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Vanilla spa weekends


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Before the whole world went crazy, my sub and I used to regularly enjoy getting away for a spa hotel treat often with an over night stay.

The question I would like others views on is, Would it be too much for everyday vanilla people to cope with if I were to enjoy a spa with two subs? Showing affection to two women and being openly dominant. Such as having them kneel or complying with protocols? 
or should that be kept behind closed doors? For clarity, I mean showing affection only but not play, that would be private. Thanks


If that is what you want to do, do it. You are a paying guest and the two women are choosing to be with you for that quality time. Personally i wouldnt mind seeing such a thing, people will probably gossip about it, but if its affection purposes then who the fuck cares. would be no different to a poly trio spending time together. Enjoy your time :)


Yes, I think some people would struggle seeing that. It is going to depend on the place. But just because they may struggle with it does not mean you can't do it. Would it be the fact you're with two women or the dominance that might be an issue - hard to say. Did you show dominance when it was two of you?



As long as you abide by any rules of the establishment then why not?


I would be thinking about my intent. Is it just to show off that you have two women? That you're dominant?

Who are you doing it for?


Personally, I'd do whatever I felt right. If you're the type that displays affection in public then the number of people you show that to is irrelevant, I think anyway.

You may get odd looks, whispered (or even said out loud) comments but it could also be a chance to educate people.


Bottom line.... do the opinions of vanillas matter to you?

If they object to a display of affection, they do have a choice... to enjoy it or look away and battle with their own conditioned biases. 


My question would be showing you dynamic in a public environment such as a spa. Are the other people there able to consent.

1 minute ago, Willow75 said:

My question would be showing you dynamic in a public environment such as a spa. Are the other people there able to consent.

I undertand your point there but he said about affection not play, surely anyone is allowed to show affection? Ofcourse as bounty mentions, within the rules of the establishment but if its not play of an obvious kind i dont see why he shouldnt show affection?!


We are looking for spa's where we can be open and forfill our desires. We also agree that it would be much easier if most spa locations accepted the more open relationship environment.


But of course

there are also adult Spas where this would be so much easier ;)


I would say that attending and showing affection is no issue.
I think you dance close to consent issues if you bring protocol, orders or kneeling into the situation.
But as eyemblacksheep said, attend a spa that caters to that sort of thing and you’ll have no issues.

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