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The snow fairy


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The afternoon was cold, I thought as I shivered
and stomped the ground to try and increase *** flow to my feet. The last
thing I needed was frostbite. It had been 3 days since I left the truck. Solo
hiking through the mountains seemed like a challenge that was right up my
alley. I had 4 more days to survive before my support team would start the
wheels turning for the rescue crews to start looking for me.. fuck the day, it
was the night that most difficult to get through… so 3 more nights. 3 more
nights of extreme cold.

I needed that rescue now.. my pack, which included
30 lbs of gear, food, shelter, and water had been was lost on a ledge way below.

It was cold, the wind had picked up. I was exposed. The wind chilled me
through my fleece jacket, and I instantly wanted my parka, which was on my pack….
Which was gone…

I looked at the sun, one more hour of sunlight. It was going to be a decent sunset,
the clouds were moving, the recent snow was blowing up from the ground. I looked
for some type of shelter, and noticed a very shallow cave, it was only 50 feet
to my left, every movement created a sharp blinding ***, starting from my knee
and elbow all the way to my head. Moving only 50 feet took me a full half hour.
But once I got to the cave, I was rewarded with the clouds turning colors,
first yellow, then bright orange, then pink and fiery red, then finally a dull
grey. The wind picked up; it was if it was saying tonight will be hell.

I was cold, even colder than before, I started to shake and shiver, I let it
come. That’s when I noticed, I could not wiggle my toes. “fuck, no” I shouted
to no one. I stood up and fell back to the ground. I just wanted to sleep, but I
knew that any sleep that came tonight would end up becoming eternal.

I decided to think about the last few weeks, I had met someone, this was
unexpected, I was not looking. She was beautiful, I instantly liked her energy,
her height, her eyes, her smile, talking to her came easily. She made me feel
comfortable in my manliness, in my rough ways. She was grateful of my

I closed my eyes, I thought if she were here now. I chuckled at that
thought. She would hate it. Its so cold, so incredibly cold. Like life has been
to her, she needed warmth, she deserved warmth. I thought about the evening we
watched fireworks. I was warm then; I was warm now.

I opened my eyes, and I saw some light in the distance. Looked like a hiker
had made camp about a mile away, the light danced off the branches of the
trees. I heard laughter, and voices. Was that voice? I started to ask myself. ,
no… there is no way it could be, my brain and heart answered.

I looked at the light, I rubbed my eyes. They had a fire, maybe they had
found my pack, maybe they had a GPS messaging tracker.

They are only a mile away… I thought. Trying to give my mind hope.

I stood up, I was warm from thinking about the last week, and thinking about
her, chasing her around the room, around the store. Her slowing down to let me
catch her.  My body didn’t hurt now, its
only a mile, 5,280 feet, I did the math. If I went super slow, that was only an

I made my mind up, she became my reason, the why behind every ***ful step

I placed weight on my injured leg. Immediately stars filled my vision, and I
wanted to crash and fall into a *** lump.

I reminded myself that I have done extremely hard things, and that I will
make it through this as well. Just one step at a time.

Blindly through the night, with only the half moons light and the campfire
glow lighting the area, I made my way down the path. Parts of the trail I remembered,
parts I didn’t. I thought I was lost, I felt warm, cold, tired, anxious, happy,
angry, motivated.

I fell again, and screamed out with the ***. “mother of all the fuckery!!!!”
that’s when I heard her.

“Bet!” she shouted.

No, I must be dreaming, and if I was dreaming, then I was dying. I ***d my
eyes open.

I shouted back. “Is that you?” I saw a flashlight point over my direction.

Then a laugh, “haha, Bet!!!” it was her.

I had invited her on this trip, she had work and could not make it. My mind was racing. Then I saw this bright light appear on the trail.

It was her, had she solo hiked to try and get to me. “how in the actual fuck?” I yelled out. My heart was racing.

“Um, You should probably backpack with your backpack,” she teased me. “Ifound it at the bottom of the cliff before all the switchbacks. I left it there, it’s too heavy. You lightweight”

I could have sworn she was glowing. Fuck, I thought, she looks more beautiful now, than the first morning when the sunlight was touching her body.

She laughed, “looks like you’ve about had it old man”

“Really, you are going to tease me here and now?” I asked, in a very ***ed voice.

She finally got to my side. “I did bring a blanket and your parka.”

I was suddenly awake, 100%. The term parka sounded weird coming from her.

Was it really her? I looked hard, it looked like her. It sounded like her.

“I missed you, so I have been trying to catch up the last couple days” She whispered to me.

“I really am glad you came, I’m in a bit of trouble,” I said as I pointed down to my left knee, “I think search and rescue will need to come get me.” I moved my leg and winced in ***.

“I already notified them on this,” she held up my Garmin GPS device. “as soon as I saw you I pressed the SOS button, like you showed me.”

Did I show her? I asked myself silently. If I did, I didn’t remember doing so. But a lot of things felt off. I brushed those feelings away.

“Here,” She said, “I brought some of my dinner, its cold, but it will get you some nutrients”

She was glowing, I saw it. Just the outline of her body.

I have read about near death experiences and I was trying to figure out if this was just another. If I was near death, I needed to wake up.

She looked at me, “okay, this is bullshit, are you really here?” I asked, hoping for it to be true, almost realizing that it wasn’t.

“Yes, it is me, in the flesh,” she said. Pulling the blanket out of her bag, covering me and cuddling up to my cold body.

“You told me once that if someone was experiencing hypothermia, that the best way to warm them up is direct skin contact.” She started pulling off my many layers.

“That will be a mistake,” I stated, “you hate being cold, and this will drop your core temperature”

“I can think of many ways we can fix that,” She openly flirted with me, “like I said, I’ve missed you.” She took off her coat and top.

The moonlight lit her white skin, her exposed nipples became hard in the extreme cold.

She shivered, and the pulled the blanket over both of our heads.

Instantly, I felt her body heat. Her small frame, her great feeling tits, her hands rubbing my arms, my chest. Warming me back to life.

“This is how it felt, that first morning with you,” she said, and I could hear her smile. I instantly smiled as well.

“That was a treat for me as well,” I said, remembering that morning.

“A treat?” she asked, “like going to the candy store afterwards?” her hands touched me more and more delicately. And then, without warning she grabbed my cock thru my pants. “looks like I found some more candy.” She whispered in my ear, biting the lobe. “I need to warm you up”

“You are a terrible tease; I am extremely hurt. I won’t be able to do anything.” I exclaimed.

“Then lay back, and enjoy,” she winked at me.

I couldn’t help but lay back, and feel her hands slowly pulling down my pants, it was strangely extremely erotic, out here in the cold, I felt her shiver.
“You need to stay warm,” I said, pulling her torso to meet mine.. “we will have all the time for that once we are safe”
“We are safe know,” she laughed. And then bit my upper chest. And then squealed again out of delightful playfulness.
“I mean it, we need to get off this ledge and I can’t walk.” I declared.
She bit me again and I swatted her ass, hard.. to find she had taken off all of her clothes and only left her socks on.
“Here’s my idea,” she giggled “you chase me back to camp, that will keep us both very warm, and then we can get warmer”
She had a devilish almost impish glint to her eyes now..
She laughed.. and before I could protest, jumped up and started down the trail. Laughing, and singing, and dancing, naked in the moonlight.
I watched her go, my heart felt lightened, and I completed desired this woman. As crazy as it seemed.
I started to get up, and noticed that her day pack, along with her light was beside me. The blanket was there.. she had left everything.
It is often written that once you start having feelings for someone you want to protect them, and I have those feeling now. She was certainly in danger. I had a choice. Stay here, okay chase after her to ensure protection, but was there really any choice, not really.
My knee completely throbbed as I stood up, I could still hear her shrill sexy voice through the night air, and I started taking actual steps. My mind went to the place it goes when it’s focused on one task, getting to her, much like it does during the last leg of a marathon, or extremely difficult climb. I was surprised at the lack of ***, but I ignored that part of my body.
The rest of the short hike was a blur, but I got to her. She had a tent ready, she was still naked. The campfire was going strong.
As I reached her, she giggled, “I knew you were faking your ***!”
I collapsed next to the fire. I was sweating.
She laid down the blanket next to the fire. “I’m going to take care of you now.” She said tenderly.
I winched and crawled onto the blanket.
“Take this,” she whispered, and kissed me, as she kissed me I felt a pill slip into my mouth.
Then she held a can*** to my lips, it was warm… tasted like coffee. It was.. I drank. Feeling the warmth.. and the effects of the medication almost instantly on my near empty stomach.
“What was the the pill?” I asked.
“A love drop,” she giggled.. we are going to see if it works.
As she saddled me, she said, “feels like you don’t need it anyhow!”
Her skin, glowed from the fire, she was extremely sexy, as I reached up to her, she asked “I want you to *** me like before, can you do that?”
“Yes” I looked at her, there was a fire in her eyes, she wanted to be captured, controlled. I was a broken man. In ***.. I flipped her to be under me. I moved my broken knee, to bend. Probably further injuring it. I did care, help was on the way she had said.
I looked into her eyes… “*** me” she whimpered.
I slapped her ass as hard as I could, “don’t tell me what to do” I said slowly and with confidence.
She whimpered but stayed right there begging for more.
I began to move my hands up her chest. My other hand found her inner thighs, “you are aroused,” I said and noticed the dampness.
I grabbed her tits and she arched her back, “you fucking tease,” I heard her say.
“You know what you need to say,” I commanded.
“Please, fuck me,” she looked up at my eyes.
The *** was intense, and maybe the effect of the pill she had given me, everything felt like I was on the outside looking in.. until I collapsed..
We both broke into fits of laughter. Both excited about what just occurred and the situation.
She got up, added more wood to the fire, and then snuggled with me, as I tickled her skin. Pulling the blanket over us.
She seemed so small, and fragile.
She giggled, and looked at me. In the dark.
“That was amazing,” she simply said. She kissed my forehead. And got up and started to walk…
“Where are you going?” I asked..
“Need to pee,” she declared.
I was happy, I was finally warm, and very soon sleep found me.


Robert and Ryan were the stars as far as the search and rescue team of Leadville Colorado were concerned, but hey had seen everything, done everything, seasoned climbers with an extensive experience of rescue work.
The call had come in. A lost hiker in on the Colorado trail. In a blizzard. Ryan shook his head, and looked out at the conditions in the surrounding area..
“Bobby, we are going to need to wait this one till the weather clears” Ryan stated.
“Another lost soul on our watch?” Bobby replied
“Fuck you, and look at the conditions,” Ryan exclaimed
“Looks like a perfect day to test out those new skidoo’s we were gifted” Bobby laughed.
“You’re going to be the death of me” Ryan muttered
“No those high alpine fairies you believe in will” Bobby laughed.

They looked at the local map, made a plan, called in to the chief, went over the plan with her, and got the go ahead.

“We have a lot of ground to cover” Ryan said..
“20-40 miles on the trail he was on . At least the guy was smart enough to let his brother know where he was” Bobby replied.

White snow covered the trail, lucky these two rescuers had spent the time on the trail to leave marks every 50 ft in the trees. Reflective nails. Brilliant, Ryan thought, we are so fucking smart.

Mile 33 is where they found the body, up a ravine inside a small depression in the cliff. The man looked like he was smiling, and he was very frozen.
“***y fairies,” Ryan exclaimed.

I love it and it was beautifully written ❄️☃️🍭🧚🏻‍♀️

1 minute ago, Dustykat said:

I love it and it was beautifully written ❄️☃️🍭🧚🏻‍♀️

It was inspired. Thank you

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Vic1077 said:

Beautifully tragic.     

Edited by Dustykat
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