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Question for male slaves

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What are some turn offs on a domme. No shame, just spill.

oh god. I could be here for ages ;)

So - I guess as a preference : I'm not really into the whole "all subs are losers" kinda mantra.  I want to feel Dominants genuinely value my time 

And I think there can be a line between a 'persona' and 'fakery' and fakery is off-putting

Beyond that.

Reckless/Dangerous play - which could include attempting something they really don't know how to do.  


Making promises or offers that aren't followed through on

Being constantly compared to other subs/slaves


Not being prepared. Looking for stuff. Leaving the room while I’m tied up to find stuff. It interferes with the flow.
A Domme who doesn't know when to stop being a Domme. I once played with a Domme a few years ago who was amazing at turning me on, but he would constantly try to dominate me outside of bed. Small things like telling me what to wear, what to eat, etc. I told him that I wasn't into a 24/7 dynamic, and that he needed to just chill with his persona, but he just kept at it. Definitely a turn off.
While I don't speak for most subs I can speak for myself when say I am willing to work with most things but some of the major turn offs are

talking about my dick size (some guys like it some guys hate it its somthing u should discuss beforehand)...

talking about financial domination (again some guys like it some don't I dont becase of the overwhelming majority of fake financial doms pops into my head when talking about it)...

I might be alone in this but I hate it when the dom expects me to fallow there every word and and not give any resistance (during these times I have allready told u about some if my triggers and would like u to use them when giving me the order again)....

Not understanding that I don't wana go into movement restrictive items on the first date especially if im hosting (I dont know u u might try to take my shit and run when u tie me up)....

Not taking a shower or cleaning up your pussy befor the act (I don't wana go down and have eat out the fish market )....

Eating when im not during aftercare cuddles (I don't want your food crumbs on me)
. First & foremost. 99% of them are fake scammers to begin with. I will never pay for BDSM. In any form other than occasional gifts for a dedicated 24/7 mistress. I hate it when they start shit off by asking for ***. Nope. Ant gonna happen. Move along lol I want to serve a mistress who enjoys BDSM & who does it as part of a lifestyle, nit because it's her fucking job. I don't want to be treated like a client. I want to be her personal slave. So yeah, financial dommes. Hell with em. Most are scammers anyway.

You do all realise, everyone who replied was talking to a wannabe FinDomme right, she didn't even have a Pro profile it was just her name?

Giving her tips and tools to enable the next rinsing?  Telling her what warns you off? 

I notice the OP has been banned for breaking site rules, I think we can all guess which ones, but keep your eyes peeled, she'll be back, this was I believe her 4th incarnation, all with dani in the name.


Asking for *** before anyone meets anyone else. Then running off to Mexico because they are actually a dude scamming online

I know I shouldn't but - I always find it interesting how many guys list *** as a prime turn off

date nights must go well for you

"So, then... sub..." she smiles as she takes a last sip of champagne, "Would you like to come back to mine, and, I'll show you some of my toys?"

"Oh, wow, yeah I'd love to"

She raises an eye, "you'd love to... what?"

"I'd love to..." there's a nervous gulp in saying it for the first time... "I'd love to, Mistress"

"Very good. Shall we split the bill then split?"

"Well I don't want to now"

"Don't want to what?"

"I was all horny then you had to bring *** into it"

"We do have to pay the bill... and, honestly, I'm not expecting you to cover it - but if we split it for ease we'd be out of here faster"

"Yeah, but... you had a starter and I didn't.  And you had steak, and champagne... and..."

"OK. Tell you what. I will pay, then we can go back to mine - if you pay for the cab that'll cover what you spent"

"You're doing it again!"
"Doing what again?"

"Bringing *** into it.  I'm not a financial sub! I'm a service sub!"

"It's no wonder you're single... goodbye... lose my number" 

2 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

"Very good. Shall we split the bill then split?"

"Well I don't want to now"

"Don't want to what?"

"I was all horny then you had to bring *** into it"

I don't think that was the intended meaning.  The discussion was about wannabe pro Dommes who are not up-front about their intent.  Posters were pointing to the one's who, on a supposed date, suddenly spring: "That will be $$$ per session", "I expect a tithe of $$$ per week/month", etc...

Reputable pros work off of referrals.  Would-be clients come to them, knowing full-well that they are seeking a paid service.  The relationship is handled professionally, just as it would be with a doctor or plumber.  True pros do not engage in "bait-and-switch" tactics.

30 minutes ago, Phoenyx said:

I don't think that was the intended meaning.  The discussion was about wannabe pro Dommes who are not up-front about their intent.  Posters were pointing to the one's who, on a supposed date, suddenly spring: "That will be $$$ per session", "I expect a tithe of $$$ per week/month", etc...

Reputable pros work off of referrals.  Would-be clients come to them, knowing full-well that they are seeking a paid service.  The relationship is handled professionally, just as it would be with a doctor or plumber.  True pros do not engage in "bait-and-switch" tactics.

To a slight degree, I wasn't being fair.  To another degree - I still think that even if someone has no interest in any form of Pro Service/Relationship that's almost it's own separate entity.

So, yep - anyone doing a bait and switch then I can agree it was a turn off but chances are this was a scam anyway.  The turn-off wasn't that *** was mentioned but the person had wasted a couple of days talking to a scammer. 

Fetlife is a little bad for this as a lady might post in a group and then get a bunch of thirsty guys message her and then she will say "yes, we can meet - but I require tribute" something which they could have saved themselves the *** of if they'd even read her profile.  In that case the turn-on there was a few words on a screen and a profile picture - the guys were never interested in her, they were interested in the fantasy.

But the other thing.  Pretty much all relationships cost ***.  So a couple of people hit it off, each date costs *** - if one moves in with the other then there's going to have to be some contribution to the bills, because it is going to cost *** for them being there.  So if talk of *** is a turn off.... 

Like, I know this doesn't seem contextual.  But it's like men want a Domme with a dungeon and all the outfits, toys, and frills to go with it - they just don't want to contribute to that.  Or at least that's how it comes across.

And to also be honest... if men admit they're mostly engaging with people who try to scam them, or who ask for tribute because it's on their profile, it says more about the guys lack of vetting.

Doms who are too young to know what theyre doing and then bitch and complain when things dont go their way. Slow down and learn about people. If youre 19 and think you know everything, you dont, so dont act like it.
So this is a story so I talked to a mistress I’m still new this whole life style and she said the first tribute is 300 I was like ok but she didn’t have any intention in listening to my limits I tried to tell her and she kept dismissing it then said I’m 2 days it’s my birthday and everyone gives me everything I saw that as weird and I was done and I tried to get out she that that’ll be 300 dollars I’m and then I said no she then said I’m gonna tell everyone in the bdsm community about I was scared but I gave up blocked her and now I’m back but idk if I want to do this anymore is the thing I can do tributes but idk
2 hours ago, sissyslut202 said:

So this is a story so I talked to a mistress I’m still new this whole life style and she said the first tribute is 300 I was like ok but she didn’t have any intention in listening to my limits I tried to tell her and she kept dismissing it then said I’m 2 days it’s my birthday and everyone gives me everything I saw that as weird and I was done and I tried to get out she that that’ll be 300 dollars I’m and then I said no she then said I’m gonna tell everyone in the bdsm community about I was scared but I gave up blocked her and now I’m back but idk if I want to do this anymore is the thing I can do tributes but idk

this is a slightly different issue - but...

if you are talking to someone *on here* they shouldn't be asking for tribute.   A slight exception is if they have a € on their profile and even then you would be approaching them with a view to book.

in the wider world...

A lot of scammers have jumped onto the idea of tribute and exploit a way a lot of adult work has been pushed to work - this doesn't mean that someone asking for a tribute is automatically a scammer.  In your case they definitely were, and used the "I'm going to tell everyone" as a form of blackmail/threat 


Yesterday at 05:28 AM, sissyslut202 said:
So this is a story so I talked to a mistress I’m still new this whole life style and she said the first tribute is 300 I was like ok but she didn’t have any intention in listening to my limits I tried to tell her and she kept dismissing it then said I’m 2 days it’s my birthday and everyone gives me everything I saw that as weird and I was done and I tried to get out she that that’ll be 300 dollars I’m and then I said no she then said I’m gonna tell everyone in the bdsm community about I was scared but I gave up blocked her and now I’m back but idk if I want to do this anymore is the thing I can do tributes but idk

That’s just flat out women trying to get *** from men, happens far too often these days snd doesn’t belong on these apps or communities

  • 4 months later...
What turns me off? Very little! But I would say someone who immediately declares that She owns me, when we have never met in person! I’m not going to follow orders, if we have never even met before!
Financials dommes total turn off stop asking for *** and *** to buy stuff for themselves I do not give and will never give *** to a domme unless I’m in a FTR with them
  • 2 months later...
I find over the top, completely self centered, bitchy dommes my biggest turn off. Understand this may be someone elses dream but I prefer the idea of connecting with someone insperational who can nurture and help you grow with a blend of strict and gentle activities.
  • 3 weeks later...
People who are asking for *** or just assume that they own you. Just because of our preferences in a relationship doesn’t mean that we will work well together.
  • 1 month later...
When they keep demanding *** as tribute for just talking to them
Mainly financial doms in general
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