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a masochists' version of "massage exchange"!!


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There's so much that i miss about my time with Him.

Having a desire to serve a person i admire and care about, along with masochistic tendencies, i really miss what i came to see as our version of "massage exchange".

Typically our sessions would begin with Him instructing me to remove His boots, then give Him some massage to whatever parts of His body was hurting.

His hands, and arms was typical...or sometimes His back, neck, shoulders. i always enjoyed this time. Being able to make Him feel a little better, at least for a short while. i really loved His clear and concise instructions (somehow being told exactly where to touch was empowering--not limiting). i'd always put my best effort in to it and try to remember what seemed to make Him smile or melt.

After serving Him in this way, what happened next would vary. But there would always be a portion where i would get my massage---at the receiving end of a flogger, crop, or cane (sometimes all three if i was lucky!!).

i think the day that this concept of the "massage exchange" part of our play time hit me was a day when i was on my period and still going through some cramps and lower back ***.

He would never cancel out on me if it was "that time of the month"---just work around it. As for myself; i knew i was in good hands and never thought twice about it.

So this time in particular, when we began the session i recall feeling tense and sore. my flow was minimal but still those body aches and cramps lingered. i don't recall what all happened during this particular session but i DO remember how i felt afterward, when He announced that the aftercare portion of the scene had begun, and i relaxed into His arms.

For the first time in days, i felt warm, and relaxed, and ***-free.

"Sir MJ, thank You," i purred. "You just whacked the cramps right out of me!!"

Best massage i ever got and i think He enjoyed it, too.


A good massage relax your body and mind and if it is a bit sensual gives you please and satisfaction


You're amazing. If I met a submissive like you I'd delete my profile. Kinksters overlook massage but it's the (my) #1 activity everything else is okay.

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