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What size do women find small


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3 minutes ago, narxem said:

Depends if a “connection” is what you’re looking for. Otherwise it’s not enough.

Fair comment 😊

Ejaculation volume has correlated role here as well

To be honest, I get kinda tired of this dick size stigma. Everyone exaggerates dick size, women included. Either that or everyone forgets how to use a ruler.

87% of men have a dick between 5-7 inches when erect. And less than 0.1% have a dick at 9 inches or bigger.

I have been told before that I have a "huge" dick or "that must be at least 10 inches". I don't, my dick is 7 inches at most, so it's in the same bracket as most men. 

So if you hear someone say that they have a 10 inch dick or they only fuck over 10 inches or whatever, they are almost definitely chatting shit. 


I don't know why this exaggeration occurs. Might be from men adding an extra inch here or there for extra macho points, it might be from women believing them, it might be from porn where they're bullshitting the size of the cocks. Who knows 


There is also a psychological aspect to things here. Just because the vagina is made to stretch during childbirth, doesnt mean it will expand to take monster cock. If a woman's mind is engaged in a way she feels something is beyond her, then those vaginal muscles will clamp down tighter than anything. Similarly,  if she is relaxed and receptive she might be able to accommodate a bit.  


The biggest thing everyone needs to remember is that the mind is the biggest sex organ. Whether for a casual dalliance or longer term partnership, if tge mind is not involved,  aint nothing happening. 

Posted (edited)

These questions always go off the rails since there is no real answer. "It depends" is invariably what it boils down to since every vagina and every penis is different. Asking what size do "women" find small is not an answerable question. What size does that particular women find small is something you *can* get an answer to. And you would need to have a real conversion with her to get an answer. It's like asking what size boobs do men like and expecting an answer...

Giving birth is not a factor in determining the size a woman can accommodate. Plus there is always preference. Just because it fits doesn't mean she wants or enjoys it.

Personally I prefer larger men. I don't orgasm unless the guy is at least 7. I still have fun and it still feels nice if the guy is smaller, but I'm not going to cum with a small guy. I've been called a size queen but believe me, if I could orgasm with smaller guys I would LOVE it. Bigger guys, who I want to actually have sex with, are not that easy to find. 


As for the OP, 1 person out of how many says you are smaller than she's used to? I think you are looking for problems where there aren't any. I totally get that people have insecurities but that was only 1 person...

Edited by SexxyMoeFoe
14 hours ago, Donnykinkster said:

So he's a cracking fella, but closer to 6 than 7, would that then rule him out? Surely it's the connection that really matters?

I have my preferences.. its like some people like women with little tits, some like a nice hand/mouthful, and some like huge tits.. its not a one size fits all game. 7-9.5 is my preference.

The vagina lengthens during sex to accommodate more but just like penises, they vary in anatomy. So a woman may have a high cervix or a low one, or a tilted uterus (about 25% of women - I have one). It's not just a question of arousal. It's anatomy and how the vagina and penis fit together. Not just the length but the curve of the cock will be a factor. I encounter *** in my cervix (bruising) with some cocks no matter how aroused I am. And where the penis "hits" the cervix will affect pleasure for the woman. As Jax has already commented, menopause plays a role too. Science matters.
3 hours ago, Curvygirl1 said:

I have my preferences.. its like some people like women with little tits, some like a nice hand/mouthful, and some like huge tits.. its not a one size fits all game. 7-9.5 is my preference.

Of course, I think we all have preferences, certain aspects of another we seek be they physical or emotional. However i believe in flexibility depending on how one gets on with another, and to stick rigidly to those parameters I believe can somewhat limit choice and sometimes even blind us to what possibly could be something really good. Of course certain things are deal breakers, but to say "I want this and that" without a certain level of compromise or flexibility, depending of course on what one seeks, for me does limit, and can actually restrict from what could be something really good. It's about what's at the end of the cock, not the cock itself, unless of course sex is all one seeks 😊😊


I think having a preference wouldn't negate ruling something out.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

4 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

I think having a preference wouldn't negate ruling something out.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Agreed.  Like I say in my comment above, I prefer larger but I wouldn't rule out someone smaller. I will let him know that the odds of me orgasming is probably 0.  


size of what? ego? ... humility is usually best :-) .. It is not the size that matters but what you do with it that does. Technique can do at lot. I also find that most women (at least the ones I have encountered) looks at the whole package and not superficial features ..


If you were a blue wale anything under 10ft would be small, and oddly the humble barnacle has a penis eight times its body size making it in that aspect the largest, and they just blindly wave it around during breeding

Posted (edited)

I can't speak from a girls perspective but all I can add to this is that I've had anal sex with over 400 men (long story, don't ask) and of them less than half a dozen gave me an orgasm. The vast majority (90%) were same size as me 6" ish. So I agree with above that most men are not that large. In my case my orgasms were achieved due to girth more than length but also bend, 'mushroom' shape, sharpness of 'sc***r' etc. My ideal for my body, for anal sex is about 8", shorter doesn't work and longer is just uncomfortable. I have only known half a dozen guys with 8" cocks out of 400 so that itself says something about the nonsense and porn induced rubbish you read on forums. I've known just a couple men with 10"+ cocks (and they weren't gay or bi) and they were pretty miserable, one of them had his girlfriend leave him because he was too big and he consistently hurt her during penetration. Too many people seem to have watched too much porn and not had enough sex with real people? 

edit: should also be noted that the two guys I know with 10"+ cocks cant get fully hard, even when fully erect they are still soft and bendy. When I (along with most smaller guys) get erect we are rock hard and not bendy. Might not make a difference to most but worth remembering, at least my recent boyfriend/master at 8" could get fairly hard but not as hard as me. Bigger guys slip out less but at least if you slip out with a hard erection you can generally go right back in without needing a helping hand to guide you in.... 😀

Edited by Deleted Member

I should also point out that bigger is most certainly not better with regards oral sex and this must surely apply to girls as much as with boys. I absolutely love oral sex with normal sized guys, no issues and can even take them into my throat without gagging, puking or feeling like I'm going to suffocate. However anything with a wide girth (my recent boyfriend being at the limit) or larger and it is IMHO unpleasant, uncomfortable and downright impossible. 


As stated in many posts, your actual enjoyment of sex comes down to many more things than simply size, for me it is often down to how that person makes me feel, how careful and considerate they are and how they use what they have to the maximum potential. So yes, most men can't give me an orgasm through purely penetrative sex alone BUT many men and women have given me amazing orgasms from other means even simply from talking dirty into my ear!!!

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