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Santa Claus, A Reindeer And A Dominatrix.

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Santa knew he was in serious trouble and wasn’t likely to manage to deliver all the presents on time this year. He realised that failure this year could spell the end of his career - there had already been talk about his retirement - and delivery of Christmas presents next year would likely be outsourced to a private courier company under a Private Father Christmas Initiative (PFCI).

Things would never be the same again. After all, having a someone come down your chimney on Christmas Eve night and leave presents in exchange for a Bicardi Breezer and some Pringles was part of everyone’s traditional Christmas. Having a bloke in a van turn up either a week before or a week after Christmas Day with the presents wasn’t particularly festive.

He knew it was his own fault and that there was nobody else to blame. If only he hadn’t been tempted by Mistress Octavia’s advert on Informed Consent he wouldn’t be in the predicament he was now. A predicament which saw him on Christmas Eve night being tightly bound across Mistress Octavia's bondage bench, and butt naked, except for his wellington boots and his hat. The problem was that not only was he having sooo much fun, but that it had taken him so long to find a compatible Domme that if he decided to leave now, he knew that Mistress Octavia would be upset and refuse to see him in the New Year. The prospect of another year without a Domme to serve was almost unthinkable.

Sigh. Just what was Santa to do?

Just then his reverie was interrupted by the sound of footsteps which heralded the return to the playroom of Mistress Octavia.

‘Oh Santa Baby’, she cooed in what he thought she imagined to be an elf like voice, ‘Are you ready to play some more with little Elfie?’

Mistress Octavia was wearing a bright green figure hugging PVC elf’s costume as she had decided that tonight would be role-play night and they were currently in the middle of a scene entitled ‘The Elf’s Revenge on Santa.’ God almighty but the women had some imagination about how the Elves would get their revenge on Santa and the scenes already enacted so far certainly wouldn’t be featuring on any ‘traditional’ Christmas Cards!

Mind you, the thought went through his head that perhaps there was a niche market for BDSM Christmas cards that could be exploited next year? After all, if he did loose his job, he’d need some form of income, especially as his pension with Equitable Life wasn’t likely to be enough to support him in the luxury lifestyle he’d become accustomed too.

‘Yes Mistress Elf. I’ve been a very naughty Santa this year and have treated my elves ever so badly this year that I need to be punished’, said Santa. Thank God that he’d remembered the script and that Mistress Octavia was now Mistress Elf.

But just as Mistress Elf was about to…there came the sound of more footsteps. ‘Who the fuck is that?’, said Santa as he wriggled to no avail in his restraints. ‘I don’t do threesomes and I didn’t think you did either!’ The footsteps stopped and after a silent pause, there came the sound of someone falling about themselves in hysterical laughter.

Now I am sure that you can imagine Santa’s distress, as I am sure that we’ve all been in bondage and something unexpected or some strange noise has happened that freaks us out.

‘Language Santa baby, language’, said Mistress Elf as she released Santa from the bench. Santa got up from the bench and turned around to see exactly who had entered the room, only to be confronted by the sight of a large brown reindeer collapsed on the floor in a heap, laughing so hard that his famous nose was glowing bright red.

‘ Santa Baby?! Oh just wait ‘til I tell the others!’ Rudolph managed to say between fits of laughter.

Shit thought Santa. I’ll never be able to keep those reindeer in line once they hear about this. ‘Rudolph, exactly what are you doing and what do you want?’ Actually, despite what you hear in Christmas carols, the relationship between Santa and Rudolph was often very strained and Santa didn’t really like Rudolph very much as he thought Rudoplh was too big for his boots (or the reindeer equivalent of boots). Santa put it down to all the publicity that Rudolph got when he was young and that Disney contract certainly hadn’t helped. Still, as the reindeer were now unionised he couldn’t sell Rudolph to Burger King without causing a potentially image damaging strike and so he tolerated Rudolph as best he could.

‘Well, ‘Santa Baby’, me and the boys were just hitching up to the sleigh and someone got to wondering where you were. After all, you only work one night a year so we kinda expected you to be on your toes and ready to go. Nobody had seen you for a while, so I popped into the office to see if you were there but you weren’t. As you’d left your computer on and, nosey sod that I am, I had a look through what you’d been up to, and I find out that you’d decided to spend this Christmas without me and the boys. Tut. Tut. We’re all very hurt by that. And the worse thing was, you expect us to do all the hard grafting this year and let us deliver all the presents. Shame on you, Santa Baby.’

‘Yes, shame on you Santa Baby,’ said Mistress Octavia. ‘You can’t expect Ruddie to do everything this Christmas.’

By this time, Santa had got dressed and was looking daggers at Rudolph. ‘Ok, Ok. I get the picture. I am sorry Mistress, but as Rudolph says, I gotta go to work tonight. Can I call you later in the week? Perhaps we can meet up for New Year?’

‘Sure Santy, you’ve got my number.’ And with that both Santa and a still chuckling Rudolph made their excuses and left. Mistress Octavia gave a resigned sigh that another nights ‘entertainment’ had come to an end. With that she went into her study, took a seat at her desk and turned on her computer to check her emails.

And, amongst the spam mail, one liners and willy pictures, one email caught her eye


My name is Easter Bunny, Big E to my friends……’


So if your Christmas presents this Christmas are a little delayed, don’t worry cos Santa is on the way, but he’s just a little behind schedule this year as he’s been a bit tied up recently!

Thank you for reading.

(This is something I wrote nearly 20years ago...I cannot quite believe how many Christmases have passed since then!)

That's quite witty, I like the reference to the pop song.
"Informed Consent" one for the more mature members :-)
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