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Kodak Devil (Part 1)


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It was a hot summer day and I had all the windows open. The breeze brought me some reprieve from the sticky heat as I sat lazily in my lingerie, counting the minutes until he arrived.

I was smiling to myself, thinking of the last couple days of texting we’ve had and it made me giddy with excitement. I’ve never been one to get really horny from sexting, but he had a magnificent way with words. Describing all the depraved acts he would do to me to convince me that he should be my Dom.

I was half expecting disappointment, because fantasy is always hard to meet in reality, but I was curious nonetheless.

He texted that he was 10min away and I started slipping into my blue summer dress and touched up my dark red lipstick. I remembered in one of his scenarios he mentioned red lipstick— How he thinks that was a sexy color on any woman.

I paid attention, and I wanted to please him, so I took the red theme further. I had a tight, red body suit in lace underneath my dress with matching red nails.

I start prepping some cold water with ice cubes to serve to help with the heat that was slowly dissipating into the night sky.

There was a gentle knock on the door. I can see you in the peephole and you slyly smile back.

I slowly open the door in anticipation.

“You’re late,” I say with a defiant grin.
“Sorry, had some work to do” as he looks me up and down in approval. “nice lips.”

He comes in the door and drops his back pack down. I eye it suspiciously, “what’s in the bag?”

“Now now …aren’t you going to offer me a cold drink? I’m thirsty.”

I giggle and tell him to make himself at home in the living room and I grab the cold glasses with water in the kitchen.

He sits casually on the sofa and takes in the room. I sit close to him but just out of reach. I hand him the glass and he gulps it down. He was very thirsty. He asks if he may smoke out on the balcony and I lead him outside and join him.

Our conversation is comfortable and casual. I soak him in, his baby face, his slender body, and his graceful manners.

He wasn’t what I imagined but he makes me relax immediately, which is always a good sign.

After our smoke, we go back to the living room but this time I sit closer with my legs on the coach pointing towards him, just in reach and with a view of my thigh highs under my dress.

He continues with his story of his travels and casually begins to caress my lower legs. Up and down my shins, without missing a beat. I’m distracted by his touch and keep following his fingers as he lightly touches my stockings.

I ask him, “So, Mr. Photographer, you always pet your models.”

“Helps make for better pictures. Horny models make for sexy pictures.”

“Mmmmm, if you say so.” I say coyly.

He walks over to his back pack and takes out a beautiful, vintage Rolleiflex camera. Compact and small— I can tell he had to dig for it. Which means, there is more in the bag than meets the eyes. My eyes follow him and he smiles at me. He casually sets the bag just out reach and strategically turned away so I can’t see what’s inside it.

‘What a tease,” I chuckled to myself.
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