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Imposter Syndrome...


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Good morning Navel 95 . Firstly you do belong . I can feel your anxiety and will reassure you that I and many others will make an effort for you to feel safe enough to discuss your thoughts. Your attraction to navels is it a visual love or do you enjoy skin to skin contact? . I get a warm fuzzy emotional sense of connection when stroking, kissing, licking a woman’s tummy and especially the navel. For me it’s pure love and I find it so soothing that I can regress back to birth. Now you know that you’re not the only one. 🙏🌹


You do belong here.  You should be able to connect with like minded people here and be able to be yourself.  Enjoy being you 😀


Of course you belong...

This is a kink positive community. You have a kink for belly buttons, so enjoy 😊

Kink doesn't always have to be sexual.


Belly button/body fetish belongs to something called partialism. It's called alvinophilia if I remember correctly. I know this because I have this too! So you're not the only one. You are you and that's awesome in so many ways 😊


You belong, there is nothing more to say.

Except,  I guess Welcome, hope you find what you seek.

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