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The Taboo : All About PEGGING ?

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There seems to be a taboo about the notion about PEGGING = YES or NO?  And that relates to  what ever gender pegs another here.  But my question to you is this ?  Have you ever been pegged or are you new to pegging ? What are you  comments  If you are EITHER  a curious or experienced  man about  pegged ?   What are your ***s  if you have never been pegged or what are your  dislikes and likes of being pegged , If  you  had this  experienced ?  Why are you so turned on by a  female pegging you  = as a man.?   Lets open up this can of worms for a meaty debate on-line here . Have your say on this subject matter. this is a pegging forum now!




I enjoy pegging a sub man on request as part of their BDSM fetish - a willing sub man with a horny bum is just gagging to be pegged . There are various techniques  for a curious and for an experienced sub man when it comes to pegging .. And it also based on TRUST as well ...and  the theme here as to be one of comfort (as in relaxation technique) . Always ask for a condom to be fitted  on any sex toy used internally on you  (to protect yourself as part of safe sex practice) and also use plenty of  lube  is a  key requirement as well. etc  Other tricks of the trade on pegging I retain info  to myself as this is usually based on 1-2-1 conduct. Everyone has different pegging desires + fetish  needs and there are countless pegging  sex  toys , techniques for each person. Always find someone who has pegging experience  and not someone who has never done so before or your experience can be a brutal and very ***ful ordeal will be my key point of advice here :-)

Ask in the pegging forum for more info. 

I'm boggled why it's such a taboo subject.   

I have been pegged although I was a slow burner.  Before I did it I was a bit worried I guess because I'd not done anything like it before, would I enjoy it - and also of course general paranoia about not being clean enough.

Why am I turned on by this?  Cos among anything else there's a G-spot up there and it feels nice :)

There's other bits and pieces you can throw in there - but at the end of the day, sex is nice - and if a hot woman wants to fuck me.  Hello. That's nice.

Pegging forum sounds like a fun orgy!

I want to be. Just can’t find anyone to do it. Is there an actual pegging forum?


It's not taboo i think? Just too many guys want it and women don't care to peg anyone that asks. Women are way more covert about what they're into because a lot of men don't get that we aren't offering to do it to them or with them.


I'm not actually into pegging personally, don't like any bum stuff at all. But as a carer (sometimes for the incontinent) i have my reasons. :coffee_morning:

Edited by 3SumQueen

I would love if I be pegged at first I thought it was taboo that a straight or in my case mostly straight lol guy would want to be on the receiving end of anal. It's where our G spot is for start. And I believe it's a very erotic and Bond making between two people.

Pegging forum here for people to match up? 


On 4/22/2018 at 11:49 PM, urslut said:

I want to be. Just can’t find anyone to do it.

it is a tad more difficult than some because... well...

ultimately it's sex

So, whereas a lot of guys don't necessarily see it as such, a lot of women do and so approaching people is not only asking for a fetish dispensed but also asking for sex.

But then on top of that, it's sex with preparation and effort.  If you went somewhere and suddenly found yourself in a woman's bedroom about to have PIV sex - and you suddenly spotted a strap-on harness, "Oh, I really wanted to try" then among anything else, you're probably not clean - and she's not gonna want to be cleaning your shit from everywhere.

And that also if you've never done it before, she's no idea how you will react.

So - there are two main routes. Firstly, find yourself a girlfriend, raise it with her.  Some guys find resistance for whatever reason which could be because it's just not something she wants to do - but sometimes also a lot of women who've never done it are nervous on everything from the "how do I do this", worry about hurting you, etc. 

Another main route and often an unpopular suggestion is to pay a Pro.   There are a fair few who specialise in it and at least two companies who organise strap on parties. (I've not been to either but can vouch for people who run both) they can help you with instructions on cleaning, preparation and of course no matter what happens or how you react they've seen it before.

And while that can be pricey - so is buying a harness, strap on, butt plugs, lube, gloves, douche, etc. which you would need to do it at home.

Of course it may be there is someone in your local area who just loves bumming men - but the people I can think of in my local area, well, there has to be some form of trust built before they'll do it - and that takes time again.

even here , as a pegging forum, you can't necessarily find someone close enough willing to try.

Thanks for the post. I think pro is the answer and will be finding one ASSP. 

On 4/22/2018 at 2:09 PM, kneelbe4mesub said:

I enjoy pegging a sub man on request as part of their BDSM fetish - a willing sub man with a horny bum is just gagging to be pegged . There are various techniques  for a curious and for an experienced sub man when it comes to pegging .. And it also based on TRUST as well ...and  the theme here as to be one of comfort (as in relaxation technique) . Always ask for a condom to be fitted  on any sex toy used internally on you  (to protect yourself as part of safe sex practice) and also use plenty of  lub  is a  key requirement as well. etc  Other tricks of the trade on pegging I retain info  to myself as this is usually based on 1-2-1 conduct. Everyone has different pegging desires + fetish  needs and there are countless pegging  sex  toys , techniques for each person. Always find someone who has pegging experience  and not someone who has never done so before or your experience can be a brutal and very ***ful ordeal will be my key point of advice here :-)

Thanks for the post. Although I am biologically male, my body apart from one non event is female in shape. Intersex or gender dysmorphia is a better term than trans. I want to be pegged as until i can get things to match this i only  way can get penetrated and as im intersex my x is non existent so  id prefer it this way if that makes sense.  Struggling in the SW to find anyone  except pro but i dont want a two hour session every month i want to be owned 24/7.  Anyone on the pegging forum interested?

Bdsm with out been pegged ever no thank you.... Peg me now lol please
On 4/24/2018 at 7:23 AM, Rave92 said:

Bdsm with out been pegged ever no thank you.... Peg me now lol please

While I do enjoy pegging my submissive, I find this point of view interesting. 

I’m often approached by ‘submissive’ males who seem fixated on one or two activities - generally pegging and cock cages/chastity. Nothing about the D/s dynamic, nor service or an understanding of submission. 

While I don’t know if you’re serious or not - if you think a D/s dynamic is only worth while if you get your way on one activity.... eek.

What if your Domme wanted to express her control by denying you the one activity you want? Are you more interested in a D/s relationship - or is a Domme to you just a woman with a strapon? 

pegging forum or no, it goes both ways. women aren't objects.

Heels 👠👠

I would love a D's relaship but as a male sub . Not been easy to find

It is difficult to find a D/s relationship, but I don't think being male sub is any more difficult than any other dynamic.

This is probably a discussion for another thread.

13 hours ago, MissHeels said:

I’m often approached by ‘submissive’ males who seem fixated on one or two activities - generally pegging and cock cages/chastity. Nothing about the D/s dynamic, nor service or an understanding of submission. 


I think tying in with my previous comment a bit, there's an awful mismatch between - well - guys who want to do/try certain activities : but aren't really interested in submission/servitude/power exchange/etc. as such.


I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with that.  But, I think it gets a bit messy because guys end up calling themselves 'subs' or 'wish to be one' but they're not.


I think online most Dominant women who are looking are probably looking for a sub of some forms, where the 'sub' guys are looking for a girlfriend to do their kinks with them.


Which cases a bit of a mismatch.


Happy to be wrong, but I doubt there's many women sit at home thinking "I wish I had a boyfriend I could occasionally do his fantasies with"


Controversially, I think a lot of guys would have better luck in vanilla circles and discussing individual fantasies with someone they've dated for a couple of months if that's massively important.


eyeblacksheep --- you;ve hit the nail of the head here ?

with your quote .

."I think online most Dominant women who are looking are probably looking for a sub of some forms, where the 'sub' guys are looking for a girlfriend to do their kinks with them".---------------------------

There shouldn't be any  SEXUAL INTERCOURSE  exchange between a REAL DOM MX  and a REAL SUB MAN in the real sense with the concept of BDSM ..or else, l class this as a breach of trust between both parties. And  men who fake their BDSM PERSONA as  a fake sub, l class as a SEX SCAMMER. And l can spot them a mile off.On my external BDSM website - I strictly post THERE IS NO SEXUAL INTERCOURSE to weed out  fakes and sex scammers. 

But as the act of SEXUAL INTERCOURSE is a real pleasure between two consenting adults that's perfectly fine linked to FETISH FUN etc. Here on pegging forum for example. 

1 hour ago, kneelbe4mesub said:

eyeblacksheep --- you;ve hit the nail of the head here ?

with your quote .

."I think online most Dominant women who are looking are probably looking for a sub of some forms, where the 'sub' guys are looking for a girlfriend to do their kinks with them".---------------------------

There shouldn't be any  SEXUAL INTERCOURSE  exchange between a REAL DOM MX  and a REAL SUB MAN in the real sense with the concept of BDSM ..or else, l class this as a breach of trust between both parties. And  men who fake their BDSM PERSONA as  a fake sub, l class as a SEX SCAMMER. And l can spot them a mile off.On my external BDSM website - I strictly post THERE IS NO SEXUAL INTERCOURSE to weed out  fakes and sex scammers. 

But as the act of SEXUAL INTERCOURSE is a real pleasure between two consenting adults that's perfectly fine linked to FETISH FUN etc.

Wow - under your interpretation - male Dominants are able to have sexual relations with their submissives but not female Dominants?? 

100% disagree. 

A D/s dynamic is what is negotiated between two or more consenting adults. It is about control - however that is to be expressed. 

Sure, if YOU don’t want sexual intercourse with a submissive of yours, that’s fully within your rights to have within your structure - but please don’t say other people are not ‘doing it right’ or ‘fakes’ because they may have actual sex with their sub. 

All those poor Dommes in FLR 😂😂😂 never to have sex again!! 


Heels 👠👠

Edited by Deleted Member

I often find the word 'real' a little strong.


One of the beautiful things about D/s and BDSM is there are so so so many different types of relationship and they're all valid.


The weakness, of course is sometimes I think some think it's all the same and so when a guy is like "I like the idea of some things being done to me - therefore I'm a sub - therefore women who are Dominant would like to do this with me" then it falls a little flat.


And then he gets frustrated and starts blaming Findom or something.




My kinda view is even in a stricter D/s - it's still Dominant control.  So, if they happen to wish for sexual intercourse with their sub (whether this is a permanent owned sub, a kinky partner, or a client who is there for an hour) then this is their call (if the sub would consent).  (and if they don't wish to - also their perogative)

There's room for all consenting kinksters in thiis pegging forum. 


On 4/26/2018 at 6:33 AM, kneelbe4mesub said:

There shouldn't be any  SEXUAL INTERCOURSE  exchange between a REAL DOM MX  and a REAL SUB MAN in the real sense with the concept of BDSM ..or else, l class this as a breach of trust between both parties. And  men who fake their BDSM PERSONA as  a fake sub, l class as a SEX SCAMMER. And l can spot them a mile off.On my external BDSM website - I strictly post THERE IS NO SEXUAL INTERCOURSE to weed out  fakes and sex scammers. 

But as the act of SEXUAL INTERCOURSE is a real pleasure between two consenting adults that's perfectly fine linked to FETISH FUN etc.

So you call me fake, because I happen to enjoy a full relationship with my submissive, when I have one, And yet, with all your resources and supposed external site, still no picture here, not a one. Just a lot of demands..and frankly a suspect profile. Sweeping generalisations declaring someone who experiences and desires are different to yours a fake reiterates that ..I think your a scammer and I'd advise any potential customers to be very careful.

Even on this accepting pegging forum you gotta be careful.

To the question itself..there is still a slight taboo, more with older gents I find, every other person who approaches me asks about pegging, personally there's aspects of it I enjoy, and some I don't..but never met anybody who had any embarrassment about it, or felt it was taboo in this day and age.

  • 1 month later...

Lets face it, the taboo is a homo-phobic thing ! A male enjoying the experience of having his bum entered albeit by a woman.

Pegging is wonderfully enjoyable for both parties, it's just a mind set that in this day & age should be gotten rid of.

Most men (sub or not) secretly desire it, maybe it is the stigma that prevents from doing so. even on a pegging forum like this the stigma stands. 

  • 3 years later...

Very informative reading, But please explain why being pegged, and having toys inserted aren't the same.My late wife enjoyed draining my prostate when I wanted to have sex,and she didn't.while i believe i would enjoy exploring pegging, and more.i don't get off on self pleasing my self, let alone pretending a top is riding me.

9 minutes ago, Receiver7rdeep said:

, But please explain why being pegged, and having toys inserted aren't the same

I guess in the way that - while PIV, BJ and anal are all sticking a cock in a hole - they're all different

Pegging is specifically the act of someone giving anal sex using a prophetic 

Someone fucking you wearing a strap on harness is evidently different form someone sitting on a butt plug - even if they oth stimulate the prostate 

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