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Meaning of a slave

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Hello making this thread because ive noticed a lot of people who put slave as one of there roles but don’t understand what it is to be a slave

Now I am not saying I open a chat up with someone and it show slave in there roles and I start demanding them

Why do people put something like that but don’t understand it or wanting to learn the role


In part I think a lot of newbies see sub/slave as being the same thing, but talking with the genuine ones they soon realise the difference, same goes for limits, a lot don't realise what no limits actually means

Posted (edited)

To be honest I agree with you, there exists a lot of misunderstanding about the differences between a submissive and a slave. I have lost count of the number of subs I have spoken with over the years who claim to be slaves, and when questioned about what it means, have no idea. From experience I have found that the misunderstanding between the two is more common with new people of all ages coming into the scene and just getting to grips with what BDSM is and D/s in particular. In terms of those who are slaves and have a full understanding of what consensual slavery is from personal experience are situated in the older age range, usually 45/50+ years. Once people have experience of D/s and are better educated, I find those who identify as sub or slave are clearer on what PE and TPE are and whether D/s or M/s is more suitable for them. On the whole the reason why people put down slave as a role is due to lack of knowledge or it is something they wish to explore and by stating on a profile will attract the right Dominant i.e. Master or Mistress.

Edited by Deleted Member

Here is the wonderful thing about being a slave. No one gets to dictate its meaning. It is a bond among your group. We each define ourselves and give that term special meaning. Do people misunderstand the general term and act inappropriately outwardly? sure.. but maybe that it was their dominant wanted. I take the approach of guiding people towards good information to make their own opinion and define themselves, but the understanding of a slave is an individual journey in the end.


It sound and look better....



I think I'd agree with you within the constraints of any given moment or scene, while of course still observing any negotiated Limits, but a Slave in the long term often enjoys fruits which aren't as often afforded a Sub. A Slave is more 'kept' than acquainted, at least to my way of thinking. Though they will often have responsibilities even to include household maintenance, they enjoy having their responsibility end at their Master/Mistress' instruction.


I seem to see it more in newer subs, who really haven't discovered what they are. I have a very comprehensive list which I ask a new sub to complete early on to understand their limits. It uses *** rating and willingness for all the kinks listed. Discussions then tend to flesh out if they truly are a slave or a sub


there's a lot of terms that... I won't say get misused... but... there's a lot of discrepancies in their meaning

pretty much nobody is really a slave - but people like the idea of possibly giving up control for a set period of time.  Or having a certain dynamic or feeling in their relationship or sex life.

So what one person views as what a slave should be like in their fantasy, someone else views it differently in theirs.


Slave, Sub or Pet is loosely based on their autonomy. Slaves have near zero autonomy and lives as the name implies. Subs are more free and the most free are pets who are come when demand. This is a very arbitrary overview of being a Slave. Please correct me if I’m wrong ?

25 minutes ago, ptwxs said:

Slave, Sub or Pet is loosely based on their autonomy. Slaves have near zero autonomy and lives as the name implies. Subs are more free and the most free are pets who are come when demand. This is a very arbitrary overview of being a Slave. Please correct me if I’m wrong ?

Pet is a type of kink/play rather than a status. A slave or sub could be a pet... 

a slave start a life as a submissive, then get slowly trained to be fully slave if that’s their lifestyle choice. It’s not a lighthearted choice, not a game either. And it should be agreed with a respected Master or experienced at least. It could end up with trauma, physical scars and mental ***. It’s. a long term relationship, mostly, and contrary to what been said here, a slave is allowed to have hard limits. The only ones without are very rare, kajira in gorean lifestyle for example. 
there are contract and agreements like any Ds relationship with different degrees. It could be a 24/7 Ds, could be a week end Ds etc... 

so you are going to say well there is no difference then? 
yes fundamental one: a slave doesn’t think about the servitude it act on it, knowing that’s what the Master want and it can’t be wrong. 


Fair point FabSeverus, however I think it open to interpretation and the individual dynamic. But I appreciate you taking the time respond and correcting me. I would not like to mislead people.

1 hour ago, ptwxs said:

Fair point FabSeverus, however I think it open to interpretation and the individual dynamic. But I appreciate you taking the time respond and correcting me. I would not like to mislead people.

Of course it does. After all a dynamic is between two individuals who decide to get together and enjoy the bdsm lifestyle. As long two of the parties knows some basic rules they can call between themselves the way they want. 
but I won’t like to read people having a bad experience because someone told them a slave will do anything the Master says... 


i am naturally submissive and know my place, but i have always wanted to become an Owned slave, regardless of what i must do to attain that goal.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey you guys I know you and your boyfriend

1 hour ago, Slave1986 said:

Hey you guys I know you and your boyfriend

This is the last thing people want to hear or read in a site !!  keep it for yourself and be respectful! 

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