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Where are the bedroom faces nowadays keep it kinky


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Seem like no one can show the real them because everone is a God or a judge can we let people be what they want and still be kind to them its ok to see someone that you are atracted to and just go have a great time with them and you do t have to marry them because you slept with them its between you two as adults not saying lie cheat and steal to get in there pants then shake in the middle of the night be proud of your self in all your choices good or bad beacue you have to go through something to get to something learn from your mistakes and better your self and keep your passion yuck who you want no o e is keeping scores and if they are you don't need them in your life stay fly and keep it kinky


Can someone translate for me pls? @curvykate?


I believe a translation is:

It feels no one can really show their true selves because society is judgemental.

People should just be free to be who they are.

It's OK to see someone you find attractive and want to have a good time with them without , or a long term commitment.  Obviously don't cheat or deceive them.  

Be proud of your choices whether they're good or bad, because even in bad choices you can learn from your mistakes and better yourself.   No one will hold it against you if you improve, and if they do they're not the type of person to associate with.

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