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T.I.C. turn offs


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A little bit tongue in cheek of a topic.. turn off


For me its beards, I don't like them. They give me gravel rash. 5 o clock shadow looks unkempt. Beards trap food and faecal particles so are not very clean no matter how much they are shampooed.  eat something crumbly and shake flakes out for days.

Some look downright wild, like the man skinned a bear and slapped it on his chin....


So what is your turn off?


I don’t have many turn offs. I think a really hairy pubic area is a turn off for me.
The biggest turn off isn’t physical, it’s someone who is inhibited/shy about themselves. We all have hang ups & areas we’d rather the world didn’t see but we are who we are & there’s no point in trying to slide under the covers in a hope that we don’t get noticed. We’re all wonderfully different so don’t hide your gorgeousness away from others, it just adds unnecessary barriers.
I love 5 o'clock shadow, but I hav3 had some rashes from it lol.
My pet hate is smoking. Followed.by stale BO. T
I think a turnoff is subjective to the individual involved. For me I used to say that app Beard’s were turnoffs until I saw someone with a great beard and then it wasn’t. I’m cerebral so I think for me it’s someone without an educated of their own. I need that mental stimulation or I get bored quickly.
For me, my turn offs are beards for similar reasons, poor hygiene and smokers... If anyone is going to be the dirty little slut, its going to be me 🤣
I’m a pogonophile so beards have the opposite effect for me😁
I never really get the hang ups about beards. I occasionally grow one, but have never been precious about it. I’ve spoken to woman who have made a really big deal about the fact they saw a picture of me with a beard even tho at the time I didn’t actually have one. While I respect people limits, when a beard can simply be shaved off, it kind of does seem like lines in the sand. Maybe other guys are more protective over their facial hair. If they are I haven’t met them.
Great to know beards aren't a complete no no. Never know what to do with mine. Think I'm also guilty of being inhibited and shy, but I can see how confidence can be appealing as I challenge my weaknesses.
Smoking would be one of my turn offs. Fixed a computer of a smoker once and the inside was one of the most horrendous things I've been in contact with.
I'd also say from an emotional level under appreciation can be a major turn of although I do worry it makes me over validate everything.


This cant be good for a guys confidence if he prides himself in his beard... 

I personally love beards. Every one is different. I know transitioning people who are growing beards and it's the most amazing thing to see and know theyre happy with their face fluff 😍



My biggest turn off isnt physical. 

Its "sleaziness".

Im into guys, so il use those in my example. 

Guys who will believe every single thing a woman says or does is an open invitation to something sexual. A guy who says the exact same thing to every woman he comes across... like compliments.. and begging for their attention... the same over and over to multiple women. Guys who literally see women as disposable meat for their fuckage and dumpage. Even the ones who are all over women on here despite them stating they arent interested in men, why they even try is beyond me. That "im so buff and smug i can get any woman" kind of persona. 

Literally everything to do with sleaziness makes me feel physically sick and angry. 

My turn of is probably people who are rude. I don't mean naughty innuendos or reasonable dirty talk, it's more so lack of manners and ignorance with lack of respect.
I'm not saying a Dom/me has to say please with every command they give because I'm assuming most Dom/mes still have a decorum of manners with every command. And the same with bratty subs. It may come over as rude but with most there's still respect there.
I'm on about basic politeness that is used in general society. Respect, tolerance and genuine unselfish kindness are what I prefer. The opposite of those things are turn offs.
14 minutes ago, ChastityPup said:

My turn of is probably people who are rude. I don't mean naughty innuendos or reasonable dirty talk, it's more so lack of manners and ignorance with lack of respect.

Gotta pipe up on this bit too. One of them "you always forget you hate it until you come across it" kinda things.

But yes. 

Ignorance. Ignorant people who are rude and just petty or childish. Ive came across it recently. Got well rid of those displaying that behaviour. It disgusts me adults who dont have basic manners and no capability to be civil. So yes anyone whos ignorant is another major one for me. Not limited to D/s stuff either..more as a trait.  


Honestly cant think of anything that turns me off physically. I guess in that regard, one is bad hygiene. I dont mean sweat... more like yellow fingernails that are black with dirt under it and like really fungal looking rashes from uncleanliness. But ive not really came across that often. 


Biggest turnoff has got to be unhygienic people, dirty fingernails, bad smell, unkempt and unwashed 🤮 ugh


My biggest turn off are cunts. 


I also have a magnificent beard.

2 hours ago, BadDesires said:

Think I'm also guilty of being inhibited and shy, but I can see how confidence can be appealing as I challenge my weaknesses.

It’s all horses for courses & we all like/dont like different things so don’t let what I’ve written, sit heavily with you.

I also feel general shyness & shy about the way someone looks are 2 different things. I’m terribly shy (but I try hard to hide that) however I’m not shy about the way I look, I have mirrors & I’m well aware of my size & flaws & they can’t be hidden so therefore there’s no point in me stressing over them


Falseness or should i say "a narcissistic" approach, and people who are just utter knobends for the hell of being one. 

The other is people who revel in being thick as a plank of 4 by 2.  By this i mean people who are unwilling to put some effort in to improving things.



2 hours ago, JenniferTP said:


This cant be good for a guys confidence if he prides himself in his beard... 

I personally love beards. Every one is different. I know transitioning people who are growing beards and it's the most amazing thing to see and know theyre happy with their face fluff 😍



My biggest turn off isnt physical. 

Its "sleaziness".

Im into guys, so il use those in my example. 

Guys who will believe every single thing a woman says or does is an open invitation to something sexual. A guy who says the exact same thing to every woman he comes across... like compliments.. and begging for their attention... the same over and over to multiple women. Guys who literally see women as disposable meat for their fuckage and dumpage. Even the ones who are all over women on here despite them stating they arent interested in men, why they even try is beyond me. That "im so buff and smug i can get any woman" kind of persona. 

Literally everything to do with sleaziness makes me feel physically sick and angry. 

Well that's me fucked then 🙃 ya could've warned me ffs 😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂

1 minute ago, Tazzaby said:

Well that's me fucked then 🙃 ya could've warned me ffs 😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂

i believe i know what youre on about... commenting on multiple profiles...

yup major turn off and warning someone who has that trait is allowing them to conceal it/lie about it. then u find out down the line thats who they are and it makes it worse lol oopsie :P

2 minutes ago, JenniferTP said:

i believe i know what youre on about... commenting on multiple profiles...

yup major turn off and warning someone who has that trait is allowing them to conceal it/lie about it. then u find out down the line thats who they are and it makes it worse lol oopsie :P

You got it 🤣😂🤣😂

2 minutes ago, Tazzaby said:

You got it 🤣😂🤣😂

A compliment is just that , but when it's dripping with sleeze  yeah mist of us can see it , nice boots btw lol

1 hour ago, BigPolly said:

It’s all horses for courses & we all like/dont like different things so don’t let what I’ve written, sit heavily with you.

I also feel general shyness & shy about the way someone looks are 2 different things. I’m terribly shy (but I try hard to hide that) however I’m not shy about the way I look, I have mirrors & I’m well aware of my size & flaws & they can’t be hidden so therefore there’s no point in me stressing over them

I'm ok I was channeling some self reflection, hopefully in a positive way. Glad to see you channeling the positive energy to & huge respect to you.

2 hours ago, TeeJay_98 said:

Biggest turnoff has got to be unhygienic people, dirty fingernails, bad smell, unkempt and unwashed 🤮 ugh

I have neither of them issues, but I know someone who has 🤣 xx

I love beards, but I have this thing were I need it to be clean cut around the mouth area. If I'm with a guy and we both have beards, I tend to make sure that the hairs around my lips are trimmed and short. It's definitely a challenge to maintain sometimes. 😅

A big thing I hate is when I meet someone with more experience with a certain kink/fetish, and they just belittle me for my lack of knowledge. A fee times I've dated someone and asked something about an unfamiliar kink (i.e. breathplay) and their response is, "You've never done it before? It's pretty basic stuff. You sure you've tried kinks before?".

Like, why is my whole life experience come to question because there is one thing I'm not familiar with. Those who think they are Masters of the Arts or have this unusual hate against novices seem so full of themselves.

I don’t like needy people they are emotional vampires and people that change there personality for you and that’s fake, be your self 

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