped across his face! Instantly I stopped pulling my pair of freshly laundered white panties up.

“What does Sir have in mind?”

“Sir would like Blue to get on her hands and knees leave the panties where they are!” His voice authoritative, I quickly drop down to my hands and knees waiting for his next command.

“Blue I want you to assume the position Sir is going to give you six firm reminders about not going out in public without your panties on is that clear?”

“Yes Sir” I back at him I adjust my position squaring my hands so my fingers point straight forward pushing my firm breasts down and forward at the same time arching my back and pushing my bottom up into the air, my panties sitting slightly askew just below the crease between my bottom and thighs.  I see Sir start to move behind me and kneeling he lifts the hem of my summer dress and folding it neatly over my bottom in a pleat he reaches and straightens my panties so they are no longer askew but leaves them where they are.

“Blue I’m about to commence your punishment for not wearing your panties in public I want you to count each and every stroke is that clear?”

“Yes Sir.“ I looking down at my hands pressing into the tartan blanket waiting, for what seemed like minutes and without warning I feel it, the warmth as Sir smacks my left cheek lower on the firm fleshy part and raising the height of his hand up as he follows through with his stroke.

“One.” I reply as the sensation hit’s me shooting deep inside and straight to the point, then another short sharp burst of *** this time on my right cheek.

“Two.” Oh I felt the shockwaves ripple through my body as I draw in a deep breath basking in the moment, suddenly wrenched back to the here and now as another blow strikes my left cheek.

“Three.” I exhale sharply as the bittersweet sensation leaves my now glowing cheek and the waves of pleasure start to build deep inside like a gently boiling geyser turning my insides into knots I grip the blanket tight with my fingers as yet another blow strikes my right cheek.

“Four.” I feel myself start to flush with that inevitable the sensation as it grows beyond me, and I close my eyes to savour it for as long as possible as I’m suddenly wrenched from my thoughts with yet another short sharp shock to my inner sanctum as I feel Sir’s hand make contact with my left cheek. It strikes a deep familiar chord with my peach as I intake yet another deep breath.

“Five.” I feel the fire burning within as the geyser inside now boiling and torrid as it swells I let out a stifled moan as I exhale feeling myself approaching my destination as my fingers now clenched tighter than ever entangling the blanket as if my grip will stop from tipping over the precipice I wait hanging onto the edge of ecstasy and then I feel it the heat unbearable as Sirs hand makes contact with my right cheek.

“Six.” I gasp as my inner sanctum erupts and I squeeze my thighs together crushing my peach as my juice rolls down the inside of my thigh the euphoric wave washing over and over me as the geyser erupts full *** pushing me over the precipice as it dose and I collapse onto the blanket my senses over whelmed.

I lay there basking in my inner glow eyes closed cheeks still warm and tingling for what seems an age until I hear Sir “Blue I believe you owe me something, remember your promise.” Instantly snapping back from my inner sanctum to the secluded meadow I gain my composure.

“Yes Sir, how would Sir like Blue to pose for him?”

“Good girl Blue….Sir would like you to stand up so we can try Blues new toy!”

As I grasp for the slightest modicum of composure I stand for Sir hoisting the hem of my summer dress up at the front as I do my panties are still clasping to my thighs, Sir still kneeling as I turn to face him and his face comes level with my peach, looking down at him as I do his eyes light up.

“Well Blue it looks like we shall not be needing the lube they supplied!”

“Oh my gosh Sir.” I replied as I feel my face burn the same crimson red as my now glowing cheeks are.

He turns slightly reaching down for my birthday present he opens up the box taking out the moxie and removing the magnet, he lifts his hand to my newly gained warmth and gently presses it up against me as he does so I feel the coolness of my new toy against my peach it feels soft and luxurious and I let out a little groan of pleasure as my new toy feels so soft.

“Pull up your panties Blue.”

“Yes Sir!” As I do as I am asked Sir is holding my toy in place with a couple of his fingers from his left hand as I pull my panties up Sir slides his right hand up and into the right leg loop of my panties changing his fingers over so as not to get his left hand trapped in them, as I am about to finish pulling my panties up he removes his fingers and I feel the glorious feeling of pressure from my new toy that my panties have started to exert on my pearl. Suddenly I hear the of the magnet as Sir places it on the outside of my panties to keep my toy secure and in place as I feel the sudden jolt on my pearl as the aftershocks pulsate through my peach and I yelp at the exquisite sensation and I start to wonder what is in store for me if that was only the magnet being attached.

“Oh Sir it feels divine.”

“Do you really like it Blue?” he asks as he gazes upon my mound modestly covered by my panties

“No Sir I love it, the way it feels against my pearl Sir I cannot wait to try it Sir.”

“Not so fast Blue let’s clear up our picnic and go for a walk it’s such a beautiful day.”

“Yes Sir.” I replied as I quickly pack away our plates, knives, forks, glasses, book and my toys box into the tan rucksack while Sir neatly folds and rolls the tartan blanket and attaches it on the side of the rucksack by means of a couple of straps and lifts it onto his back, all the while I was slowly getting used to the new toy in my panties as I moved around once done we headed up towards a trail and away from our secluded dining area, as we hit the trail I notice Sir dip his hand into his pocket and pull out his phone, suddenly it hits me, a sensual wave starts down below coming and then going in a rhythmic dance like the waves of an ocean upon the shore as my new toy kicks into life.

“Oh my Gosh Sir! You don’t know how good that feels.” As I gasp at the new sensation and looking at Sir his face covered with his devious boyish grin.

“I’m so glad you like it Blue….. I think we might play a game, for every thousand paces we take along the trail I’ll grant you a wish for you Birthday!”

“Oh Sir do I get to choose any wish?” I chirp with excitement.

“Yes Blue anything”

“So what’s the catch Sir?” I ask my voice now inquisitive.

“The catch is Blue I’m going to do everything I can to see you don’t make the thousand paces! Is it a deal?”

 “Yes Sir It’s a deal.” I said confidently knowing that in one of my morning workouts I could crush a thousand paces easy grabbing Sir’s hand and setting off with a bounce in my stride.

It wasn’t long before my confidence would come back to haunt me, at first when the vibe turned on it was on wave the coming and going seemed like heaven but as the paces counted down under foot Sir was trying this pattern at a lower strength then another pattern at another strength when he hit upon one that stopped me in my tracks as we approached a small coppice of woodland.

“Oh my gosh Sir….I I need a moment.” My voice all breathy and horse it was at this point Sir realised he had found my kryptonite.

“Oh Blue you were so nearly at your first goal.”  He said gleefully “Do you concede to me Blue?”

“No Sir.” I mutter somewhat defiantly as he turns up the intensity monetarily to punish me for defiance.

“That’s good Blue I love it when you are so determined to succeed.”

As Sir reduces the vibes to their previous level I slowly move on urging myself to continue to put one foot in front of the other I notice a couple approaching us from the opposite direction on the trail and I feel my face flush with embarrassment my thoughts racing through my mind will they realise what is going on? And that I’m moments for spilling my most private of emotions there and then right in front of them on the trail at the will of Sir and my new toy.

I grip Sir’s hand tighter as they pass us on the trail at that moment Sir turn’s up the strength once more as they saunter past, more determined than ever I look at my apple watch and realising I only need to do another 30 paces to achieve my goal so I push on letting go of Sir’s hand as I stride towards victory knowing the precipice is fast approaching my knees weakening I mentally count the paces down…twenty six, twenty seven, oh how my new toy is setting fire to my inner sanctum with its unending ***… twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty I turn to look at Sir who is no more than a few paces behind me with a look of defeat and then pleasure as I announce my victory and simultaneously fall crashing to my knees as my inner sanctum explodes and waves of pleasure crash over my entire body .

“Well done Blue I’m proud of you an excellent victory well played.” He says as he turns the moxie off.

“Oh Sir I haven’t felt anything like it before.” I gasp trying to catch my breath and thinking to myself if only every work out was this pleasurable!

“Sir…Can I choose my prize please Sir?”

“Yes Blue you won fair and square you can have whatever you want.”

“Sir I want you now!” Sir’s eyes spring wide open as he stares intently into mine with his dark eyes and he realises what I have just said.

True to his word Sir looks around and grabbing my hand leads me towards the coppice of trees as I follow and giggle out loud, we step into the dense wooded area once we are about 10 feet inside we find ourselves next to a large beech tree, Sir drops the tan back pack and pulls me close to him locking our lips no sooner than our fevered kissing starts I find his tongue dancing with mine, as he pushes me against the base of the beech tree I feel his grip on me loosen and I hear him tugging at his belt and then his trousers, then I feel Sir’s hand lift my right leg up and d*** it over his left hip seconds later I feel his hand on my now soaked white panties and before I know it he’s pulling them to one side along with my new toy and seconds later I feel his hardness nuzzle against my swollen peach as he grabs my behind and all of  sudden I feel him fill me up and I am one with him as he thrusts into me and I am overcome with the moment looking deep within his eyes is a dark burning desire now unleashed as he continues to thrust into me again and again I start to feel myself lose control and I free fall into yet another orgasm this time I ride wave after wave until I feel him tense up as he releases into me holding me tight as we are both lost in the moment.

“Oh Sir…Thank you Sir this has been a birthday to remember.” I say still gasping as we stare into each other’s eyes.

“Oh my Blue the pleasure has been all mine.” He says as he slowly pulls out of me and I feel his grip loosen, as we both straighten our clothes he turns to me and grazes my chin with his thumb and forefinger and lifts it so our gaze meets.

“How about we head home for a long hot bath Blue?”

“Oh that would be divine Sir.”

Picking up the tan rucksack we head back to the car along the trail holding hands and about twenty minutes later with the car loaded we start our journey home as I am driving my Moxie still in place much to Sir’s amusement I start to feel a slow sensual buzz I turn to look at Sir and he has the biggest grin on his face as he is watching me intently! Let’s just say that was an interesting ride home…. But that is a story for another day.

50 minutes ago, blondieblue said:

Oh my gosh... I am speechless... ♥️

awww I hope not for long x x x

7 hours ago, Erebus said:

awww I hope not for long x x x

Did you really purchase Blue a vibe? If you didn't, you have to now! 

9 minutes ago, RosebroomRoeshot said:

Did you really Blue a vibe? If you didn't, you have to now! 

A gentleman never talks about his love life. But I will leave you with this parting thought, the story at it's core is fiction however some of the story is fact!

It's up to you the reader to try and guess what is fact and what is fiction.

1 hour ago, Erebus said:

A gentleman never talks about his love life. But I will leave you with this parting thought, the story at it's core is fiction however some of the story is fact!

It's up to you the reader to try and guess what is fact and what is fiction.

I wasn’t aware you were sadist to not give the answer lol. I loved every inch of the story. Well thought out and very detailed.


i loved it Ere! very well written hun. I hope you and blue get to go on a picnic soon!

19 hours ago, Leisa said:

I wasn’t aware you were sadist to not give the answer lol. I loved every inch of the story. Well thought out and very detailed.

It says sadit on my profile! Thank you Leisa your comments are so kind.

8 hours ago, NemoSub88 said:

i loved it Ere! very well written hun. I hope you and blue get to go on a picnic soon!

Thank you Nemo you're too kind, I wish but we are going to have to wait until after lock down for our picnic so not soon enough!


This was great, Ere. And this is so on my list of toys to , lol. PMing you with detailed thoughts.

1 minute ago, Lady_Char said:

This was great, Ere. And this is so on my list of toys to , lol. PMing you with detailed thoughts.

TY Char

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