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Resin paddles


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Found out tonight on the infamous google can make moulds with a hot glue gun. Now need moulds to try so as a piece of jewellery or a collar attachment or just a keyrings what would everyone like just to show as a piece kink that only you would know what it means (sorry worded that but wrong but ya get me ) I’m thinking handcuff as necklace. Padlock for collar , barb wire in a necklace list can be endless but ideas be great if anyone has any , also looking to earrings and belly bars etc so any ideas fling ma way please xx 


Are you using the hot glue as a mound or as a casting medium? It sounds like what you are really wanting are objects to make molds off of.


While you can use hot glue to seal the edges of smaller moulds I'd avoid making full paddle sized moulds with hot glue, epoxy resin heats up considerably while it sets and could easily melt the glue. Maybe look at silicone instead, make your shape out of something like wood first then use that to make a silicone mould. YouTube has plenty tutorials on using either proper casting silicone or making your own.

Also I know you mentioned paddles but resin isn't generally insertable, just in case lol.

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