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Appropriate ways to begin a conversation with an s type


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12 minutes ago, TheBookCollector said:

Thats a new term i'll have to remember, the word that spang to my mind was cockwomble.

I was trying to be polite, it didn't come off that way?

5 minutes ago, TheScribe said:

I think you have been very mean to this young chap, my lady, after all, he has taken the opportunity on several threads to point out how clever he is? How can he possibly be wrong? I mean ~rolls eyes~ how can you, a mere submissive, know your own mind? Dear god, you will be wanting the vote next, or equality, and the world will go to hell in a handbasket :P

I know, how dare I speak my mind? New posting coming up

On 9/10/2021 at 4:28 AM, CopperKnob said:

Let me judge a book by its cover and toss a label on you without your consent - douche canoe, you come across as pretty arrogant.
If i've said i'm not interested, i'm not interested, my mind doesn't need changing, I don't need convincing. If I've said no, I mean no and thats to be respected, not violated and I owe no one an explanation, my why doesn't always need ti be shared.
The thread was about starting appropriate conversations with s types, not how to manipulate them so you get your own way

That's your assuption. It's also wrong. People also are what they hate. Makes me wonder about you.

Did I at any point ever say I'm letting or not letting anyone? Those are YOUR words. NOT mine.

I also never said not doing consent was a bad thing. In fact I think there are times it's a very good thing. My chcoices, Your choices.

And yes, if someone says they're not interested then they mean that. BUt did it occur to you that I can change peoples minds? Or was you being dismissive with a closed mind? I'm not telling you. I'm asking you. Anda gain, if you don't KNOW about something then how can you possibly know if you're interested or not? Considering that you do not yet know. It's a logical fallacy. It's impossible to know one way or the other until you know. I never said anyones mind NEEDS changing. Again, YOUR words. But if you don't KNOW about something then you DON'T know about it. Stop changing the topic to make excuses to make this about something it's not. You're making so many assumptions about me here. And frankly I don't need it. But if you assume then you assume.

You don't owe me anything. But if you willingly choose not to answer then you wilfully choose the path of silence. I'm not afraid to reply. I'm not afraid of being proven wrong. Make of that what you will.

And if you don't try to get your own way then how can you get what you want/need? Doesn't mean you have to pull the wool over peoples eyes. Does mean challenge people and ask why they believe what they do when they don't even know you yet. Can you read minds? Do you WANT to judge a book by its cover? Do you want to be that person that assumes? I'm not looking for answers. But you will ask yourself I think.


I'm sorry but it sounds more like you dislike people saying no to you, just how it's coming across in black and white

46 minutes ago, Taramafor said:

That's your assuption. It's also wrong. People also are what they hate. Makes me wonder about you.

Did I at any point ever say I'm letting or not letting anyone? Those are YOUR words. NOT mine.

I also never said not doing consent was a bad thing. In fact I think there are times it's a very good thing. My chcoices, Your choices.

And yes, if someone says they're not interested then they mean that. BUt did it occur to you that I can change peoples minds? Or was you being dismissive with a closed mind? I'm not telling you. I'm asking you. Anda gain, if you don't KNOW about something then how can you possibly know if you're interested or not? Considering that you do not yet know. It's a logical fallacy. It's impossible to know one way or the other until you know. I never said anyones mind NEEDS changing. Again, YOUR words. But if you don't KNOW about something then you DON'T know about it. Stop changing the topic to make excuses to make this about something it's not. You're making so many assumptions about me here. And frankly I don't need it. But if you assume then you assume.

You don't owe me anything. But if you willingly choose not to answer then you wilfully choose the path of silence. I'm not afraid to reply. I'm not afraid of being proven wrong. Make of that what you will.

And if you don't try to get your own way then how can you get what you want/need? Doesn't mean you have to pull the wool over peoples eyes. Does mean challenge people and ask why they believe what they do when they don't even know you yet. Can you read minds? Do you WANT to judge a book by its cover? Do you want to be that person that assumes? I'm not looking for answers. But you will ask yourself I think.

You literally just proven the point by trying to persuade me to change my mind about you you🤷‍♀️


Just a reminder, my post is on helpful ways to assist people in approaching subs not diatribe by selfrighteous twatwaffles declaring people are wrong for debating their rigid coercive opinions. This form of narcissistic domestic *** is very 'anti conversation starter' its a downright nuke.





Back to the OP. What are some good ways to start a conversation with an s type that will keep them interested.  


Can I be a little controversial and say the s type I am means sometimes when the chemistry at the outset is right I don't really want an intro conversation I want the Dom to assume control, I will normally indicate with submissive behaviours if I'm comfortable. I am very alpha bottom so never do anything I don't feel comfortable with. So I would say there are non verbal openers that work too. And just to say i live the guys that think the sub just needs some more ' persuasion' to realise how fantastic they are. In a club situation I've burnt a few alphas for their arrogance. I'm a toy but only if you play right 


I think a question there is how does the other person know you feel the chemistry is right?

But equally, they might not feel comfortable assuming a role too quickly

I'm not sure if many male subs realise how being too eager to serve if off-putting.  


Lol at no point did I say eager as a matter of fact unfortunately I'm mistaken for a Dom more times than a sub. I do have to qualify and say my comments relate more to face to face club/ munch style situations. Chemistry is a lot more to do with non verbal signals e.g. eye contact - if I don't return gaze I'm unlikely to be interested if I turn away as they approach I'm unlikely to be interested etc.

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