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Munch Notes/Agenda - BDSM Erotica - 21st October 2021


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Munch Notes/Agenda - BDSM Erotica - 21st October 2021


Host:   @Lady_Char

Content contributor:  @Lady_Char


1.So, read any good books lately? Does anyone have recommendations for erotica fiction? Has anyone read any books which positively present BDSM and Ds or Ms dynamics?


2. Do you think the creation of e-readers and electronic borrowing (libraries and Kindle Unlimited etc) have made erotica more accessible to people? Could that be a reason for increased interest in BDSM?


3. What do you think about fiction that blends erotica with other genres, for example fantasy or sci-fi? Are you interested in tentacles with your smexy times, or lovers who turn into wolves when it’s a full moon?


4. Do you find erotica as tantalizing and arousing as, say video porn or visual images?


5. Has anyone tried listening to erotica as an audio? What was that like as an experience? Would you feel comfortable presenting erotica you have written in audio format?


6. Are there any areas of BDSM, or sexuality in general, that you feel are under-represented in erotica?


7. Is erotica best left to short stories and novellas? Would you read a whole novel of erotica? Or some poetry?


8. Is it a bad idea to use fiction as a guide or as part of your research into BDSM? Obviously, it’s not a How To… guide, but can it have value? Are there dangers?


9. Do you think you have a duty to obtain the other person(s) consent if you create stories from real life plays? If names are changed and it’s presented as fiction?


10. Let’s talk terminology. Is it ok to call a cock a cock, or is he “ploughing her fertile flower”?


11. Do you think it’s important to establish a storyline in your erotica? Or can you just get down and dirty?


12. Does anyone have suggestions for places writers can post their erotica for feedback, or just enjoyment for others?


13. Do you use erotica in your BDSM play, for example setting story writing tasks or having a sub read some erotica while being played with?


14. I know it is quite common for subs to be set journals where they can write about their feelings about desires and anxieties, but I have often done this through short story writing. Does anyone else use erotica in this way?


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