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What a Dominant is


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You have basically called every Dominant on this site, a beer swilling BBQ poking neanderthal, and you think you come across as someone educated, news flash YOU DON'T, try thinking about what you say before you say it.

The initial tread title is "What is a dominant", which could have been very informative to others, but was simply spoilt by your distinct lack of knowledge on the subject.


and I checked your profile to see how long you had been on the site......7 months, which I agree dosnt amount to much, but hey I don't just look at the pics, I reed the whole profile, including the history, as it tells me more about the person I'm looking at

15 minutes ago, TheBodygaurd said:

You have basically called every Dominant on this site, a beer swilling BBQ poking neanderthal, and you think you come across as someone educated, news flash YOU DON'T, try thinking about what you say before you say it.

The initial tread title is "What is a dominant", which could have been very informative to others, but was simply spoilt by your distinct lack of knowledge on the subject.

Youre absolutely right, it could have been an informative post but, I don't tend to write about things I don't know of or haven't experienced unless of course, it's humourous, for people with a similar sense of humour...or to wind people up, if I'm in the mood, looks like I hit the nail on the head here

As an aside to this entertaining exchange, are any of your degrees in medical sciences? My knuckles are awful sore from being dragged along the ground...
1 hour ago, dave49393 said:
As an aside to this entertaining exchange, are any of your degrees in medical sciences? My knuckles are awful sore from being dragged along the ground...

Disappointingly no, but thats nothing some TCP won't sort out 😂😂😂

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