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What does “penis envy” mean to you?

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The idea that a female would be envious of the male penis seems silly. In fact, it seems like something a male would invent to flatter himself. Is there truth to penis envy? What does penis envy mean to you? Do you think it’s a real thing? Please elaborate and explain.
From my own experience I have vagina envy, especially after learning recently that the clitoris is just the tip of the iceberg and that there is an incredible network of nerve endings connected to the above.
It is an interesting topic and from all the evidence of many woman in kink, they enjoy wearing strap ons and pegging a male or female. As a male recipient I get turned on by being penetrated by a female in any form and they enjoy doing it. It’s a big turn on for both so many women must have penis envy, especially knowing where one of the male erogenous zone lives!
I don't think it's about women being envious of not having one at all - more men being envious of other men who they perceive to have bigger or better.
Whatever it is I hold no truck with it - I was born with what I was born with and there's nothing I can do about it even if I wanted to (which I don't).
As a male I never had penis envy, but always envy breast's and a nice vagina, but that's because Im trans and that's how my body should have.
To me it is psychobable, I think most women prefer the bits they have, why be envious of of what you don't have?
To me I just hear Freud’s cockamamie BS when I hear that phrase. That dude came out with some utter tripe!

If there is such a thing it’s between guys of different sizes. I have occasionally wished for a larger cock, but mine is a fine looking 7” specimen so I wouldn’t go as far as trying to change it in any way.

I have a ftm friend who I may pose this subject to out of curiosity.. I know he’s had some challenges getting his to work as hoped…
I agree that penis envy is a narrow-minded self-defense mechanism for a man to explain to himself why a woman is uninterested, demanding, critical, or disdainful of him. "Can't be MY fault! Bitch must have penis envy and wants to be like me, knows she can't, and that's why she's pissed."
I have it lol when I have a partner all want to do it’s play w it and look at it lol and the other part it’s that it’s easier, I think, for you guys to cum than a female, which I would love to have that since it’s extremely hard for me
I just know it as a type of psychedelic mushroom, lol
Makes me think of Freud. It was a prominent term in his psychodynamics theories.

I know he gets a lot of hate for things like that, but we have to remember that it was a different time. A different paradigm. This made ‚sense’ in his time when men were considered superior.

In the current times it doesn’t make sense. Of course it is perfectly possible that there are women who wish they had a penis, just like there are many guys who wish they had boobs. But the whole ideaology behind Freud’s penis envy isn’t appropriate anymore, nor correct.
Penis envy is literally just freudian nonsense. It's an outdated term historically used more to undermine women acting in ways considered too 'man like' (ie: assertive, independent, powerful) at the time. It's only supposed to be a subconcious longing for the schlonging and Freud's understanding of the unconcious mind has been pretty soundly disproved and rejected.
Viz Halston. Its just an excuse instead of facing his personality stinks.
Isn’t penis envy when a guy is jealous over another guys penis being larger?
Freud has been debunked ages ago. The only importance his contributions had were for them to lay the base for better theories and later, more scientifically based theories after that. Sincerely, a psych student xx
Jesus!? Firstly, penis envy is between men; it's difficult to be envious about donation something you don't have. Secondly, if you think that women don't wish they had bigger breasts, a tighter/neater pussy then you're sorely mistaken.
Not sure anyone has the right to criticise someone for wishing they had a different body etc. You'd be lying if you said you've never considered it yourself
I would hazard that a modern interpretation of the term could be applied to the wish not to be disenfranchised by the patriarchal structure. Taylor Swift’s “The Man” comes to mind. I agree that Freud was a simplistic moron. :)
I see it’s a lot of guys that are commenting. Not that they are wrong but I wonder the % of women that do have penis envy. I think most people are at least curious about what it would be like to have the other sexes parts. Even if it is just to find out what that would feel like. But what do I know 🤷‍♂️
23 minutes ago, kevinrip said:

I see it’s a lot of guys that are commenting. Not that they are wrong but I wonder the % of women that do have penis envy. I think most people are at least curious about what it would be like to have the other sexes parts. Even if it is just to find out what that would feel like. But what do I know 🤷‍♂️

Curiosity is not envy.

1 hour ago, SexyCoupleSeeks said:
Jesus!? Firstly, penis envy is between men; it's difficult to be envious about donation something you don't have. Secondly, if you think that women don't wish they had bigger breasts, a tighter/neater pussy then you're sorely mistaken.
Not sure anyone has the right to criticise someone for wishing they had a different body etc. You'd be lying if you said you've never considered it yourself

I'm not in the slightest bit lying when I say I have honestly never given a moments thought to changing the physicality of the body I was born with other than weight loss - and that includes dying my hair - I'm not remotely interested in having anything other than the body I was born with.
Call me a liar if you like, but I know me, and know my truth, you don't, simple as.

Penis envy is a generalised term that can cover several concepts. The first is along the lines of Frueds definition, based in inferiority, when a female child sees a male child & realises the male has more than what the female does, that the female can feel they are missing something, that they are broken or deformed - why don't I have that, why am I different, what's wrong with me, a feeling of inadequacy - but once the anatomy is explained, that males & female are different those feelings diminish - this is something I witnessed first hand as a child when a female toddler saw my toddler brother without a nappy & thought there was something wrong with her, asking wheres mine & asking why am I different, why am I not the same.

Another concept of penis envy is more male envy as whole, rather than just the penis itself, such as boys being given more freedom than girls, not being so protected as a girl is or that boys get to do different activities, like certain sports - a form discrimination, so to say, that boys get treated different to girls & a girls desire to be treated more equally & being allowed to do the same as boys.

A third concept is more to do with sexual pleasure, that some women may wish they had a penis to have sex with a partner.

Another concept could be the desire for some women to have a penis so they could reproduce with a female partner, to impregnate their partner.

Then there is another concept that is a female who wants gender realignment can be envious of males with penises as that what they desire to have.

Another concept is more to do with physical power, strength or dominance in the sense that males are stronger than females, as that is the notion throughout history,that men are stronger than women.

I've simplified my explanations as frankly it would be a really long message to explain in full depth but there isn't just one definition of penis envy, Frueds was the first concept really published from a psychological stand point but there are multiple reasons why a female may be envious of males with a penis or envious of masculinity, just the penis is the symbol of masculinity & most of these envies have existed throughout human history, it's not really a modern concept.
Im transgender so it means something to me; being envious of men with them and wishing i had one too.
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