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“The Hunted” chapter 10 “Hedonism”


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Their escape could not have been more timely. As they disappeared into the cover of “Prelacy forest” Juno had entered the clearing. Her anger and frustration so evident to all. She screamed out in frustration, her beautiful Pholoe gone, she had so planned to feast on her today, and make Pholoe feast on her. She was going to use 
the cool hours of the new morning to touch, taste and discover every inch of Pholoes body. To enjoy the feeling of her erect nipples on her tongue and between her teeth. To taste the passion that flared if her heavenly well as she thrust her tongue a little deeper, curving it around onto her clit, watching her tense as she kissed and stroked her everywhere. Hear her screams as her paddle landed on her buttocks and inner thighs. Watch her jump and cry as her birch broke the skin of her gorgious tight ass cheek. Watch with joy as she placed her head between her legs and made her tongue dance for her joy, and look deep into her eyes as she finally allowed her head free from between her legs covered in her passion. A soft kiss so she could taste herself on Pholoes tongue. To top it all she would do all this whilst making Pholoe watch and hear the Hawker masses feast on her beloved Amasol. 

Juno’s rage bellowed, she kicked a male spoil between the legs, her foot connecting perfectly with his tiny sack. “Which way did they go you little shit, tell me now or my foot will land again”. It was futile, Juno had kept them distanced from the other spoil so nobody knew which way they went. So the man suffered two further kicks from the now raging Juno until he vomited in ***. Juno wanted to follow but knew she couldn’t. Already the spoil out numbered the Hawkers 3 to 1 and whilst they were all shackled she could not spare the manpower. The Beaters would soon be joining them and lord knows how many more they would bring to feast upon. Pholoe and her little band would surely be caught by the Beaters as they closed in. There was no way past, then Juno would have her revenge, would make her wish she had never defied her mistress, would also make her watch her beloved Amasol in the stocks next to starlight and hear her screams as Aeolus sank his massive cock deep inside her every hole. Then and only then would Juno feast on Pholoe for hours. 

Amasol and Perse carried Pholoe deep into the forest, well away from the clearing and the unwanted attention of the Hawker masses. Perse had been subjected to hours of Hawker fun and was now totally exhausted. Her legs were numb from hours of standing shackled to the trees, her strength sapped by hours of pleasing and entertaining her Hawker captors. At one point she had been entertaining several Hawkers for what seemed like an age. Her face pushed between a rather attractive Hawker ladies legs feasting on her lust as several Hawker males took delight in her. All in all it had been a challenging day, she tripped on a log on the floor and stumbled, dropping Pholoe and rolling onto her back gasping for air. Pholoe sat beside her, gently lifting her head onto her soft legs, she stroked her hair. “ rest a while sweet Perse, get your breath back whilst I think of our next move. The Beaters will be on us soon and we shall need all our strength to evade them. Pholoe closed her eyes and once more pictures the footage of RAF 374, she recalled the date stamp 26th July 1926, and once more the detail came flooding back, the reward for the hours and hours she had spent looking at every inch of it.

“Sophie’s tunnel” she suddenly said. “Sophie” was in fact Sophie Chantwell, or rather Baroness Sophie Chantwell, wife of lord Arthur  Chantwell the six***th Earl of Nasebury. She had once attracted the attention of king Himself, and due to the total affection for her husband she had denied him. That denial alongside the fact that they were catholic had put them both in contention for the gallows. It was said that the king so annoyed at her snub had issued a warrant for their arrest, him to swing from a rope her to entertain his troops and noble lords. So she had commissioned a tunnel from the bottom of a well in the dark streets at the southern end of Nasebury castle, under the southern end of “Prelacy forest” to the banks of the river Axe. From there she had hid a small wooden canoe where they could casually drift down stream to the safety of the “Havershame hills”. Now Pholoe would use this same passage to break the Beaters cordon, and escape the strangle hold the Hawkers were imposing. So after a small pause for Perse to rest she shared her plan.

It was now a race to reach Nasebury castle before the Beaters blocked there passage. The three of them struggled on, exhausted and ravaged, used yet still defiant. The risk of discovery now so real as the morning sun rose higher and higher in the early morning sky, and light now streaming down through the canopy of “ Prelacy forest”. Whilst ever step moves them further from Juno’s army of Hawkers it took them closer and closer the the Beaters who continued to close the circle. 

They heard the Beaters long before they saw them. The cheers and roars of a hedonistic crowd in full swing. They were allowed to use ten percent of all the spoil they caught for there own joy and amusement and they were so making the most of that as they stopped for breakfast. They goaded each other to find new levels of depravity, find new ways to enjoy the pleasures of the chosen spoil they decided to play with. The hair on the back of Pholoe’s neck was stood on end as the whelps and cheers signalled that it wasn’t just breakfast they had stopped for. 

The three continued with caution as they neared the edge of “Prelacy forest” to the far right of the Beaters, towards Nasebury castle. As they reached the tree line all three knelt behind the final tree and looked out over a total hedonistic orgy. A young female spoil was tied to the back of a cart, legs strapped apart to the back wheels bent forward into a mans lap as he used a firm grip of her hair to move her head up and down his shaft as he neared his moment. Another stood behind her as he ploughed deep inside her, a third flogged her back, and played with her nipples, or rather looked as if he was trying to pull them off. Another female was staked out between four metal poles driven into the ground and was entertaining several excited men. She had evidently already pleasured many more as her face was covered in cum. A males spoil was similarly restrained with one woman beater straddling his cock and another his face whilst another pushed a dildo up his ass. Everywhere Pholoe looked all she could see was spoil being ***d and beaters finding elation. Her eyes settled for a second on a male spoil, his back, legs and ass a vivid red as two beaters challenged each other as to who could strike the hardest blown with there paddles, tits bouncing everywhere as they put every ounce of effort behind the strikes. Pure madness had taken hold, pure savage lust everywhere and still the beaters cheered and whelped for more. 

A whole heap of misery for the captured spoil but a great distraction for the three of them. Staying just inside the tree line they slowly moved further away from the beaters and closer to Nasebury castle. From the map Pholoe new there was a gate in the castle wall not far from the well and that is where she was aiming for. She new further beaters would be inside the castle walls, and probably finding entertainment with further captured spoil. Hopefully equally distracted she thought. The more the beaters are fulfilling there wanton lust the less attentive they would be. 

Eventually the three broke cover and moved out of “Prelacy forest” for the first time since the morning of day two. There eyes had already adjusted to the light having been a the tree line for some time. Now they just had to cross the open ground to the gate in the castle wall. This was the moment of most risk, exposed and sitting ducks if and beaters came out. However the ones to the left continued to play with there chosen spoil, the rest of the spoil watch on knowing there time would come at the hands of Juno and her troops but for now at least we’re grateful it was not there time. The final few hundred yards turned into a little run for the three of them as the horn sounded to summon the beaters from there joy and back to work. The gate was a jar so they slipped straight through the wall and found shelter in a barn. Right now the beaters were everywhere as they all raced to untie there spoil and return them to the masses. For now the safest thing was to stay in the barn, sink deep into the bails of straw and wait for the beaters to leave. It would not be long till the beaters left and they would have the run of the castle and a clear path to “Sophie’s well”


Another amazing chapter. You write so well. Well done ☺️😘😘😘😘

👏🏻👏🏻just keeps getting better and better my lovely…beautifully done once again 😘😘

Thank you sweetheart. Once more your generous words are as beautiful as you. Glad you enjoyed it lovely lady 🥰🥰

10 hours ago, Phoenix31 said:

Another amazing chapter. You write so well. Well done ☺️😘😘😘😘

Once again your comments are lovely xx

10 minutes ago, MsWheel said:

Things are getting very exciting! I can hardly wait to find out what happens next. 

Well thank you msWheel. As always your words are so kind. I so adore that you like it 😘

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