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Post Pirates

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I shall be my usual polite self with this, but I will admit I may slip.


You know who I am referring to. Regardless of the OP and the context of the subject matter they drop in and make a long rambling comment about.....THEM.

It is full of self-validation, self-aggrandizement, self-justification, and just about everything else that begins with self. They hijack the post, try to steer it towards THEIR interests, all with the intent to show how clever/intelligent/kinky/knowledgeable they are. The forums are all about sharing ideas and thoughts, and 99% of users do just that. They contribute without an agenda. Fabulous. That 1%, who cannot help themselves from vomiting over threads, are a tiny but oh-so-present annoyance.

Guys, and yes it is predominantly guys, if you wish to share your brilliance start a thread of your own. In that, you can show everyone just how marvelous you are, and WE can come in and contribute our thoughts. Simple, yes?

I truly don't care if you are the reincarnation of Oscar-fucking-Wilde....just stop.

*takes a deep breath*

Thank you.

It's a difficult one and undeniably there are those that do what you are suggesting on forums all over the Internet - to be honest I've not noticed that much of it here. Whenever I do see it though, either here or elsewhere I take it with a pinch of salt and ignore.

I also think sometimes it's a fine balance between intent, which isn't always easy to tell in textual interactions, and self-promotion. We all speak and relate from personal experiences, so to an extent it's only natural that those come out in how we respond to things and can sometimes be seen as self-promotion when in fact that is not the intent at all, is just using a personal experience as an example.

Like I said though, best thing you can do if you don't like the way others use a public forum is to ignore it with a shrug of the shoulders - of course there will be times that what has been said needs to be challenged or even corrected but that is different.

@gemini_man I agree with what you are saying, however there is a huge difference between relaying experiences and going off on a tangent of self promotion.

I know what you're referring to. But I don't think they will stop. It's a question of ego. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Thank you!!! I’ve noticed it happening most recently on posts from a very talented writer. It’s like they cannot help but bang their ducks as the pontificate how great they are and how she’s wrong. Luckily she’s amazing at putting them back in their place. I always try to read and give out the benefit of the doubt but there are two in particular that if I see their name I have learned to keep scrolling to the next comment. I think they try to hijack posts because for all their self proclaimed knowledge they lack the knowledge to create their own thread. Thanks for the call out.
Has anyone tried sending a polite/friendly pm to the people that aggrivate them? They may appreciate it, who knows. May be friendlier/kinder / more effective.
If only everyone were so good at controlling their ego, and a passionate and talented szcriber. Chapeau!
2 minutes ago, Brittone2 said:

I read this on post and you talking about me ..
Well I'm not keen on you either..
Glad we got that sorted

Bless you. I have no idea who you are, or what you have said in the past. It appears I haven't missed a great deal. Mutual block?

No Way...I want to know who Post Pirate is..*You have no seen my work because I was always. getting suspended. .
48 hours....I would have had to explain who and what I was complain ING about.In a way you have suckerpunched the whole community.Ask Oscar fuckin Wilde reincarnation to stop me.
I said it's me
You said it's not..
If you block me,I'll forgive you.
If you unblock me I'll welcome you back..
Fetish Star Wars was a idea I had,
Kimmy was so funny as Princess Leia..
Hi I'm luke Skywalker,I'm here to rescue.fckk off I'm in the dungeon with Chewbacca ..
You simply picked a star wars character and joined in
This is helping this particular OP because.....
Maybe if you can see the comments are a rambling self-indulgent egotistical land grab - others will too. I've had it happen on my threads. Usually I don't respond or I just say "thanks for your contribution" and move on.
A public trial about who is the most brilliant, is the best, and who knows the most. It is certainly not polite to fight a dispute publicly, and topics are not intended for this. whoever starts this should scratch his head and ask himself what kind of person he is and wants to be. Find out this kind of nonsense via the DM. What happen here is utterly disgusting.
2 hours ago, FreeUrMind said:
A public trial about who is the most brilliant, is the best, and who knows the most. It is certainly not polite to fight a dispute publicly, and topics are not intended for this. whoever starts this should scratch his head and ask himself what kind of person he is and wants to be. Find out this kind of nonsense via the DM. What happen here is utterly disgusting.


I think scribe you've accidentally blocked me.You gave it the ah bless I don't know you.Mutual Block ?
Why..It's a forum..I recognize your friend Dragonflylover.He has given you simplest way to deal with your problem
32 minutes ago, Brittone2 said:
I think scribe you've accidentally blocked me.You gave it the ah bless I don't know you.Mutual Block ?
Why..It's a forum..I recognize your friend Dragonflylover.He has given you simplest way to deal with your problem

Why don’t you just drop it? It’s immature and arrogant not to or is that the way you want to be seen?

6 hours ago, Leisa said:

Why don’t you just drop it? It’s immature and arrogant not to or is that the way you want to be seen?

Thank you for your support Leisa, but I would just ignore it from now on. I have made it so I cannot see their comments, and I have no interest in continuing the petty squabble as I have better things to do. They obviously like the drama, but they must be lacking something in the real world to put so much effort into it.

7 hours ago, Brittone2 said:
I think scribe you've accidentally blocked me.You gave it the ah bless I don't know you.Mutual Block ?
Why..It's a forum..I recognize your friend Dragonflylover.He has given you simplest way to deal with your problem

She. Ta.

55 minutes ago, TheScribe said:

Thank you for your support Leisa, but I would just ignore it from now on. I have made it so I cannot see their comments, and I have no interest in continuing the petty squabble as I have better things to do. They obviously like the drama, but they must be lacking something in the real world to put so much effort into it.

All just my personal opinion -
A view some people have, including Brittone2, is that the nature of your entire post, along with blocking people who are disagreeing with you, is immature/petty/gossipy/arrogant etc 😒 And unfortunately the quoted comment itself also comes across as pretty arrogant, to me.
I am not trying to offend you, Scribe - it seems you block people who don't aggree with you enough for your liking :/ - but many of the threads look like primary school discussions, with insular, pompous, self-righteous, and overall ignorant contributions 😶 Which is bizarre to see as this is a community heavily based on the fun, funny, basic urge to fuck, especially in ways that are pretty out there 😅 Yet it's very judgmental here, a huge amount of the time 🤔
The community is actually a turn-off to be involved in for this reason, to me. I learned this after just a few eye-opening discussions. I try to avoid joining in now - which gives you an echo chamber of contributors here, of course - then everyone involved feels they must be right about the things they say and how they behave towards certain people compared to others, because everyone involved notices that they all agree with eachother, so there's no need to face questioning and no possibility of it. 🤦 Filtering achieved :/
Getting a polite counter point across is extremely difficult, and must be done very, VERY carefully, because people are that defensive, and then it's something like a case of 'blah blah I can't hear you, you're wrong' 🙈🙉
I'm not trying to offend you, or anyone, by commenting here, or anywhere that I ever comment - I also have better things to do 😁 - but you understand, of course, that it's difficult to watch people do things that irritate you and say nothing, to see the traits I described being displayed. And so it's tempting to simply comment sometimes 😖😖😭🤣 A lot of things said here are simply left unchallenged, because there's not enough reason to try - people don't want to talk, they'd rather gang-up, block people or simply ignore things they've said.
I hope I haven't bugged anyone too much, but yes this is not a very pleasant post to read, and it is talking about the majority of thread commenters, particularly regular ones, and I get that that's not fun. But this is honest and quite polite I think. As I always try to be. And it's just my opinion, end of the day 🤷🏻‍♂️


@Aeonova Thank you for your comment. If you look at the original thread, and why it was posted, you will see that comments in here went off-thread for their own purposes. This place IS supposed to be fun, yet some like bringing drama or their own agenda into others posts. I reserve the right not to get involved or entertain that, to indulge them, or even acknowledge the comments. If they feel so strongly about an issue they can start their OWN thread and have their say, can they not? I love good healthy discussion, and have often contributed to posts, but when people start to whine and play victim I switch off. 

1 hour ago, Aeonova said:

All just my personal opinion -
A view some people have, including Brittone2, is that the nature of your entire post, along with blocking people who are disagreeing with you, is immature/petty/gossipy/arrogant etc 😒 And unfortunately the quoted comment itself also comes across as pretty arrogant, to me.
I am not trying to offend you, Scribe - it seems you block people who don't aggree with you enough for your liking :/ - but many of the threads look like primary school discussions, with insular, pompous, self-righteous, and overall ignorant contributions 😶 Which is bizarre to see as this is a community heavily based on the fun, funny, basic urge to fuck, especially in ways that are pretty out there 😅 Yet it's very judgmental here, a huge amount of the time 🤔
The community is actually a turn-off to be involved in for this reason, to me. I learned this after just a few eye-opening discussions. I try to avoid joining in now - which gives you an echo chamber of contributors here, of course - then everyone involved feels they must be right about the things they say and how they behave towards certain people compared to others, because everyone involved notices that they all agree with eachother, so there's no need to face questioning and no possibility of it. 🤦 Filtering achieved :/
Getting a polite counter point across is extremely difficult, and must be done very, VERY carefully, because people are that defensive, and then it's something like a case of 'blah blah I can't hear you, you're wrong' 🙈🙉
I'm not trying to offend you, or anyone, by commenting here, or anywhere that I ever comment - I also have better things to do 😁 - but you understand, of course, that it's difficult to watch people do things that irritate you and say nothing, to see the traits I described being displayed. And so it's tempting to simply comment sometimes 😖😖😭🤣 A lot of things said here are simply left unchallenged, because there's not enough reason to try - people don't want to talk, they'd rather gang-up, block people or simply ignore things they've said.
I hope I haven't bugged anyone too much, but yes this is not a very pleasant post to read, and it is talking about the majority of thread commenters, particularly regular ones, and I get that that's not fun. But this is honest and quite polite I think. As I always try to be. And it's just my opinion, end of the day 🤷🏻‍♂️

I have found in nearly 2 years here is that there are cycles. Sometimes it's as you describe. I'm not hugely enjoying it tbh. There is little fun and I don't have the energy to start another fun discussion as I did last time. We don't have to talk about bdsm or kink all the time! But tbh if you're not going to post your own threads - it seems a bit much to criticise the forum. It's what we all make it.

Brittone2s main arguement was that he felt a roleplay scenario he'd made was gatecrashed, I'm assuming it was in one of the main chatrooms as privacy wasn't mentioned, last time I looked roleplay isn't allowed in the normal chatrooms, so he can't really complain, the issue with it I found was he mentioned another member for no real reason, it had no bearing on the argument so why drag someone innocent into it, and his own arguement made him one of those the post was aimed at, seemed more a case of you gatecrashed mine I'll gatecrash yours, and I can't see anywhere in the op where it's aimed at a particular person
Wasn't in chatroom it was post like this.I did try try and msg scribe to explain and and apologise but I was blocked..if you could pass that on I would appreciated that quietlysure.
I hope that addresses your concernsNp gatecrashing I thought.he was talking about me ...I'm sorry Leisa
17 minutes ago, Brittone2 said:
Wasn't in chatroom it was post like this.I did try try and msg scribe to explain and and apologise but I was blocked..if you could pass that on I would appreciated that quietlysure.
I hope that addresses your concernsNp gatecrashing I thought.he was talking about me ...I'm sorry Leisa

In writing this topic, he has started a smear campaign against you, this intentionally. By blocking you, he has withheld the opportunity to give you text and explanation. This is downright disgusting, says a lot about him and nothing about you. My advice is ignore

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