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We have this place that we can go…

Yesterday you were eating a sandwich at your desk when I came into your office: not something that I generally do. You were talking and laughing with your friends ( some of whom I know that you really dislike ) and I watched you, for a minute or so, from the doorway. You were wearing your little office suit that we bought when we went shopping for new ideas for you one windy autumn afternoon. You had said oh no but I had insisted because I know you and I was right. It hides and illuminates who you are which is how I place you in the world. I like to watch you striding along the busy streets. I see the drunken Christmas men turn and follow you with their eyes; knowing that they have seen something but not knowing what & soon you turn the corner and are gone & they turn back to find less than they had before. They shrink back into themselves.

I walk up to you and catch you unaware, still laughing as I lift you from your seat ( just gentle, a pressure in the small of your back but you come up like a promise or a star ) & put my mouth on you there, amongst the people in the bright space, a girl caught and captured and known. The room is silent now, it is as if they have never seen a kiss before and that it is outside their knowing. It is as if I have stripped you naked and shown them something alien, infinitely desirable but impossible. I let you slide back down, the smile still on your lips but changed now and your eyes are cloudy and dark.

Everything is possible when you know, another human, as I know you. You were waiting there, always, to be discovered and then, suddenly, you were.

Happy Christmas

It’s a beautiful way to express the sentiment 🎄🍭🧚🏻‍♀️

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