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How would you celebrate a milestone birthday when in a totally non physical relationship?


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Posted (edited)

Afternoon all. 


So, this Saturday I turn the rope old age of 50.


Once upon a time I would have been spoilt by the other half... She'd surprise me with undies etc she was wearing, perhaps even a new toy for her to play with while I watched....


Great memories... 


Anyway, there is basically been zero physical anything for just under 3 years and even before then it became increasingly space over the proceeding years. 


So, with that in mind, what ideas would people have on how to have "FUN" on my milestone birthday? 

.... let those ideas flow.... 

Edited by Invisible71
Create an agreement like mine, I sat and discussed options as I wanted sex and my partner basically does not. We agreed I can experiment and try things with other people. Maybe talk to her? If that's what you want. It's the best way to give her respect and talk about it. 🤷‍♀️
Happy birthday for Saturday!!! Might be a bit late to make any special reservations but maybe see if any local kink clubs are open?
Talk. Words are everything. Express how you feel. Explain you need passion and maybe it’s time to explore other options if its not thrre. Also sometimes chapters end.
4 hours ago, sleepyone2000 said:

Happy birthday for Saturday!!! Might be a bit late to make any special reservations but maybe see if any local kink clubs are open?

Thank you sweetheart. 

I have to admit I'm not even sure where the nearest club to me actually is. 

7 hours ago, Sophiieelaura said:

Create an agreement like mine, I sat and discussed options as I wanted sex and my partner basically does not. We agreed I can experiment and try things with other people. Maybe talk to her? If that's what you want. It's the best way to give her respect and talk about it. 🤷‍♀️

That would not go well based on previous discussions.... 

2 hours ago, domguy15 said:

Talk. Words are everything. Express how you feel. Explain you need passion and maybe it’s time to explore other options if its not thrre. Also sometimes chapters end.

... I hear this so often... Why do people think it hasn't been done!!


Trust me, it had been discussed more times than I care to remeber and no matter what is agreed or promised, nothing has changed for the better and if anything after each discussion it went a little colder. 

As for the chapter possibly ending, for reason I will not go into here, it can't end yet. 


I guess in ways - what would you like to do?

I've got a milestone later this year (40) and my 30th sucked (I was unemployed and broke as f*ck - redundancy *** starting to run low) and there's been a mixed bag since then

For this year - I'm mulling taking some time off in the run up and doing assorted acts of debauchery - mind, a lot there depends on the covid situation, my budget, and frankly I had 2 late nights in London last month and it left me recovering for a week.  I've a little time - but - even just seeing some friends in a "it's my birthday coming up - I want to see you. I don't want anything, just to see you" then it could be nice.

Failing that a multi-Mistress strap on gangbang would do me.

Invisible71 - Some 10 years ago I was in a similar position to yourself. Married to a woman who, when we got together was the life and soul in a room - any room…. In fact, when we first got together, it as she who craved more sex than I …. And I have always had a genuinely high sex drive.

So fast forward…six years or so.
Sex is now entirely on her terms. I give her oral and manual stimulation - when she asks for it, but receive little - usually nothing in return.
Occasionally she wants sex. Maybe once every six to eight months.
I have a fetish for big breasts - so the usual compromise if she wasn’t feeling in the mood -or was tired was that I would masturbate myself over them. This also stopped.
I began to withdraw my sexual favours - as a self preservation exercise more than anything. So she would tease me with her breasts, lead me to believe that she was interested, have me perform on her what she wished ……… and then get up and go shower leaving me hanging.

If you have no option to talk with her about your needs, and obtain your own satisfaction elsewhere, then you have two stark choices.

One, accept that your sex life is now over.

Two, discretely find someone on your wavelength - most probably married, and therefore not looking for a ‘relationship’ as such, and embark on an physical affair.
Physical - not psychological.

Number 2 can come at a price though. Get that wrong, and everything comes crashing down around your ears. I opted for option two, got caught, and am now happily divorced - although at the time, it was hell to go through.

I wish you luck.
How to celebrate a milestone birthday in a sexless huh. I’d go find someone who you have something on common with an pursue it. After 10 years married suddenly the sex stopped. Even though he’s completely vanilla, I lived in a sexless for years before finally getting divorced. Best of luck. May you have sex on your birthday.

... I was extremely fortunate that a lady friend from this did actually spoil me by sending me a wonderfully erotic and sensual photo that was done solely for me on my 50th.


Thankyou sweetheart. 



  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly man go out and live your life. You have what 25 more years? Then your in the ground. Make it mean something. I just got out of a toxic ass relationship. You know why? Cause we were too different and our sex drives didn’t match up. You didn’t say if you were married or not. But go out there and find someone thats willing to f*ck your brains out. You deserve that, so does anyone else. Go to the gym, go to therapy, find something that you can’t live without and make it your sole goal. If your not happy with your job get one that’s fun. Get shit done man. Trip balls and find yourself. Etc.

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