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video chatted with daughter as Jazmine.


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I'm a very fortunate person in that I have a daughter that is very open minded. I video chat with her once a week.  Usually on Saturday. But I spent the whole weekend as Jazmine. It takes so long to put on the prosthetics. I use a special silicone adhesive for that. It also takes a special adhesive remover to take it off. So, it's not like I can just pull things off and then put them back on again. It takes a lot of time. 

I messaged my daughter first and sent her a picture just to prepare her.  Then asked if it would be OK for us to Video Chatt.  

"No judgements." She messaged back. 

We spent about two hours talking.  It was nice. She complimented me on how beautiful the dark-skinned lady looked.

"It's not permanent, is it?" She asked.

"No, it's just COSPLAY and so I can learn how to do make-up on a darker skin tone." 

I had a lot of co-workers asking me for make-up advice. But I had no experience with darker skin. This was my solution. 

I didn't tell her how comfortable I was feeling like this and that I'd gone out as a black woman. There are certain things that she didn't need to know. Open minded only gets you so far. 





Cosplaying as a black women is not only a total problem it’s offensive.

I'm not trying to be offensive, Vienickitty. This whole thing started with me trying to learn how to do make-up on people with darker skin. I appreciate beauty in all its forms. I never said I was cosplaying as a black woman. I never said I was black. I never would. Just like never tell anyone that I'm female just because I'm transgender MTF. That would be dishonest.  The prosthetic just has a darker skin tone. Much like somebody doing S&M a black rubber suit. Do you find that to be offensive also? You should if the person wearing the suit says that they are a black man.  Offensive is a matter of intent. Did someone by their actions intend to be offensive or not?

You’re being completely obtuse you know good and well a latex rubber black suit can’t be misconstrued as being in a black body. Getting a darker skin doll and putting make up on it to practice your makeup skills is harmless. You stated you’ve gone out as a black woman, that’s harmful. offensiveness isnt only in intent. Many people offend without intending to, honestly I don’t think you meant harm by it but I’m telling you as a black person using your darker prosthetic for anything other than enhancing your makeup skill is problematic and harmful.

I apologize. I didn't mean to say that I was going out as a "Black" woman.  I'd purchased and wore many prosthetics over the years. Various tones. From light to tan, brown. I've experimented with many different looks. This is the first one I got in black. I find that by wearing them I can apply the make-up more realistically. The eye sees differently from different vantage points.  Using a skin doll is, which I hadn't thought of, is a different perspective than applying it to a silicone skin that you are wearing. 

Learning how to do makeup on so many range of skin colors will definitely put you on top of your makeup skills. If you need any darker skin YouTube makeup girls that has dominated the game I can totally pass their name off to you. If you ever get that doll it will go hand in hand at your application from a makeup artist perspective. Good luck love you’re doing great ❤️
Well if you enjoy being seen as a person of multiple heritages, thats a good thing, because you will learn how many of different heritages are treated, just to experience that i would influ anyone to do it
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