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Leather care


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Posted (edited)

I have a new corset and  its leather. I know you need to oil it or something like that. I'm curious to know what all you need to do in order to take care of leather properly

Edited by Punky1985
Improper grammar

You will need a good quality "leather food"..which is basically a cream you rub in to keep it supple and prevent cracking. Any quality store that sells leather good should have some, or you can find it online :)


2 you can in the high street are: Saddle soap you can get from Timpson,and the other one I use is a premium leather cream from Clarks .


I use a leather balsam. Like the other responders, it is all about putting waxes and similar back into the leather. Personally I'd avoid actual oil (eg. Neetsfoot oil). I use Renapur Leather Balsam, for belts, bags, shoes, etc.


Thank you guys! I had heard of the saddle soap, but couldn't remember  until just now. Thanks again 


I use dr martens bsalm on leather dresses and it’s fine haha

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