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"Strangers on a Train"

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I saw her on the Poughkeepsie train platform as we were pulling into the station. She was striking and not only because she was wearing black leather and rubber. My only thoughts were OMG I hope she sits in my car. But as I watched she got into one of the cars to the rear. I was on the aisle, so I was able to look down the car through the open doors to see her and noted that she was having difficulty finding a seat. As she went through one car and then the next, she was getting closer and closer to where I was seated.... eventually she made it to my car, and I was getting a little anxious. Next thing I knew she was asking me if the seat opposite me was taken....I quickly chirped up and said "NO it’s free...can I help you with your bag"... I helped her stow it in the overhead and then helped her remove her soft black leather jacket....I sat down and after stuffing something in her pocket she plopped down next to me placing the feet of her rubber waders on the seat right next to me and touching my left hand causing me to remark "My you're certainly well prepared and protected for this weather". She smiled and said "Yes indeed... given the snow these seemed to be the right choice"….as the words escaped her sexy lips we both smiled and giggled at her remark. It wasn't too long before she got up and asked where the cafe car was.... I pointed her in the right direction and heard her go down the aisle with the tops of her rubber waders flapping on her thighs ...(delicious I thought) ...Shortly, I could hear her squeaking and flapping cumming back and she said the line was too long for now and she's rather wait with me. "Fine" was my reply and we started a nice conversation with her boots knocking against my seat when the train lurched. After a bit she wanted to make another try at the cafe and she asked me if I'd help her slip out of her boots....well she did not have to ask me twice and in a flash I was watching her curvy butt in tight jeans and socks make her way to the cafe.
But now I had a naughty thought...Hmmm... she left me a rubber and boot fetishist with her black rubber waders....what should I do?? In a flash I was stroking and enjoying the aroma when I decided to push it a bit and try them on... :-) Well her feet were smaller but I managed to cram my feet into them with some difficulty enjoying every moment and my erection confirmed that fact....hehe I was in rubber heaven enjoying the moment when I looked down the aisle and saw her leaving the cafe.....SHIT!!!! I thought… I gotta get out of her boots....I tried hard and got the first one off but the second one was stuck and I could see her approaching our car....I tried and tried and it wouldn't budge!! The nearer she got my anxiety increased... finally I decided to arch my foot and the boot slipped off....whew...she was only a couple of seats from returning. She put her coffee in the holder and stared down for a moment and then said out loud smiling and looking at me... "I didn't realize I left my boots soo close to the aisle...someone could trip". I replied "oh no when the train lurched around the last turn they slid over" hoping it sounded believable... but I think she knew what was up and smiled at my reply.
When she sat down again we chatted amiably over coffee until the train arrived in NYC's Penn Station.... as we were getting ready to leave she asked me if I'd help her don her boots.... I think the fact that I eagerly leaped at that opportunity soo quickly gave me away as did the tent in my pants. Facing her seat I helped her slip on the left and then right as she sat...and when she stood up buckled the straps to her belt.
Thanking me for helping her with her boots and leather jacket again.. we smiled and I had the pleasure of watching her wadered thighs and leather jacket in front of me as we exited the train. Then I watched as she made her way though the crowds of Penn Station her waders flapping never to see her again... only a pleasant memory I continue to recall with relish again and again. :D:threesome:

  • 1 month later...

Love this piece of writing. Leaves you wondering if the lady knew what had happened whilst she was at the cafe. I suspect she did.


I suspect she did as well...and was happy to be seated with another boot lover and rubberist! I'm glad you enjoyed the piece...it's always a pleasure to recall that train ride! :boot:

On 3/17/2022 at 10:50 PM, KylieAmanda said:

I saw her on the Poughkeepsie train platform as we were pulling into the station. She was striking and not only because she was wearing black leather and black rubber hip waders. My only thoughts were OMG I hope she sits in my car. But as I watched she got into one of the cars to the rear. I was on the aisle, so I was able to look down the car through the open doors to see her and noted that she was having difficulty finding a seat. As she went through one car and then the next, she was getting closer and closer to where I was seated.... eventually she made it to my car, and I was getting a little anxious. Next thing I knew she was asking me if the seat opposite me was taken....I quickly chirped up and said "NO it’s free...can I help you with your bag"... I helped her stow it in the overhead and then helped her remove her soft black leather jacket....I sat down and after stuffing something in her pocket she plopped down next to me placing the feet of her rubber waders on the seat right next to me and touching my left hand causing me to remark "My you're certainly well prepared and protected for this weather". She smiled and said "Yes indeed... given the snow these seemed to be the right choice"….as the words escaped her sexy lips we both smiled and giggled at her remark. It wasn't too long before she got up and asked where the cafe car was.... I pointed her in the right direction and heard her go down the aisle with the tops of her rubber waders flapping on her thighs ...(delicious I thought) ...Shortly, I could hear her squeaking and flapping cumming back and she said the line was too long for now and she's rather wait with me. "Fine" was my reply and we started a nice conversation with her boots knocking against my seat when the train lurched. After a bit she wanted to make another try at the cafe and she asked me if I'd help her slip out of her boots....well she did not have to ask me twice and in a flash I was watching her curvy butt in tight jeans and socks make her way to the cafe.
But now I had a naughty thought...Hmmm... she left me a rubber and boot fetishist with her black rubber waders....what should I do?? In a flash I was stroking and enjoying the aroma when I decided to push it a bit and try them on... :-) Well her feet were smaller but I managed to cram my feet into them with some difficulty enjoying every moment and my erection confirmed that fact....hehe I was in rubber heaven enjoying the moment when I looked down the aisle and saw her leaving the cafe.....SHIT!!!! I thought… I gotta get out of her boots....I tried hard and got the first one off but the second one was stuck and I could see her approaching our car....I tried and tried and it wouldn't budge!! The nearer she got my anxiety increased... finally I decided to arch my foot and the boot slipped off....whew...she was only a couple of seats from returning. She put her coffee in the holder and stared down for a moment and then said out loud smiling and looking at me... "I didn't realize I left my boots soo close to the aisle...someone could trip". I replied "oh no when the train lurched around the last turn they slid over" hoping it sounded believable... but I think she knew what was up and smiled at my reply.
When she sat down again we chatted amiably over coffee until the train arrived in NYC's Penn Station.... as we were getting ready to leave she asked me if I'd help her don her boots.... I think the fact that I eagerly leaped at that opportunity soo quickly gave me away as did the tent in my pants. Facing her seat I helped her slip on the left and then right as she sat...and when she stood up buckled the straps to her belt.
Thanking me for helping her with her boots and leather jacket again.. we smiled and I had the pleasure of watching her wadered thighs and leather jacket in front of me as we exited the train. Then I watched as she made her way though the crowds of Penn Station her waders flapping never to see her again... only a pleasant memory I continue to recall with relish again and again. :D:threesome:


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