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Careful what you wish for

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She didn't know what he had planned for her that night. But she knew it was going to hurt. And she couldn't wait.

They were at hers, chilling with metal playing, which was the norm for her. He asked her what she wanted. She bit her bottom lip as she looked at him. He knew she hated having to say exactly what she wanted right then.

"I want you to hurt me," she said, shyly.
"I know that," he smiled wickedly at her, "I want to know exactly what you want."
She hesitated. He grabbed her lower jaw in his enormous hand and turned her face towards him. Looking up at him through her lashes she felt exposed; more exposed than if she'd been fully naked right there.
"What do you want?" he hissed, his tone informing her that now was not the time for coy.
"I want you to hurt me, use me. Make me bleed and cry. Take everything you want and then some. And then, when you're done, I want you to hold me tight," she lowered her eyes again.

Half a smile played across his face as he grabbed a fistful of her hair, forccing her to get up. He led her up the stairs like this, not easy given their height difference.

Once into the bedroom, he told her to get the box. It contained a few choice implements in it. She dutifully retrieved it and placed it as his feet then stood with her hands behind her back, loosley clasped.

He slapped her face. Just once. It was enough to bring tears to her eyes. Grabbing her hair again, he ***d her to her knees and used his booted foot to push her onto all fours and down onto her elbows. He knelt beside her and placed a knee on her back, while he rummaged in the box. Pulling out her lock knife, he opened it. Starting at the collar of the old t-shirt she was wearing, he dragged the blade through it. Took a bit more than he thought. He got the first slice in and just tore it, seemingly losing patience with it. He did the same with the leggings she had on. She didn't have underwear on; she never did when they were just hanging out at home.

She so badly wanted to move, see what he going to do next - he was back at the box. But she knew better. A hard smack on her ass told her that he still had his attention on her.

He started beating on her ass, rhythmically, not too hard at first but building up. It was starting to get warm, starting to hurt. She drifted a little.

He noticed this of course. He moved one of her knees so her legs were further apart. The next blow landed on the tender flesh of her cunt, eliciting a yelp. A low chuckle emanated from him. She knew he'd be hard from this and it made her squirm. He spanked her cunt again. She could feel herself getting wet. As he continued, again, he increased the intensity of it. Before long, she was yelping with every blow.

Straight after the last strike, he plunged two fingers deep inside her slit, "such a little slut for me, hmmm?" His tone was almost mocking. It only served to make her worse. She pushed back against his hand. Then it was gone.

His other hand snaked around her throat and lifted her from her elbows, sitting up on her knees. He pulled her towards him. She whimpered. Just that, a little spanking and she was desperate to cum. He pulled her so that she was straddling his leg.

He kissed her deeply, his tongue probing every inch of her mouth. By the time he'd pulled away, she was grinding her hips against his leg. He looked at her, his head tilted slightly.

"You filthy little girl, desperate are you?"
"Yes......," she whispered.
"You know I like it when you show me your wanton side. Make yourself cum for me," he said.
She was about to move, thinking she was complying with what he said.
"No, no.....no hands, no fingers. Where you are. Show me how much you want it."

Her face coloured bright pink but she continued grinding into his leg. She couldn't help herself even if she wanted to. She needed it. She held on to him, looked at him, looking at her hungrily and it drove her on. She was like an ***, humping his leg like that. She could see the want in his eyes. She wanted to tear the clothes from him and devour him. She moved faster, her climax on its way. He grabbed her hair and yanked her head back, bent his head down and bit into her her collarbone. She crested and let out a moan that turned into a growl. God, what he did to her!

He smiled at her and pulled her into him. "Good girl," he whispered in her ear, "now get on that bed, because I've only just gotten started."

She did as she was told. Holy shit, did she. She scrambled off the floor and got straight onto the bed, sat on her butt with her legs curled up, watching him.

He took his t-shirt off and she gazed at him, devouring him with her eyes. She had a high libido anyway but he sent her into overdrive. Especially when he looked at her like that. She felt like she could just fuck until her death.

He'd got the knife in one hand - she hadn't seen him pick it up. The sneaky-
He moved towards her with speed, for a guy his size. She did like tall men, though that wasn't difficult considering she was quite short.

He hooked his fingers inside her mouth and ***d her backwards on the bed. Took her by surprise. That was the last thing she was expecting. She tried to unfurl her legs but one got caught up underneath her. He knelt on the bed beside her, supporting himself with one hand, knife in the other.

With a look to her, he started to trail the knife down her body, gently at first. As soon as he reached her tit, he increased the pressure. Significantly. She squirmed underneath him.

"I don't think that's a good idea, do you?" he laughed at her and she stilled. He went back to her tit and began carving. *** welled to the surface and she gasped with the sharp sting. It was his initial. He trailed further down lighter. She held her breath, looking at him with wide eyes. Her heart was racing. He smiled, without looking at her. Pressed harder with the tip of the blade, until she could feel the drops of *** on the surface of her skin.

He put the knife down and stood up from the bed. Hands at the buckle of his belt and a glint in his eye. She knew exactly what was coming next. She knew it was going to hurt. And she couldn't wait.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Your writing is exquisite.  Your prose is very evocative.

Edited by Deleted Member


56 minutes ago, Ulysses said:

Your writing is exquisite.  Your prose is very evocative.

Thank you, you are very kind

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