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A Secret Detour Home

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On a rare night where we had childcare, my wife and I decided to make the most of a vanilla occasion by squeezing in a little after party fun of our own...

We had a wedding to attend. Some of our closest famliy friends in fact. They were also very much our vanilla counterparts and so we held in our dirty little secret the whole time. We were suited and booted and looked our ballroom best, but we'd packed for another, totaly different occasion. We each gave one another a secret smile at eachother throughout the event.

Our bags packed for a night of play, sat in the boot of our car, right next to the wedding favours we were asked to bring with us to the venue.

I do love keeping a dirty little secret!

After a fantastic day and evening, we made our excuses a little early and off set off 'home.' Our friends waved us off.

We picked up a chineese takeaway but left it wrapped up. We then took a drive to a secluded local woods. The warm summer evening now, was a little misty and the air humid. The contrast fell quickly between the lively party we'd just left, busy traffic, and brightness of the street and car lights just moments before. The silent dark forest in front of us now engulfing us as we drove along the gravel path arriving the empty carpark.

We stepped out and the darkness and isolation hit us both. We quietly grabbed our bags locked the car and walked in a way. The flashing of the car alarm as I pressed the fob briefly lighting the path ahead before falling back into complete darkeness. We each held a small torch to light our way but nothing substantial enough to allow us to see further than our next few steps.

She held my hand so tight. Even pre-planned, this outing still had a creepy and sinister feel. If my heart was racing, I knew with certainty she would be terrified inside as I led her into the abyss. Our heavier than usual breath and the light rustle of the trees as the breeze carried through, the only sounds either of us could hear.

We walked in total silence.

Heading a little off the path into the trees we came to a small clearing with a big wide tree in the middle. Beneath it, I set up candles around us and unpacked my bag of tricks. It was the first time all evening we had stood in front of one another and acknowledged what we were doing and where we were.

I smiled a cheeky, knowing and premeditated smile and she returned a lusty, nervous and unknowing one right back at me. I'd seen that smile before and it filled me up inside every time. Keeping our eyes fixed, I slid my hand into her hair, holding her head. My other hand in the small of her back, pulling her closer to me and I gave her a gentle kiss. "Are you ready for this?" I asked.

"I'm ready sir!" Was her reply.

I carefully stripped her naked. Then requested she did the same to me. The candles casting a light across us and our shaddowy silhouettes high in the tree canopies around us. Both totally naked in front of eachother we could feel the lightest drizzle that was now falling through and hiting our skin, dispite an unseasonably warm night too.

I took my rigging kit and set about suspending her from the tree above. I was now in full dom mode, hyper-focussed, attentive and working in my flow to create everything I'd planned out. She fell silent and compliant as I tied and worked. Each clip, knot and step of the sequence taking us both deeper into our experiance.

Bound tight with the rope, arms behind her waist, naked and swinging on her back. Her legs held wide and apart with her knees up, arse and pussy on show to the world around her. My last act in setting this scene would be to blindfold her. She had always loved the voyeuristic fantasy of people watching us play, so after slipping it over her eyes in the candlelight, I whispered to her that the others had joined us and were now all around her, hiding in the darkness, watching her, so *** and so exposed.

I could see by her body tensing that a shiver had slid right down her spine. She took deep breath and gupled. My words were clearly enough to give her at least a shadow of doubt it might actually be true. It wouldn't be the first time I've threatened others watching, and in the creepy and primal setting, it would be rude not to take advantage.

She was incredibly nervous being in such a public setting and so ***. I kissed her slowly all over and stroked her skin and hair as I swung her right round in the bind. Allowing her to feel me completely circle her effortlessly in the suspension. Telling her she's safe, she's loved, she's cared for. She had started to feel it too because soon her body had relaxed and was more settled in the position. The scene was set; her mind and body now ready.

I moved to some light impacts on her tits and thighs. First with my hand and later with a thick leather very thuddy paddle I'd picked. Her skin began to glow and redden in the candlelight. I could see she was getting off as the intensity grew and she began to move rhythmically and let out moans each time. She tried to hold her breath with each one, waiting for the next. Of course, I didn't let that dictate my pace, and I waited until she was least expecting the impact now and then; to time the surprise to my own delight.

I picked up a candle to see clearer as I squeezed hard at her breasts and teased her nipples with my teeth and tongue. I let her feel the radiating heat from the candle against her skin and allowed it to drip on her breasts, legs and tummy. She gasped hard and her body writhed as the wax left it's marks across her body.

With her nipples tightly in my teeth and her body pushed against mine, I slid my hand up her thighs to her exposed pussy. I gleaned she wanted me inside, but I didn't stop as she'd hoped. Instead, I stroked over her warm swolen folds and my cock came to rest against her well teased creamy cunt.

She was wet and ready for me but I continued to her arse cheeks with my hands and squeezed hard. Her body bucked and she let out a loud groan. She had cum very hard in the past just through rough nipple play, so I continued with my teeth and lips, sucking and kissing, lapping, biting and squeezing, edging her closer and closer.

Her expression in that moment was a a priceless picture and one I chase every time we play together. Willing, wanting and utterly *** in my hands.

I slid my fingers deep inside her. Moving up to her g-spot. The heel of my hand resting on her mound and her wetness seeping between us. She quickly began to climax. I put my head next to hers and told her that everyone watching wanted to see and hear her cum.

I ***d her to gush again and again, each rolling into the next. The normal protocol of asking to cum overridden by the command to make a show in front of her well imagined spectators. Of course she still screamed out her usual phrases of 'Thank you Daddy!' 'Thank you for my orgasms!' 'Thank you for letting me cum, Sir!' repeatedly in the dead quiet of the forest.

Mid orgasm, I removed my hand and slid my throbbing cock inside her, fucking her hard and paced. My hands wrapped around her, holding her hips tight against mine, her body floating perfectly in the suspension and still unable to resist me in any way. She continued her orgasm, clenching and quivering around my shaft as I fucked her harder and deeper. Each thrust causing her to squirt more over us both.

The build up of the scene, combined with the ***ful wet fuck she was now receiving was too much for me to take for long. With the next intense wave, we both quickly reached climax together. A wet luby and sticky mess. All the while listening to her screaming her grattitudes to me.

She lay there, still swinging gently like a tree in the breeze, her body still tingling as small shocks echoed through her body. Our cum dripping beneath her onto the forest floor. I stood over her and took it all in. Content and satisfied with my work.

She was a wobbly little mess afterwards. I let her down carefully and held her. Wrapped her in a big down jacket I'd brought and gave her a sweet drink. She sat there, still shaking a little whilst I packed away my bits.

We headed back the car and turned on the engine and heating to warm up. Our excitement and adrenaline still coursing through us. We enjoyed our very tasty carby chineese in the car before heading home, each with a very big smile on our faces.

This may have been our first midnight trip to the woods for a scene but it won't be our last. I'm already planning a primal cnc chase through the same woods soon. Only this time... I may need to find some real spectators.

Any volunteers?

2 hours ago, BountyHunter said:

*pushes to front of queue

Season ticket holders can skip the queue you know! 😉 x

1 hour ago, Mz_Whiplash said:

beautifully written 

Thanks Mz_Whiplash. My first attempt at a little erotica writing. Glad you liked it.

56 minutes ago, KinkySirXxX said:

Season ticket holders can skip the queue you know! 😉 x

VIP (very impatient pervert) pass?


great writing, ticket please :)


Enjoyed and well written.

I have binoculars and camouflage at the ready 😎🥸

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