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New and nervous


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Hey everyone so as the title explains I’m new (obviously). So the long and short is I’m a 28 year old guy, I live in Niagara Falls Ontario and I’ve always been really into water sports and women peeing but I’ve never actually tried it or had the nerve to ask a partner. Any tips on meeting like minded people? Where do you meet people who are interested in this?   I want to try it obviously but I’m not sure how to go about meeting woman who want to do this with me. TIA

This is certainly a good step! Forum posts, discussions, fetish lists - these will all help. It doesn't mean you'll immediately find someone in to exactly the same stuff and living down the road, and of course for some the relationship is more of a focus than any one fetish, but this is a start. There's little shame amongst kinky folk. Good luck!
Have you tried going to a munch? People you meet there are already into kink. You might meet someone, but at the very least you'll meet some more people in the lifestyle and make some friends.

I’m not sure what a munch is haha care to explain? 

20 minutes ago, Anonymity said:

I’m not sure what a munch is haha care to explain? 

No worries. It's a meet up of kinky people in a vanilla place like a restaurant. Every one is there to meet other Kinksters and have a chat.

Sites like this, and things like munches are of course a great way to find like minded people, but at the same time it pays not to focus on your kink from the outset, and make it the *only* thing you are looking for - the basic fundamentals of attraction still apply regardless, and making your search *all* about finding/experiencing your kink/fetish won't get you very far.

In fact, look for people who mention watersports in their interests by all means, but first and foremost look for people you have an attraction to ahead of that, and if/when you contact them I wouldn't even mention anything kink related, except perhaps at a very high level, until you've at least established a level of rapport.

In general terms though, whether on here or elsewhere, open and honest communication, as ever is the key, along with timing it right - don't dive in with "I want to be pissed on" come at it more from a "what turns you on?" or "what have you always wanted to try?" angle - would also say it helps to be able to explain your kink as in why it interests you, what turns you on about it etc.

Watersports for me was always something of a limit, but then someone explained the appeal of it to me, and it made more sense and whilst I've yet to indulge, and it's not a "must have" it's something that, with the right partner, I'd now be open to exploring as a result of that conversation.
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