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Bound and Gagged Fetish

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How do you get rid of this fetish? From when I was younger, a damsel in distress has always aroused me. I have done kinky stuff like this in bed, but I feel like its an unnecessary hindrance to a happy life, any advice?

Posted (edited)

I dont think it's actually possible to get rid of a fetish or desire. It's ingrained within as much as the colour of our eyes, and as such part of what makes us who we are. Of course to find another to realise our desires, helps to ease those wants/cravings, but the cravings will always be there and are not something i think we can just switch off.

The key, I think, is to accept the truth of how we feel, what we crave, and to try and make peace with it. 

Edited by Deleted Member

What makes you feel that you wish to be rid of it?

Have you been in a relationship where you were free to explore this fetish?


Why do you find it a hindrance? It's part of you. As Donny say, try to make peace with it. And realise that there are women out there with a need to be bound and gagged. Who find that arousing. For many, embracing kink is empowering and cathartic. It takes a while to get there admittedly.

Posted (edited)

What about the kink isn't sitting right with you? There's plenty of lovely damsels that need that. Like @Curvykate said. It's a need, not a like for a lot of us. And if you try and suppress it...you'll probably end up craving it and that itch will drive batty. And I don't think Allen Carr does an easyway to quit BDSM book. If you are serious though about wanting to get rid of it, it might be worth giving it a nose on the net maybe at psychology based stuff. 

Edited by Deleted Member
Left words out.

I think the best we can do is to not give it attention and the thoughts/associated feelings will become weaker over time, i.e. ignoring it, but I don't know if you can get rid of it entirely.
Don't despair, there's likely a way to live your life with it having a positive impact rather than negative, just gotta figure out how to make it so.

  • 2 weeks later...

I asked myself the same question for a lot of years, and nothing ever manged to make it go away. I particularly had trouble dealing with the fact that I'm a submissive (In my heart of hearts, although I do switch) and it made me feel incredibly emasculated. However, since I've been able to start indulging in my kink and exploring it, I discovered something interesting.

Now I have a sex life (though these things don't have to be explicitly sexual, but most people would class it as such) that most of my friends can only dream about. I'll hear them complain about how their intimacy with their partner gets boring very quickly and their bedroom escapades will last only a few minutes at a time. Whereas my kink scenes can last for hours and hours and hours. They bring so much joy, excitement, intimacy and intrigue to my life.

It won't be easy. But I promise you, once you're able to come to peace with your kink, you'll discover that your curse is also an incredible gift.

  • 4 weeks later...

Well I love seeing a woman otm or tape gagged(not against their will ofc) but that image helps me climax. Just think its the reason why i havent found someone cos i watch alot kf bondage amateur porn

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