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Lack Of Judgment

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To err is human, it’s easy to say,

To suffer the consequence can be a hard price to pay…


This story is not like the stories that I have posted before, this is a story about bad judgment and how just because you feel comfortable with someone because they may have the same interests, hobbies, kinks or remind you of a friend who you use to look up to and admire who can no longer be with you  does not mean you don’t have to keep your wits about you. Here is my short story in my laps of judgment and I hope this will deter others in making the same mistake.

This site is absolutely amazing. To be free to express our wants and desires freely, to chat and make friends with like minded kinksters from all over the world and right here in your own back yard. It’s a wonderful site and I have enjoyed my time here very much. I have met some extraordinary people and I have made such wonderful friend that not only share some of my kinks but also share in my interests outside of the kink world.

I am however a little guarded when I first start chatting with some one new. I always say don’t get to comfortable and share your life story or any personal information until you are completely sure that  the person your chatting with has true intentions. I would like to believe we are all here for the same reasons, to flirt, to learn from one another, to Ignite that burning desire in ourselves and in others. Some people are happy to keep it online only, some people take the giant nervous yet stimulating leap of actually meeting each other face to face.

Unfortunately there are some who cause undo stress and tension. Fake profiles, people looking to take advantage. So being careful and cautious is extremely important. For myself I almost never give out personal info to someone I have only been chatting with for only a week. I don’t show my face in my profile because of the nature of my work and my life in general I must remain discreet.

About a week ago I started chatting with someone, flirting back and forth the usual fun and exiting sexual banter, right away this person asked to start texting, well I thought that was strange and told him I don’t give out my number right away and I liked keeping our experience on site. Then there was the issue of photo and video sharing so I said I had snap chat and we could go there if they wanted. I enjoyed our flirting, and maybe it was because the bitter chill of winter had made me yurn to feel that flame ignite inside of me once more or perhaps his features were similar to a dear friend of mine from my past that made me crumple up my own rules and throw them out the window. I shared some NSFW photos and videos, gave the person my full name which opens access to various  social media, and where I worked. I’m usually so careful…

Well this person blocked me, and blocked me on snap as well. Now personally I don’t block someone unless they are being threatening or continues to be obnoxious and rude which really I have never had a problem but we are free to block people for any reason in reality weather they were being rude or not. It’s when you share intimate details of your life, photos that if set upon the public could cause turmoil in your life to a complete stranger to whom you know extremely little about then suddenly get blocked once you have given them what they want… I can’t help but wonder are my photos safe? Is my information that I so blindly sent in jeopardy? Possibly not. The one thing that I can hope for is this person lost interest and just deleted everything, my photos and other information but I will never know and I will have to wake up with the stress of my mistake for a very long time. I will not make this mistake again, I should not have made in the first place.

In conclusion for anyone who reads this please be very mindful of your self and very careful with your information. Red flags:

1. Wanting your phone number right away.

2. Continuing to ask for more NSFW photos.

3. Asking personal details into your life too early in the conversation.

Be safe, have fun and thank you for reading.

1 hour ago, Ruffone2handle said:

To err is human, it’s easy to say,

To suffer the consequence can be a hard price to pay…


This story is not like the stories that I have posted before, this is a story about bad judgment and how just because you feel comfortable with someone because they may have the same interests, hobbies, kinks or remind you of a friend who you use to look up to and admire who can no longer be with you  does not mean you don’t have to keep your wits about you. Here is my short story in my laps of judgment and I hope this will deter others in making the same mistake.

This site is absolutely amazing. To be free to express our wants and desires freely, to chat and make friends with like minded kinksters from all over the world and right here in your own back yard. It’s a wonderful site and I have enjoyed my time here very much. I have met some extraordinary people and I have made such wonderful friend that not only share some of my kinks but also share in my interests outside of the kink world.

I am however a little guarded when I first start chatting with some one new. I always say don’t get to comfortable and share your life story or any personal information until you are completely sure that  the person your chatting with has true intentions. I would like to believe we are all here for the same reasons, to flirt, to learn from one another, to Ignite that burning desire in ourselves and in others. Some people are happy to keep it online only, some people take the giant nervous yet stimulating leap of actually meeting each other face to face.

Unfortunately there are some who cause undo stress and tension. Fake profiles, people looking to take advantage. So being careful and cautious is extremely important. For myself I almost never give out personal info to someone I have only been chatting with for only a week. I don’t show my face in my profile because of the nature of my work and my life in general I must remain discreet.

About a week ago I started chatting with someone, flirting back and forth the usual fun and exiting sexual banter, right away this person asked to start texting, well I thought that was strange and told him I don’t give out my number right away and I liked keeping our experience on site. Then there was the issue of photo and video sharing so I said I had snap chat and we could go there if they wanted. I enjoyed our flirting, and maybe it was because the bitter chill of winter had made me yurn to feel that flame ignite inside of me once more or perhaps his features were similar to a dear friend of mine from my past that made me crumple up my own rules and throw them out the window. I shared some NSFW photos and videos, gave the person my full name which opens access to various  social media, and where I worked. I’m usually so careful…

Well this person blocked me, and blocked me on snap as well. Now personally I don’t block someone unless they are being threatening or continues to be obnoxious and rude which really I have never had a problem but we are free to block people for any reason in reality weather they were being rude or not. It’s when you share intimate details of your life, photos that if set upon the public could cause turmoil in your life to a complete stranger to whom you know extremely little about then suddenly get blocked once you have given them what they want… I can’t help but wonder are my photos safe? Is my information that I so blindly sent in jeopardy? Possibly not. The one thing that I can hope for is this person lost interest and just deleted everything, my photos and other information but I will never know and I will have to wake up with the stress of my mistake for a very long time. I will not make this mistake again, I should not have made in the first place.

In conclusion for anyone who reads this please be very mindful of your self and very careful with your information. Red flags:

1. Wanting your phone number right away.

2. Continuing to ask for more NSFW photos.

3. Asking personal details into your life too early in the conversation.

Be safe, have fun and thank you for reading.

I understand as a woman and a sub it's very difficult to vet the people you talk to and In my opinion about your story the guy might be married and his wife caught him that's why the block you, in my opinion don't take it for gold but it might rest your mind. And I hope I'm right and please be safe.🧚‍♀️


Thank you for sharing your experience. I can relate to your situation, in the past I have made seriously bad decisions acting on my wants and desires. Fortunately with time the self inflicted *** I put myself through went away and I am left with the knowledge. When a similar situation arises I can utilize the past experience to rein*** that I choose the correct path even when my emotions are screaming to get instant gratification. I wish you the best and know you will get past this in time.

Also if you going to leave the site a place that neither of your messages can get erased, that can’t get hacked, and that doesn’t have anything that it’s personal in that place ( can see your #, email, and family/friends etc )

Thank you Mr good time  and thank you Dustykat, usually I'm very picky, the one time I'm not..well I have learned my lesson. I hope you are right Dustykat. Again thank you both.

48 minutes ago, Ruffone2handle said:

Thank you Mr good time  and thank you Dustykat, usually I'm very picky, the one time I'm not..well I have learned my lesson. I hope you are right Dustykat. Again thank you both.

I did the same mistake and never again but the good thing that I didn’t care since everyone knows, so they couldn’t used it against me


RuffOne, I'm sorry you have to experience something so stressful, but you're thoughtful to share it as a caution to the community. Given some of the things I've read in the forums lately, we should all remember that trust and consent take time to develop. If someone is impatient with you, that's a flag.
I am sorry that happened to you and I hope for the best

Like we know what we shouldn’t do and then someone comes along that make us drop our guard and we end up doing the unthinkable

Thanks Amy4U. Not dropping my guard agan. Not knowing if your information is safe or not is undo stress that I would not wish on anyone.

  • 2 weeks later...
That sucks! I hope he does just delete it all and continues on his way. Also rude of him. Try not to stress too much. You’ll end up making yourself feel worse or become unwell. Like you say though some relationships built online are great. It’s a shame that there’s always at least one to sour the experience. Fortunately my first meet up with someone online (15 years ago, not fet) went very well and we got married 6 years ago. I was 19 and stupid at the time but I was safe. We met at the train station and I booked a b&b that was a couple of doors away from my friend, plus her family (almost a second family to me). I told my family where I was staying and that I would be back the next day with him. Well he was lovely then and he’s flipping amazing now.
I met a lady today from fet and I sent my husband the address, text him when I got there, took a selfie of us both, text him again during the time away and once more when leaving, but that was to make plans for dinner in the last one. Again, success! The lady was amazing and we got on really well. Don’t be scared of dropping your guard but don’t get rid of it all together! ☺️ did you get his Facebook page/profile/wall (whatever that page is called.)?
  • 1 month later...

Yeah... as far as this photo sharing thing - beyond a basic image - I think it should be avoided like the plague.   I don't see the need to share ANY personal info with anyone until I meet them in real life and am sure that I am dealing with the person in the photos.   As for compromising photos... (where you're naked or whatever) why would anyone even ask for those until they enter into some sort of stable relationship with you.   Sure - there are some people who are open with their BDSM side and don't care who knows - while the rest of us have to live and work in the a world where we are still a tiny minority.   And like it or not - your actions in your private life can have a great impact in your work life.   My hat is off to those who can work and live in the kink community 24/7 but sometimes I think they are blind to the rest us and expect us to be as care-free as they are.

Anyway - my condolences for running into such a moron who would just cut you off like that.   That's abhorrent behavior on their part and shows some very narcissistic traits.   It's too bad that fetish.com doesn't show how often a person gets blocked to indicate just how reliable they are.


It's funny - just after I posted this, I started chatting with someone who wants to chat on google hangouts instead of here, and also wants my name, my phone number and where I live.

Can you spell SCAMMER?

And they still can't give me a reason why we can't chat here - they even refused a video call.



As a final note to this saga, google hangouts has a feature called "google meet" which allows you to start a video call and send a meeting code to anyone else to join.   I don't know google hangouts because I've never used it... but I can read and told them to create the meeting and send me a code.   Of course they wouldn't do it and wanted me to add their email to google hangouts using the "+" sign.   I informed them however that this option is only available for gmail users - which I am not.   So the only way they could contact me is either google meet or the video option in fetish.com

Anyway - it looks like they were sniffed out quite quickly by the moderators.   Their account is now blocked until they verify themselves.   THANK YOU moderators.

Now if only I could somehow get verified without revealing my identity.   It's because of incidents like this that I very jealously guard my identity.

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