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Part 2 - Kinky Liaisons "Binding moments..."

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Kelly climbs the stairs knowing only too well that her master’s eyes are feasting already on her fem curves in latex and nylon, as she reaches the top the room opens into a large open space, this is one of those warehouse style apartments, high ceilings, open plan. As she scans the room she can see a large long wooden table, looks old and with high back throne like chairs.

Standing scanning the room, Kelly feels that sixth sense tell her he is close behind her now, she can feel those eyes devouring her and hears his breathing is faster than normal. “Go sit down Kelly”, he whispers.  Her heels click on the wooden floor as she crosses to the table and sits down, small apprehensive nervous feelings fill her mind but she knows inside her soul how long she has craved the dominance and ownership, after weeks of planning and waiting, she has repeated the stop word, many, many times in her mind.

“Look forward and don’t you dare turn around” he says. Kelly feels the soft leather blindfold cover her eyes and everything goes black, instantly she is aware of her sensory deprivation the blindfold is secured tightly. “Don’t you dare move a muscle”, she hears her master walking the wooden floors, her hearing now so acute with her vision impaired, the rolling of wheels across the floor and a case being opened. One of her arms is lifted out, strong hands float up and down the latex sleeves of her dress, the sensation and longing to be touched in the months of lockdown floods her thoughts. A soft leather cuff is wrapped around her right wrist and then her right arm is extended down along the chair and secured to the leg, delicately the same process is performed for a left arm.

Blindfolded and now arms tied to a chair, in an unknown apartment and a man she hardly knows, Kelly feels the vulnerability flush through her *** stream and her own heart begins to beat faster. She feels the overwhelming need to say the stop word, but her darker personality is saying more, more, I want more please!!..

Suddenly she feels close to her exposed neck his breath, he is so close she can feel the small neck hairs lifting to the beat of his hot breath, the sensation is causing her body to react, nipples flush with *** and her back arches in a protective stance. His lips fall on those tiny neck hairs and begin slowly working up the full length of her neck towards her ear lope, tickling sensations and pure terror of the moment fills her thoughts, her hands flail to reposition. “You think Kelly you were so smart getting the upper hand on me earlier on the stairs, playing a weapon of mass seduction, I’m going to make you beg for forgiveness by the time this night is out!”.

The chair is tipped backwards and dragged out into the room. Kelly now feels her master at her feet, fingers delicately wash over her black high heel shoes and float along her sheer nylon carves sending small electrical pulses along her body that register in her brain. Another cuff is delicately placed around her nylon left ankle and secured but this time her legs are stretched open as the metal clink of the leg bar is securely attached to her right ankle. Kelly is aware that her short latex dress is now riding high sat on the chair, her sudden regret of deciding not to wear any panties, conscious the cool room air is circling her already moist shaven pussy lips and knowing master will be visually feasting on her is both terrifying and naughty.

Master steps away leaving her, she can hear him gathering more things and she has never in her life felt so *** but at the same time highly aroused, even now she can feel her pussy lips swelling and her nipples are bullet hard stretched against the tight latex, being bound has been in her own fantasies for so long and right here now in the real moment the sensation is so much better than she ever imagined feeling both the physical and emotional sensation.

Behind her, leaning down and close to her ear she hears “I could smell your wet cunt the moment you walked through the door tonight!, it smells and looks delicious”; Kelly feels the stiff leather neck brace around her throat, this is not like the soft leather before, this is hard leather and unforgiving, Master straps the neck brace in place using the straps at the back around her neck, Kelly can feel her head now upright and unable to turn, next a rope is attached to the back O ring and she feels the rope being tied to the back of the chair securing her head upright. For Kelly this is a new sensation, she now feels totally *** and the sadism has just notched up a level, she wants to shout the “Stop Word” but she knows the not knowing would upset her so much in the months ahead, she must concede therefore, embrace her submissiveness fully and give herself to master devotedly and wholeheartedly and with no exceptions.    

Part 3 – To be Continued…..

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