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Advice on Cleaning/Disinfecting Old Leather Gear?


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Hey Friends & Fellow Kinksters!

i just acquired some vintage/used BDSM gear & dungeon furniture!! Most of it is in good condition but...i was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to give the leather & suede a nice cleaning/disinfecting? 

Thanks in advance!


You could disinfect with a good antibac/antiviral, then a good leather cleaner and finally a good leather balsam. I use renapur which is feeds and protects the leather


Thank you sooo much Drseventy6! :)


It may sound basic but leave it outside on a sunny day if it’s been in storage or indoors? That will zap a lot of residual mould/spores/fungus/stuff if that was ever a concern?


Thank you so much Woodshavings! Yes, i think most of them were stored for a lot of years...i really appreciate that great advice! :)


I can just see your washing line now! Wonder what the neighbours will think ;)


Hahaha!!! Love that bittenkiss!!! :) :) 

Some would be shocked...some would be confused....a few would probably invite themselves over...!!! 


Leather with soap and water. Suede is more delicate and should only use damp clothe then vaccum it.


Thank you so much FabSeverus...i always wondered about cleaning leather VS suede!!! i really appreciate that advice!!


The problem with leather is its absorbent so you can never truly clean/disinfect hence why you shouldn’t really share between partners. But leather conditioner and saddle soap do wonders

21 minutes ago, FabSeverus said:

Leather with soap and water. Suede is more delicate and should only use damp clothe then vaccum it.

As a qualified equestrian I wouldn't advise normal soap as it's a detergent and strips leather of it's natural oils.

Ko-cho-line is a really good leather treatment.

I'd advise saddle soap too to keep it supple and something like leather silk to nourish it. Avoid anything with silicon it (some of the leather cleaning wipes contain it)


For suede, you can get a suede brush.  It has brass wire bristles for cleaning.  Don't use creams, oils, or liquids on suede---it will ruin it.

2 hours ago, Bounty said:

As a qualified equestrian I wouldn't advise normal soap as it's a detergent and strips leather of it's natural oils.

Ko-cho-line is a really good leather treatment.

I'd advise saddle soap too to keep it supple and something like leather silk to nourish it. Avoid anything with silicon it (some of the leather cleaning wipes contain it)

This is why you need using oil after…. 😜


Disinfectants will tend to dry out leather rather quickly.

Woodshavings idea of using the sun is more helpful, even though sun exposure will eventually deteriorate leather in time, saddles/handbags/shoes/etc. are used outside, so it's a good approach.

Besides putting them in the sun as an initial sanitizing, hanging  impact implements to air out a few days, especially floggers, is helpful. 


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