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Vac Beds - has anyone tried one? Are they as fun as they look?


been in one once - it was interesting.  The one I was in had no head hole - just two holes, one for mouth (for air) and one for cock (for some edging/milking) so it was total and intense darkness

for 2 hours

pretty good


and what about the vaccubes? That looks even more interesting, because you can stand in it and there can be two people at once


Always wanted to go in one of them! Maybe one day!! 

  • 2 weeks later...

somebody point me where is the possibility to try one of those or which groups where have it. Thx


a lot I guess how far are you willing to travel?  There's a few people/dungeons I know have one, but we're talking Liverpool, Stockport, London.  But, I dunno - check to see any if your local dungeons have any.

  • 5 weeks later...

I would like to try one but I'm allergic to latex. If there's a way to do it latex free, I would.

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