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Longer Stories

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As we are approaching Halloween, and I fucking love it, I have a selection of spooky/paranormal erotic stories to share. They are not wham bam thank you ma'am pieces, but a short tale that is a little more involved. Too much for here? Thoughts?

15 minutes ago, Sophie58 said:

I would enjoy seeing them. Love your creative writing 😘


5 minutes ago, kbenhavn188 said:

Yes, please 😄

Thank you ladies, I will start editing and get the first up hopefully tomorrow x

4 hours ago, TheScribe said:

Thank you ladies, I will start editing and get the first up hopefully tomorrow x

Can’t wait to read. Thank you. 😆

I would love to read them

Thank you my lady. The Halloween offerings are pretty much horror based, with naughtiness slipped in, but others to follow will just be downright smut ~laughs~ though woven into a semblance of storyline x

12 minutes ago, Lookin4a3rd98 said:

Can't wait to hear it

There are quite a few to come over the following weeks..and I hope they are well received.

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