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Messaging her on FB, yes or no?

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5 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

that also going the other way - while the OP stated the worst that could happen is she blocks him (not taking into consideration her feelings) it's not.  The worst she could do (that affects him) is tell the mutual friends she was creeped on by him and that affect another friendship.

There's no mutual friend!

13 minutes ago, SinnamonRoll said:
Yeah tbh I'd find it creepy and that's coming from a bitch who is into some pretty sus stuff. Defs talk to your mutual friend first, try to set this up more organically than a random FB add and you'll be ok

There's no mutual friend!

Look just make it simple . I would like to continue our conversation. But I didn't know how to locate you , so I tried FB and would like to know if it is possible that you and I could talk again . That's it short and to the point . Don't ask to be her friend or anything like that . Don't write a page about how much you miss her none of that shit . Just be short and to the point . As we say in the military " KISS= keep It Simple Stupid "
I don't think she will find it creepy, unless you go overboard in your explanation . Just short and to the point .
Because people use FB all the time to find old friends, family and acquaintances .
You don't need to be friends to message. Just say hi. Keep it simple. I enjoyed talking with you the other day /week. Do you fancy a coffee x Job done.
1 hour ago, Saabman said:

I don't think she will find it creepy, unless you go overboard in your explanation . Just short and to the point .

No one knows whether she will find it creepy or not, I personally would. Yes, there is the minority of women that won't find it creepy. Yes, people use facebook to find family, friends and acquaintances NOT to track down a lady from a job that the OP was doing.

It would be far easier and safer to talk to the lady where the OP was doing his job. But that is a bit late now, since the OP has already written a message to her but not sent it.


@gemini_man spot on with the advice that you have put. 

6 hours ago, DOMINANT_3000 said:

There are so much about this question on the internet, but I would like to ask you guys here as well...I met a girl while I was doing a job for her friend and we had a nice conversation, I could feel it was different and we both wanted to continue speaking... I should have remained professional (or may be I shouldn't have) so I didn't make any move... But well after losing the chance I felt very regretful. I managed to find her on FB, have already written a considerate script but haven't sent it yet. Now the question is, would it be creepy/impulsive to message her just because we had a nice conversation? Will I have to add her before messaging? I know the worst case scenario is getting blocked and I don't mind it as I at least want to try my chance, but I'd like to make the best move. I'd appreciate everyone's answer especially ladies' answers as they might have had this type of FB messages before.

Don't do it!


If she's interested she can find you.

You have no idea how messaging her will affect her.

At best contacting her through fb is creepy, at worst it could lose you your job. 

Keep your professional life seperate from your personal life.

The other thing to consider OP - presumably, given you're on this site, and given your username - you'd be looking at this lady as a potential submissive?
If so that adds a whole further layer to this that I probably don't need to spell out - but does take it into yet more dangerous territory
A little bit weird but as long as you keep your message casual and don't say anything too odds it shouldn't be creepy. Just keep it short, don't bombard her with a text wall. Right now you just had a nice chat and want to speak more, you should probably meet in person before you make any moves, it just works better that way, and if she's absolutely not interested she can just politely decline the offer to meet. Good luck man.
I wouldn't send her a message at all, I would simply send her a friend request.

If you have a photo(s) on your FB & information she can see to recognise who you are, then she can decide if she wants to add you, if she does then you know she has some interest in you, in talking at least, if she doesn't then she doesn't have any interest in taking things any further than the friendly chat you had whilst you was working.
I wouldn't send a message or a friend request, both seem pretty creepy honestly. If she didn't give you her information but you tracked it down on your own that's really creepy. It's also kind of questionable to use professional interactions for something like this. It's possible to have a positive interaction with someone without it needing to go further. I would leave it as you had a pleasant conversation and that's enough.
Respect your clients never assume anything, most likely she was froendly cos she needed you to fix something, and for good price. If she was interested in more she should come up with suggestion herself as a client.
Definatelly stay off stalking your clients on FB its creepy.
I agree but there’s a chance she was to shy to say something, so saying hi doesn’t hurt, but at the same time stalking is a different thing and a big no, so say hi or stop filling her 👍
Do It!! Do it now. What have you to loose? She might be the love of your life. She might want you to!.. I as a woman I would love this, but just dont be a weirdo. Come on Bro, we all just had 2 years in solitary get out there spread some love, joy and friendship if nowt else!! Now Go 🦞be her lobster maybe 😍
That depends if your single and is she single or he whatever the case may be, but ask yourself am I that desperate to move forward like this or wait till I run into him or her. Because In A sense you are losing any upper hand you might have by moving forward and messaging or keep control get a grip and see if you run into each other by happenstance. Then maybe the universe did in fact grant you this 💕 love
Exactly. This screams desperation. Better to be more crafty and find way to accidentally meet her.
Just go back knock on the door and ask out for a coffee if they are single
If you don't know where she lives, your best option would be to do a little investigating so you can randomly just happen to both be somewhere at the same time or cross paths with her away from work. Whatever you do, DO NOT use Facebook that's creepy and stalkerish...
50 minutes ago, kinkygrove said:
If you don't know where she lives, your best option would be to do a little investigating so you can randomly just happen to both be somewhere at the same time or cross paths with her away from work. Whatever you do, DO NOT use Facebook that's creepy and stalkerish...

Agree on the last sentence...BUT doesn't that also apply (and possibly more so than using Facebook) to doing a "little investigating so you can randomly just happen to both be somewhere at the same time etc"??
In fact I think I'd be more creeped out by someone doing that than I would them tracing me through FB.

Posted (edited)

This is my opinion, Iv'e got female friends who this has happened to and it really creeped them out, it gives of vibes of cyber stalking.  It really sets out the wrong vibes.

That and as mentioned you really shouldn't combine business and kink together, way too many things can go wrong.  I personally keep my kink and vanilla side well apart, iv'e seen things go thermo nuclear when things go wrong, you put yourself and friendships at risk.


Edited by smeagol
spelling, im too fast on the keyboard.
Having a nice conversation doesn’t mean the other person is interested. However, is this is really important for you, is better to try, the worst thing that can happen is you being blocked. And then you can at least say you tried and didn’t work instead keeping it to yourself
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